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Ӝ໺ ݚʢ๺ւֶԂେֶʣ email: [email protected] ؔ੢ֶӃେֶେֶӃ ݴޠίϛϡχέʔγϣϯจԽֶձ 2017೥6݄10೔ λεΫɾϕʔεͷݴޠࢦಋ ―ͦͷ͘͠ΈͱԠ༻Մೳੑ―

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔ͜ͱ ͦΕΛ౷߹ͯ͠࢖͑ΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ͜ͱ Ϊϟοϓ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳͷशಘʢ࿅शʣΑΓ΋ ͱΓ͋͑ͣʮ΍ͬͯΈΔʯ͜ͱΛ௨ͯ͠ ౷߹తͳεΩϧΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔֶश λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ ҝ͢͜ͱʹΑֶͬͯͿʢlearning by doingʣ ೔ৗੜ׆ɾֶߍڭҭͰ΋Α͘ݟΒΕΔֶशɾࢦಋ๏

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… λεΫɾϕʔεͷֶश ʢtask-based learningʣ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ࠷ऴ౸ୡ໨ඪʢΰʔϧʣ͕ߴ౓Ͱ͋Ε͹… ݸʑͷ஌ࣝ΍ٕೳΛ਎ʹ͚ͭΔ͜ͱ ͦΕΛ஁্͑͛Δ͜ͱʹҙ͕ٛ͋Δ

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… ͜Ͳ΋ͷࣗసं࿅श vs ΦϦϯϐοΫΛ໨ࢦ͢৔߹

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ຊ୊ʹೖΔલʹ… Իָͷतۀ vs ԻָՈΛ໨ࢦ͢৔߹

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λεΫͱ͸… I define it [task] as a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. Thus, examples of tasks include painting a fence, dressing a child, borrowing a library book, taking a driving test, typing a letter, weighing a patient, sorting letters, taking a hotel reservation, writing a cheque, finding a street destination and helping someone across a road. In other words, by "task" is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at work, at play, and in between. "Tasks" are the things people will tell you they do if you ask them and they are not applied linguists. (Long, 1985, p. 89)

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ݴޠڭҭʹ͓͚ΔλεΫ A task is a workplan that requires learners to process language pragmatically in order to achieve an outcome that can be evaluated in terms of whether the correct or appropriate propositional content has been conveyed. (Ellis, 2003, p. 16)

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ݴޠڭҭʹ͓͚ΔλεΫ λεΫͷ৚݅ 1. ҙຯͷ΍ΓऔΓ 2. Ϊϟοϓ 3. ݱ༗Ϧιʔεͷࣗ༝ͳ׆༻ 4. ੒Ռ (Ellis & Shintani, 2014)

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λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε 1. χʔζ෼ੳʹΑΔ໨ඪλεΫͷܾఆ 2. ໨ඪλεΫͷ෼ྨͱ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓͷܾఆ 3. ೉қ౓ʢෳࡶ͞ʣΛௐ੔ͨ͠ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ࡞੒ 4. ڭҭ༻λεΫͷ഑ྻ (Long, 2005, 2015)

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໨ඪλεΫʢTarget Tasksʣ • ࣮ࡍʹֶशऀ͕ૺ۰͢ΔʢͰ͋Ζ͏ʣݴޠ࢖༻ͷ࣮ྫ • χʔζ෼ੳʹΑͬͯΈ͚ͭΔ • ͦͷ··Ͱ͸೉ֶ͗ͯ͢͠शऀ͸औΓ૊Ίͳ͍

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• ࣮ࡍͷ໨ඪλεΫΛந৅Խ͠෼ྨͨ͠΋ͷ ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓʢTarget Task Typesʣ

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ڭҭ༻λεΫʢPedagogic Tasksʣ • ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓʹج͍ͮͯɿ • ࡉ෼Խͨ͠αϒλεΫʹͨ͠΋ͷ • ෳࡶ͞Λௐ੔ͨ͠΋ͷ • εΩʔϚΛܗ੒͢ΔͨΊͷϓϨλεΫΛؚΉ • ਫ਼៛Խ౳ͰΠϯϓοτΛௐ੔ͨ͠΋ͷ

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λεΫͷ഑ྻʢTask Sequencingʣ • ෳ਺༻ҙͨ͠ڭҭ༻λεΫΛɺ୯७ͳ΋ͷ͔Βෳࡶ ͳ΋ͷ΁ͱ഑ྻ͢Δ

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ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ • ໨ඪλεΫʢͷҰ෦ʣɿ • ே৯ɺன৯ɺ༦৯ɺҿ෺ɺܰ৯ͷఏڙ… • ٹ໋಑ҥͷ֬ೝɺۓٸ༻ҩྍػثͷ֬ೝ… • ্ͷ୨ͷ҆શ֬ೝɺ଍ݩͷՙ෺ͷऩೲ֬ೝɺ৐٬ ͕ਖ਼͍͠࠲੮ʹ͍͍ͭͯΔ͔ͷ֬ೝ…

