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Ruby 3 JIT's roadmap RubyConf China 2020 Takashi Kokubun / @k0kubun

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Self introduction • GitHub, Twitter: @k0kubun • Treasure Data, Inc. • Ruby committer • JIT: 2017~2020

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GitHub Sponsors - Thank you!

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Agenda 1. What can Ruby's JIT do? 2. Ruby 3 JIT's roadmap 3. Recent progress in Ruby 3 4. Current challenges

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1. What can Ruby's JIT do?

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What we can do with Ruby's JIT • Optimize Ruby methods to native code for hot spots • Eliminate VM interpretation cost: SP / PC • Optimize based on what C compiler can know • Ruby VM-specific optimizations we implemented

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What we CAN'T do with Ruby's JIT • Optimize a short-running program • JIT needs time to optimize many methods • Things may be slower while a C compiler is running • Optimization based on native code generated by C compiler • Deoptimization based on native insn pointer / stack pointer

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Use case: Obviate micro optimizations 4MPXFS 'BTUFS

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Use case: Obviate micro optimizations

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Use case: Obviate micro optimizations OVN[FSP OVN JUFSBUJPOTFD 3VCZ 7. +*5

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2. Ruby 3 JIT's roadmap

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Ruby JIT's goals • Optcarrot: 3x faster than Ruby 2.0 • Sinatra, Rails: 10% throughput increase vs VM

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mame/optcarrot 3VCZ 3VCZ 3VCZ GSBNFTTFD 7. +*5

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benchmark-driver/sinatra 3VCZ 3VCZ 3VCZ SFRVFTUTTFD 7. +*5

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k0kubun/railsbench 3VCZ 3VCZ 3VCZ SFRVFTUTTFD 7. +*5

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What should we do? • Current status: • Programs like Optcarrot run faster • Sinatra, Rails are still slightly slower than no-JIT mode • Let’s take a look at each of major Ruby features and JIT core

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Ruby 3 JIT's roadmap 1. Variables / Constants 2. Method inlining 3. Constant folding 4. Object allocation 5. Deoptimization 6. Scalability

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1. Variables / Constants • Local variables: ⚠ • Instance variables: ✅ • Global variables: ❌ • Constants: ❌

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2. Method inlining • Ruby method: ✅ • C method: ✅ • super: ⚠ • yield: ⚠

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3. Constant folding • VM-optimized instructions: ⚠ • C method: ⚠

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4. Object allocation • Stack allocation: ⚠ • Static allocation: ❌

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5. Deoptimization • Reduce safepoints: ✅ • Zero-cost deoptimization: ❌

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6. Scalability • Single-page code: ✅ • Code size reduction: ⚠ • JIT dispatch cost: ⚠

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3. Recent progress in Ruby 3

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Decrease ICache misses • ICache: Instruction Cache • Sinatra / Rails spends a lot of time on ICache misses • And the amount is increased by JIT

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• VTune: VM, JIT VTune: mame/optcarrot - VM

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• VTune: VM, JIT VTune: mame/optcarrot - JIT

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VTune: benchmark-driver/sinatra - VM

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VTune: benchmark-driver/sinatra - JIT

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Decrease ICache misses • We implemented: • Deduplication of the same code • Hot / cold partitioning

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Decrease ICache misses

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Merge type checks on ivar access • Instance variable index is class-specific • We can check class only once per method

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Merge type checks on ivar access 3VCZ 3VCZ GSBNFTTFD 7. +*5

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Inline C method call • Inlining C method had been hard because of: • Difficulty of detecting whether it’s safe to omit a call frame or not • Lots of indirection between method call and actual C function

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Inline C method call • We introduced a new type of method definition in CRuby core, called “builtin method”

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Inline C method call • We also added a way to “annotate” a C function in “builtin method” • Now we can say it’s safe to inline a C function

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Inline C method call ,FSOFMDMBTT JT 7. +*5 +*5 JOMJOJOH 1.7x 1.3x

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Inline C method call YJT'JYOVN

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4. Current challenges

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Allow exception on "inline" method • A method which raises an exception can't have “inline" • But many methods raise: • TypeError • NoMemoryError • We could lazily update backtrace and others?

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Optimize VM -> JIT call • VM -> JIT call is slower than VM -> VM call • We might be able to offset icache miss's slowness by this • Prepare a fastpath / VM insn specialized for JIT call

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Optimize VM -> JIT call def foo3 nil end def foo2 nil end def foo1 nil end Time to call a method returning nil (ns) 0 8 16 24 32 Number of called methods 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 VM JIT

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Improve inlining decision • Rails has polymorphic methods • If inlined by a specific caller, class can be specific for each caller

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Improve inlining decision

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… and many more things in the roadmap • Inline `super` and `yield` • Optimize local variables • Optimize constants • …

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Summary • We reviewed Ruby 3 JIT's roadmap and what we've implemented. • While it's not useful for Rails yet, we've had progress towards that.