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@yourtwitter What's coming to Angular version 9 NG Bolivia

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@mgechev Annual Angular Conferences

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ngAtlanta ! ngIndia " Angular NL # ng-conf ! ngVikings $ Angular Day % Angular in Depth & ngDenver ! NG-MY ' ng-japan ( NG-DE ) ng-SriLanka * Angular Connect + ngSpain , NGRome % NG Honduras - ngTaiwan . ngTalks & NG-BE / ngBolivia 0 AngularMix ! ngPoland 1 AngularUP 2 ngChina 3

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ngAtlanta ! ngIndia " Angular NL # ng-conf ! ngVikings $ Angular Day % Angular in Depth & ngDenver ! NG-MY ' ng-japan ( NG-DE ) ng-SriLanka * Angular Connect + ngSpain , NGRome % NG Honduras - ngTaiwan . ngTalks & NG-BE / ngBolivia 0 AngularMix ! ngPoland 1 AngularUP 2 ngChina 3

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@mgechev Over 780 Angular Meetups Worldwide

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@mgechev How to contribute?

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@yourtwitter @mgechev ● Organize a meetup ● Help with the docs ● Write a blog post ● Help on StackOverflow ● Answer questions on gitter ● Introduce a bug fix ● … Ways to contribute

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@mgechev What’s new in version 8

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What’s new in version 8.3 redesign of the default app ng deploy faster builds

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What’s new in version 8.3 redesign of the default app ng deploy faster builds

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What’s new in version 8.3 redesign of the default app ng deploy faster builds

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@angular/fire @azure/ng-deploy @zeit/ng-deploy angular-cli-ghpages @netlify-builder/deploy

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@mgechev Your favorite platform not in the list?

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@mgechev @JohannesHoppe

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What’s new in version 8.3 redesign of the default app ng deploy faster builds

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@mgechev Now let’s talk about the future

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@yourtwitter @mgechev Ivy ● Simpler debugging ● Lower memory usage ● Faster tests ● Smaller ● Faster compilation ● Improved type checking ● Backwards compatible

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@mgechev Planning to release Ivy in version 9

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@mgechev Planning to release Ivy in version 9

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Faster tests -38% Framework unit tests time -80% Material unit tests time

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Lower memory requirements -30% Framework unit tests memory -91% Material unit tests memory

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@mgechev Tree-shakability Runtime Generated code Triangle of the bundle size

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@mgechev Tree-shakability Runtime Generated code Triangle of the bundle size

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@mgechev Tree-shakability Runtime Generated code Triangle of the bundle size

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@mgechev Tree-shakability Runtime Generated code Triangle of the bundle size

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@mgechev Try version 9 today! npm i -g @angular/cli@next

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@yourtwitter ng new my-app Angular CLI 9.0.0-next.0 - Ivy by default!

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@mgechev Some technical details

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@mgechev VE @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ' ...' }) class AppComponent { ... } app.ngfactory.js app.ngsummary.json app.metadata.json app.component.js app.component.d.ts

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@mgechev VE @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ' ...' }) class AppComponent { ... } app.ngfactory.js app.ngsummary.json app.metadata.json app.component.js app.component.d.ts

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@mgechev Ivy @Component({ selector: 'app', template: ' ...' }) class AppComponent { ... } app.component.js app.component.d.ts

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@mgechev Don’t worry about any of this the Angular CLI will take care of everything

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Build like Google

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@yourtwitter @mgechev Benefits of Bazel ● Incremental builds ● Sharing cache between team & CI ● Full-stack support ● Scale on the cloud

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Few Bazel users Google Lucidchart LogiOcean Evertz Microsystems …

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Speed improvements for Angular’s CI build 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Before RBE After RBE

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@yourtwitter npm i -g @angular/bazel
 ng new my-app --collection=@angular/bazel Try Bazel in version 8

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@mgechev Should I learn Bazel?

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@yourtwitter @mgechev Should I learn Bazel? ● You don’t need Bazel to use Angular ● It’s worth it to understand Bazel ● Teaches good practices ● Skill you can reuse across technologies

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@yourtwitter @mgechev Recap ● Thankful to the amazing community ● Angular CLI 8.3 ● Redesign of the ng new app ● ng deploy ● Planning Ivy for version 9 ● Check out Bazel for builds at scale

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@mgechev Thank you!