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@tyler_treat Distributed Systems Are a
 UX Problem Tyler Treat / O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference / October 30, 2018

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@tyler_treat Tyler Treat
 [email protected]

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@tyler_treat I like distributed systems.

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@tyler_treat Disclaimer:
 I know approximately nothing about UX…

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@tyler_treat …other than when I’m the user, I know when my experience is good and when it’s bad.

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@tyler_treat UX

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@tyler_treat UX Systems

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@tyler_treat UX Systems

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@tyler_treat UX Systems Business

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@tyler_treat UX Systems Business This

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@tyler_treat The Yin and Yang of UX and Architecture

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@tyler_treat Monolith

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@tyler_treat Monolith

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@tyler_treat Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Serv Service

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@tyler_treat Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Serv Service

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@tyler_treat Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Serv Service

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@tyler_treat Implications

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@tyler_treat book trip Trip Service Trip Database transaction Good old days

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction ACID ACID ACID

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@tyler_treat UX Implications of Microservices • Data consistency

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@tyler_treat Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Serv Service

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@tyler_treat Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Serv Service

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@tyler_treat UX Implications of Microservices • Data consistency • Race conditions

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@tyler_treat UX Implications of Microservices • Data consistency • Race conditions • Performance

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction

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@tyler_treat UX Implications of Microservices • Data consistency • Race conditions • Performance • Partial failure

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@tyler_treat So are microservices bad?

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@tyler_treat Microservices are about
 people scale.

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@tyler_treat Transparency

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@tyler_treat A Study of Transparency and Adaptability of Heterogeneous Computer Networks with TCP/IP and IPv6 Protocols
 Das, 2012 “Any change in a computing system, such as a new feature or new component, is transparent if the system after change adheres to previous external interface as much as possible while changing its internal behavior.”

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@tyler_treat System

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@tyler_treat System

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@tyler_treat High Transparency Low Transparency

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@tyler_treat NFS High Transparency Low Transparency

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@tyler_treat NFS FTP High Transparency Low Transparency

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@tyler_treat Types of Transparencies Access transparency Location transparency Migration transparency Relocation transparency Replication transparency Concurrent transparency Failure transparency Persistence transparency Security transparency

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@tyler_treat Transparency is about usability.

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@tyler_treat Usability Control

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@tyler_treat Usability Control

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@tyler_treat Usability Control

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@tyler_treat Simplicity Flexibility, Performance,
 Correctness RPC

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@tyler_treat Simplicity Flexibility, Performance,
 Correctness Erlang Message Passing

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@tyler_treat RPC Erlang
 Message Passing High Transparency Low Transparency

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@tyler_treat Translating UX for developers: APIs

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@tyler_treat Transparencies simplify the API of a system.

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@tyler_treat UX is about deciding what knobs to expose.

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@tyler_treat The Truth is Prohibitively Expensive Balancing Consistency and UX

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@tyler_treat book trip Trip Service Trip Database transaction Good old days

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@tyler_treat book trip Trip Service Trip Database transaction Good old days Transparency

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction Transparency

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@tyler_treat book trip Microservices Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction ACID ACID ACID Transparency

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@tyler_treat Spreadsheet service

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@tyler_treat Spreadsheet service Document service

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@tyler_treat Spreadsheet service Document service Presentation service

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@tyler_treat Spreadsheet service Document service Presentation service IAM service

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@tyler_treat Spreadsheet service Document service Presentation service IAM service consistent

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@tyler_treat Consistency is about ordering of events in a distributed system.

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@tyler_treat Why is this hard?

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@tyler_treat So what can we do?

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@tyler_treat Coordinate

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@tyler_treat Two-Phase Commit

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Prepare Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service propose propose propose

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Prepare Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service vote vote vote

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Commit Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service commit/abort commit/abort commit/abort

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Commit Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service done done done

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@tyler_treat Problems with 2PC • Chatty protocol: beholden to network latency • Limited throughput • Transaction coordinator: single point of failure • Blocking protocol: susceptible to deadlock

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Prepare Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service propose propose propose

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Prepare Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service propose propose propose

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@tyler_treat book trip 2PC Prepare Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service propose propose propose

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@tyler_treat Add more phases!

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@tyler_treat Three-Phase Commit

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@tyler_treat atomic clocks NTP GPS TrueTime

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@tyler_treat Good news:
 we solved physics.

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@tyler_treat Bad news:
 it costs all the money.

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@tyler_treat Not exactly…

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@tyler_treat Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database
 Corbett et al.

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@tyler_treat TrueTime forces that uncertainty to the surface, and Spanner provides a transparency over it.

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@tyler_treat Spanner doesn’t avoid trade-offs, it just minimizes their probability.

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@tyler_treat Spanner is expensive and proprietary.

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@tyler_treat But it’s not the end of the story…

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@tyler_treat Unless every service is backed by the same database, you probably still have to deal with consistency problems.

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@tyler_treat Challenges to Adopting Stronger Consistency at Scale
 Ajoux et al., 2015 “The biggest barrier to providing stronger consistency guarantees…is that the consistency mechanism must integrate consistency across many stateful services.”

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@tyler_treat Coordination is expensive because processes can’t make progress independently.

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@tyler_treat Peter Bailis, 2015

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@tyler_treat And what about partial failure?

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@tyler_treat Memories, Guesses, and Apologies Dealing with Partial Knowledge

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@tyler_treat The cost of knowing the “truth” can be prohibitively expensive.

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@tyler_treat And partial failure means the “truth” is also fragile.

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@tyler_treat Where does this leave us?

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@tyler_treat We could go back to the monolith.

