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JabRef and Open Source Development Dr. Oliver Kopp Chairman JabRef e.V. Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors | Emerging Technologies Month | Professional Development Event 2022-05-20

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2 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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3 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 JabRef as Open Source project JabRef Demonstration Background: LaTeX and BibTeX Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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4 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 JabRef as Open Source project JabRef Demonstration Background: LaTeX and BibTeX Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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5 LaTeX and BibTeX as tooling for researchers .tex file TeXStudio as editor (others are possible) .bib file Scientific text References JabRef as editor (others are possible)

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6 LaTeX Compilation (simplified with focus on BibTeX) .tex file .bib file .bst file bibtex .bbl file pdftex .pdf file (specifies how each BibTeX entry should converted to LaTeX) @Article{Binz2009, author = {Tobias Binz and Gerd Breiter and Frank Leymann and Thomas Spatzier}, journal = {IEEE Internet Computing}, title = {{Portable Cloud Services Using TOSCA}}, year = {2012}, issn = {1089-7801}, month = may, number = {03}, pages = {80--85}, volume = {16}, doi = {10.1109/mic.2012.43}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, }

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7 Example Result – and Challenges  How to find related work?  Externally (in the internet)  Internally (in the .bib file)  How to include related work in the paper?  How to ensure that the list of related work has the correct information?

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8 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 JabRef as Open Source project JabRef Demonstration Background: LaTeX and BibTeX Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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9 Demonstration: JabRef as BibTeX-based Literature Management Tool .tex file TeXStudio as editor (others are possible) .bib file Scientific text references JabRef as editor (others are possible)

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10 JabRef’s Main Features  Collect  Online Search  PDF Files  Organize  Grouping  Fixing of data  Cite  BibTeX  Cite-as-you- write  Share  .bib in git

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11 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 JabRef as Open Source project JabRef Demonstration Background: LaTeX and BibTeX Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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12 History of JabRef – Commits It all started 2003: Morten Alver und Nizar Batada I joined in the project PhD students of University of Bamberg joined; move from sourceforge to GitHub Start of non-profit organization “JabRef e.V.” Student project at University of Stuttgart 2014

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13 JabRef Open Source State as of 2022-05-19  2,581 GitHub Stars  17,115 Commits  48 Releases  431 Contributors (2018: 140 Contributors)  5193 closed pull requests  3286 closed issues  10 main developers (as freetime project)  ~ 50,000 lines of code, ~41% test coverage Source:

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14 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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15 Why is JabRef open source?  Background: Open sourcing is a licensing model of a software  Free redistribution [1]  Source code availability [1]  Mass adoption  Faster development speed by enabling others to contribute  Offer students a fun project giving something back to the whole student community [1] Open Source Initiative: Open Source Definition

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16 Maintainers (mainly) do their open source work because of impact Background: first-ever survey of open source maintainers; 2021; 400 responses [1]  46% of open-source project maintainers are not paid at all The top three reasons maintainers enjoy their work are  “Making a positive impact on the world” (71%),  “Allowing me to fulfill a need for creative, challenging, and/or enjoyable work” (63%)  “Getting to work on projects that matter to me” (59%) [1]

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17 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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18 JabRef as Software Engineering Education Object  Observation  Teaching Programming starts with simple projects  Teaching continues with “large” projects  Missing: Medium-sized project with “simple” functionality  Aim of JabRef as project  High-quality student education due to real-world tooling and real-world code base  Sustainability of student works: No more thrown-away solved exercises: They now are incorporated in a real-world product  Free universities to provision infrastructure  Offer a point to get visibility for both students and research groups

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19 Make Code Reviews Explicit as Required Steps

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20 GenderMag method to fix gender-inclusiveness “bugs”  The core of the GenderMag Method is a gender-specialized cognitive walkthrough  GenderMag Personas:  “representatives” of a range of users, but only…  …from the perspective of 5 cognitive facets [simplified]:  Motivations: learning when needing to vs. exploration of new things  Computer self-efficacy  Risk averseness with tech: exploring new vs. following new paths  Information processing style: Acting upon the first option vs. depth first vs. understanding the whole problem  Tech learning style (tinkering): By Process or by Tinkering More information: Abi Pat Tim

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21 Example of a GenderMag recommendation Source:

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22 Contribution page on JabRef

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23 Lack of social interaction as main obstacle for newcomers Source: I. Steinmacher et al: “A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects” – DOI:10.1016/j.infsof.2014.11.001

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24 Q&A 4 Attracting and Managing Contributions on JabRef 3 On Open Source Development 2 Overview on JabRef 1 Agenda

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25 Q&A: JabRef as Leading BibTeX-based Literature Management Tool  Collect  Online Search  PDF Files  Organize  Grouping  Fixing of data  Cite  BibTeX  Cite-as-you- write  Share  .bib in git