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Grafana Alloy Best Practice

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Eric Huang LINE Taiwan / SRE 2021 : E-SUN bank 2022 : LINE Taiwan Kubernetes, Rust, eBPF 2 titaneric chen-yi-huang

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01 Introduction

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• Collect metrics from client side & browser • Monitor web application performance • Discover error • Track user behavior (session) Real User Monitoring (RUM) Source: Web Vitals, User-centric performance metrics, Grafana Faro OSS 4

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(Distributed) Tracing Source: Observability primer | OpenTelemetry 5 • Represent the full journey of request though distributed environment • Improve the visibility of the app • Diagnose the source of error

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(Distributed) Tracing 6 Source: COSCUP 2024

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“Alloy is a flexible, high performance, vendor- neutral distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector” Key features: • Custom components • Chained components • Debugging utilities Adopt faro.receiver component with Faro SDK Grafana Alloy Source: Grafana Alloy | Grafana Alloy documentation 7

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“Grafana Faro includes a highly configurable web SDK for real user monitoring that instruments browser frontend applications to capture observability signals.” Key features: • Monitoring applications performance • Captures errors, logs, user activity • Instrument performance and observe full stack Grafana Faro Web SDK Source: Grafana Faro OSS | Web SDK for real user monitoring (RUM) 9

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02 Results

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End-to-End Tracing Spans include: • frontend app (nextjs) • ingress controller (traefik) • web framework (flask) • http client library (requests) 12

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RUM dashboards official RUM dashboard: Loki datasource 13

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RUM dashboards improved RUM dashboard: Prometheus datasource 14

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Session/Trace Explore 15

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Session Detail 16

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03 Present Architecture

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Technology stack 18 Infra managed by JP, KR Serve managed by TW SRE

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Architecture (User) 19

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Architecture (SRE) 20

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How to design? 04

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Requirements Must have: • Adopt present observability platform • Easy to deploy alloy service automatically • Control traffic load sent from real user Nice to have: • Easy application for new tenant • Slack workflow • Sample code for SSR and CSR app • Nextjs based sample app 22

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Alloy Architecture (User) 23

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Alloy Architecture (SRE) 24

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Why? • Adopt gateway instead of individual ingress for each cluster? • Unified traffic control by SRE • Decouple the business logic and telemetry traffic • Easy deployment for alloy • Cut down the Security Review procedure 25

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Why? • Choose Contour instead of Traefik, or other ingress controller? • Contour is more performant and less memory consumption • Envoy Gateway is considered, but k8s version is not compatible 26

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• Handle incoming large amount of traffic • Load test and tuning for Contour and Alloy • 3 levels of protections 1. Client side sampling 2. Contour rate limit 3. Grafana Alloy rate limit • Increasing load from Loki and Tempo • Continuously tuning for Loki and Tempo • Individual rate limit for each tenant Challenges Load Test Report: Alloy: 1500 RPS (1 core, 1Gi) Envoy: 10000 connection (3 core, 1Gi) 27

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• Web vitals is stored in Loki instead of Prometheus • Adopt Loki Rulers to ingest Loki query result into Prometheus • Faster loading for real user monitoring dashboard • Constrained trace propagation in present architecture • Upgrade or update the trace propagation in the intermediate • Block trace propagation header from API gateway • Add allowed list for trace context header (e.g., TraceParent, Uber-Trace-Id) Challenges 28

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Challenges 29 Source: DevOpsDays Taipei 2024 Source: DevOpsDays Taipei 2023

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Future work 05

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• Upgrade Traefik to v3.0 to adopt OpenTelemetry • Resolve the issue of unbalanced requests to OTEL collector • Zero-code instrumentation by eBPF (e.g., Grafana Beyla) • Continuously tuning for Tempo, Loki, and Alloy 31

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Q&A 06