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• ໨ඪλεΫλΠϓɿ • ҿ৯෺ͷఏڙ • ҆શػثͷ֬ೝ • ཭཮४උ ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ

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ࣄྫ̍ɿ٬ࣨ৐຿һʢLong, 2015ʣ • ʮҿ৯෺ͷఏڙʯͷڭҭ༻λεΫɿ 1. ৐٬ͱͯ͠ମݧ͢ΔʢΠϯϓοτʣ 2. 2छͷྉཧͷ஫จΛͱΔ 3. 3छҎ্ͷྉཧͷ஫จΛͱΔ 4. Ұ෦ྉཧ͕඼੾Εͷঢ়ଶͰ஫จΛͱΔ . . . n. ׬શͳγϛϡϨʔγϣϯ

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ಛఆ໨తͷͨΊͷӳޠʢESPʣ • English for Specific Purposes • ಉ͡໨ඪΛֶ࣋ͬͨशऀΛର৅ʹͨ͠ӳޠڭҭ • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) • English for Occupational Purposes • English for Business Purposes • English for Medical Purposes • …

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ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃ (West, 1994) 1. ґڌ͢Δཧ࿦ͷબ୒ 2. χʔζ෼ੳ 3. ݴޠԽ 4. ίʔεσβΠϯ 5. ίʔε࡞੒ 6. ࣮ફ

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ධՁ ଌఆ ίʔε σβΠϯ ڭत ֶश (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998) χʔζ ෼ੳ ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃ

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In an era of shrinking resources, there are growing demands for accountability in public life, with education a particularly urgent case and foreign language education a prime example within it…. There is an urgent need for courses of all kinds to be relevant… to the needs of specific groups of learners and of society at large. (Long, 2005, p. 19) ESP ͱχʔζ෼ੳ

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χʔζ෼ੳͷ৘ใݯ • ֶशঢ়گ෼ੳɿLearning situation analysis (LSA) • ֶशऀͷҙݟɾཁ๬Λௐࠪ͢Δ • ໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳɿTarget situation analysis (TSA) • ֶशऀ͕ݴޠ࢖༻Λߦ͏ʢ༧ఆͷʣ৔໘Λௐࠪ͢Δ • ݱঢ়෼ੳɿPresent situation analysis (PSA) • LSAɺTSA ͱൺֱͯ͠ݱঢ়Λ෼ੳ͢Δ

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໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳʢTSAʣ • ࣮ࡍͷχʔζʹҰ൪͍ۙ • ৘ใݯɿ • ࣮ࡍʹͦͷ৔໘ͰӳޠΛ࢖͍ͬͯΔਓ • ͦͷྖҬͷઐ໳Ո • ؔ࿈จॻ • ໨ඪσΟείʔε

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໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳ 1. ໨ඪσΟείʔεͷಛఆ • “Where will the students use English?” 2. ໨ඪσΟείʔεͷऩू • “What do they actually do there?” 3. ऩूͨ͠໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ෼ੳ • “Are there any patterns?”

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• ࢢൢڭࡐͱ࣮ࡍͷσΟείʔεͱͷဃ཭ • Bartlett (2005) • ίʔώʔγϣοϓͰͷσΟείʔεΛऩू͠ɺ
 ࢢൢڭࡐͷσΟείʔεͱൺֱͨ͠ ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳͷॏཁੑ

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Wait person Customer Are you ready to order? Yes. Could I have (choose an entreé)? What kind of potatoes would you like? Let me see. I’d like… And would you like peas or asparagus? May I have…? Would you like Italian or French dressing with your salad? Could I have…? What would you like for dessert? What do you have? … … ࢢൢڭࡐதͷσΟείʔεྫ (Bartlett, 2005, p. 331)

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1 S: Hi. Can I help you? 2 C: Can I get a grande latte with vanilla? 3 S: Did you want that blended or on the rocks? 4 C: Blended, I guess. 5 S: 2% or skimmed? 6 C: Uhm 2%. 7 S: 2% OK. Any whipped cream? 8 C: Sorry? 9 S: Did you want whipped cream on that? 10 C: Yes. 11 S: Anything else? 12 C: No, that’s it. Oh no. Can I get—are those scones? 13 S: Yeah, we have cranberry and blueberry. 14 C: I think I’ll have one of those (pointing). … ऩूͨ͠యܕతσΟείʔε (Bartlett, 2005, p. 338)

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As witnessed during the researcher’s own language teaching experience and supported by previous target discourse analyses, many current textbook materials ill- equip learners to handle real-life discourse. The present analysis attempts to show that although natural interactions are somewhat complex and reveal variability, there is a predictable overall nature. (Bartlett, 2005, p. 338) ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳͷॏཁੑ