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@tyler_treat We could build expensive data centers with fancy hardware… @tyler_treat

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@tyler_treat …or we could rethink our transparencies.

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@tyler_treat @tyler_treat

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@tyler_treat Gregor Hohpe, 2005

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@tyler_treat Gregor Hohpe, 2005

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@tyler_treat Gregor Hohpe, 2005

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@tyler_treat Gregor Hohpe, 2005

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@tyler_treat Exception Handling in Asynchronous Systems

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@tyler_treat Exception Handling in Asynchronous Systems • Write-off

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@tyler_treat Exception Handling in Asynchronous Systems • Write-off • Retry

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@tyler_treat Exception Handling in Asynchronous Systems • Write-off • Retry • Compensating action

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@tyler_treat Revisiting Two-Phase Commit

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@tyler_treat Sagas

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@tyler_treat Sagas
 Garcia-Molina & Salem, 1987 “A long-lived transaction is a saga if it can be written as a sequence of transactions that can be interleaved with other transactions…Either all the transactions in a saga are successfully completed or compensating transactions are run to amend a partial execution.”

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@tyler_treat Sagas
 Garcia-Molina & Salem, 1987 “A long-lived transaction is a saga if it can be written as a sequence of transactions that can be interleaved with other transactions…Either all the transactions in a saga are successfully completed or compensating transactions are run to amend a partial execution.”

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@tyler_treat Sagas split long-lived transactions into individual, interleaved sub-transactions: T = T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn

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@tyler_treat And each sub-transaction has a compensating transaction: C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn

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@tyler_treat T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn T1 , T2 , . . . , Tj , Cj , . . . , C2 , C1 Sagas guarantee one of two execution sequences:

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@tyler_treat book trip Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction

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@tyler_treat • Book flight • Book hotel • Book car • Charge money T = T1 , T2 , . . . , Tn

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@tyler_treat • Cancel flight • Cancel hotel • Cancel car • Refund money C1 , C2 , . . . , Cn

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@tyler_treat Compensating transactions must be idempotent.

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@tyler_treat Sagas trade off isolation for availability.

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@tyler_treat Event-Driven

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@tyler_treat book trip Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service transaction transaction transaction

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@tyler_treat event Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service event event event

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@tyler_treat event Airline Service Hotel Service Car Service Trip Service event event event

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@tyler_treat System Properties Business Rules

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@tyler_treat Sean T. Allen “People don’t want distributed transactions, they just want the guarantees that distributed transactions give them.”

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@tyler_treat CAP theorem

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@tyler_treat CAP Theorem • Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance • When a partition occurs, do we: • Choose availability and give up consistency?
 - or - • Choose consistency and give up availability?

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@tyler_treat CAP Theorem • Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance • When a partition occurs, do we: • Choose availability and give up consistency?
 - or - • Choose consistency and give up availability? (or YOLO it)

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@tyler_treat The CAP theorem is a UX question…

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@tyler_treat When a partial failure occurs, how do you want the application to behave?

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@tyler_treat We can choose consistency and sacrifice availability…

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@tyler_treat …or we can choose availability by making local decisions with the knowledge at hand and designing the UX accordingly.

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@tyler_treat Managing partial failure is a matter of dealing with partial knowledge…

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@tyler_treat …and managing risk.

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@tyler_treat Check value
 < $10,000? Our risk appetite can drive business rules. Clear locally Double check with
 all replicas before
 clearing yes no

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@tyler_treat Memories, guesses, and apologies

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@tyler_treat Computers operate with partial knowledge.

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@tyler_treat Either there’s a disconnect with the “real world”…

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@tyler_treat …or there’s a disconnect between systems.

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@tyler_treat Systems don’t make decisions, they make guesses.

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@tyler_treat Systems have memory.

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@tyler_treat Memories help systems make better guesses in the future.

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@tyler_treat Forgetfulness is a business decision.

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@tyler_treat Sometimes the system guesses wrong.

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@tyler_treat Systems need the capacity to apologize.

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@tyler_treat Customers judge you not by your failures, but by how you handle your failures.

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@tyler_treat Are you building systems that never fail or systems that fail gracefully?

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@tyler_treat Businesses need both code and people to manage apologies.

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@tyler_treat It becomes less about trying to build the perfect system and more about how we cope with an imperfect one.

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@tyler_treat Wrapping Up Summary and Observations

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@tyler_treat @tyler_treat

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@tyler_treat ACID distributed transactions exactly-once delivery ordered delivery serializable isolation linearizability System Properties

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@tyler_treat ACID distributed transactions exactly-once delivery ordered delivery serializable isolation linearizability System Properties negative account balance Business Rules / Application Invariants two users sharing same ID room double-booked balance reconciles

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@tyler_treat We put ourselves at the mercy of our infrastructure and hope it makes good on its promises.

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@tyler_treat Kyle Kingsbury, 2015 It often doesn’t.

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@tyler_treat When do we actually need consistency?

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@tyler_treat We can use consistency when the stakes are high and the cost is worth it.

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@tyler_treat And design our transparencies accordingly.

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@tyler_treat We could try to build perfect systems.

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@tyler_treat Should we build perfect systems or pragmatic systems?

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@tyler_treat Systems that can compensate.

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@tyler_treat Systems that can recover.

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@tyler_treat Systems that can apologize.

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@tyler_treat UX Systems Business

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@tyler_treat Data Consistency Race Conditions Performance Partial Failure

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@tyler_treat Data Consistency Race Conditions Performance Partial Failure Transparency Informs

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@tyler_treat Thank You

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@tyler_treat References • • • • • • • • • • • Starbucks photo - • Friction image - • Carbon copy forms - • Rosetta Stone photo -