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• ໨ඪσΟείʔεΛऩू͠ɺpredictable overall nature Λநग़͢Δ • ͦΕΛ໨ඪλεΫͱ͠ɺ͔ͦ͜Β
 Ұ࿈ͷڭҭ༻λεΫΛ࡞੒͢Δ ໨ඪσΟείʔε෼ੳͷॏཁੑ

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͜͜·Ͱͷ·ͱΊ • λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε࡞੒͸χʔζ෼ੳ͔Β • ESP ΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃʹ͸χʔζ෼ੳ͕ෆՄܽ • ໨ඪঢ়گ෼ੳɺಛʹ໨ඪσΟείʔεऩू͕ॏཁ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ࢖͍ํ • Type 1: δϟϯϧ෼ੳΛߦ͍ɺ໨ඪσΟείʔεʹ
 ݟΒΕΔಛ௃Λԋ៷తʹࢦಋ͢Δʢྫ, ࣉ಺ଞ, 2010, pp. 11–12ʣ • Type 2: ֶशऀʹʢௐ੔͞Εͨʣ໨ඪσΟείʔεΛ ମݧͤ͞Δ͜ͱͰؼೲతʹֶशͤ͞Δʢྫ, TBLTʣ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷ࢖͍ํ • ݱࡏͷ ESP ݚڀɾ࣮ફͷଟ͘͸ Type 1 ͷࢦಋ๏Λ
 ࠾༻ʢಛʹ EAPɺͦͷதͰ΋ϥΠςΟϯάʹଟ͍ʣ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷԋ៷త࢖༻ • ໰୊఺̍ɿੵΈ্͛ܕͷशಘϞσϧʹґଘ͍ͯ͠Δ

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໨ඪσΟείʔεͷԋ៷త࢖༻ • ໰୊఺̎ɿԋ៷తͳࢦಋʹ޲͍ͨঢ়گɾֶशऀͱ
 ޲͔ͳ͍ঢ়گɾֶशऀ͕ଘࡏ͢ΔՄೳੑ͕͋Δ • ஌ࣝͷ໌ࣔత࢖༻͕ߦ͍ʹ͍͘෼໺ʢྫ, Ϧεχϯ άɾεϐʔΩϯάʣ • ݴޠೳྗͷͦΕ΄Ͳߴ͘ͳֶ͍शऀ • ෼ੳతͳݴޠֶश΁ͷదੑͷߴ͘ͳֶ͍शऀ

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• ߤۭେֶߍʹ͓͚ΔESPγϥόεσβΠϯ • ໨ඪλεΫɿ༷ʑͳঢ়گԼͷߤۭແઢӳޠΛཧղ ͢Δ ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ

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ஈ֊ λεΫ ڭࡐ 1A ௨ৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 1B ௨ৗ࣌ͷܭثඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 2A ௨ৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի 2B ௨ৗ࣌ͷܭثඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի 3A ඇৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքɾܭثඈߦ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի 3B ඇৗ࣌ͷ༗ࢹքɾܭثඈߦ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ

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ࣄྫ̎ɿߤۭӳޠʢೄా, 2012ʣ ෳࡶ͞ʢ೉қ౓ʣ ࢹք ঢ়گ ڭࡐ ߴ ܭثඈߦ ඇৗ࣌ ຊ෺ͷ࿥Ի ௿ ༗ࢹքඈߦ ௨ৗ࣌ ௐ੔͞Εͨ࿥Ի

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• ࡳຈͰҰ൪ݹ͘େ͖͍େֶ • 5ͭͷֶ෦ɿܦࡁɺ޻ɺ๏ɺਓจɺܦࡁ • ܦӦֶ෦ʹ͸ֶ෦ಠࣗͷӳޠڭҭϓϩάϥϜʢ૯߹࣮ ફӳޠɺϏδωεӳޠʣ͕͋Δ ࣄྫ̏ɿϏδωεӳޠʢӜ໺, ҹ࡮தʣ

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χʔζ෼ੳ ब৬ઌʢ஍Ҭʣ 6% 32% 11% 52% ࡳຈ ࡳຈҎ֎ͷ๺ւಓ ؔ౦ ͦͷଞ

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࢈ۀ 10.3 6.8 8.2 11 11.3 16.4 16.8 19.2 ۜߦɺۚ༥ αʔϏεۀ ӡ༌ɺ௨৴ ൢച Է ެ຿һ ੡଄ ͦͷଞ χʔζ෼ੳ

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• ӳޠ࢖༻ʹؔ͢Δχʔζʢ಺౻ଞ, 2007ʣ • ๺ւಓ಺ͷࣾձਓΛର৅ʹͨ͠ωοτௐࠪ • 2005೥ͷσʔλ (N = 1,085) • ʮ࢓ࣄͰͲͷఔ౓ӳޠΛ࢖͍·͔͢ʁʯ ʮຖ೔ʯ 4.7% ʮिʹ਺ճʯ 4.6% ʮ݄ʹ਺ճʯ 4.4% χʔζ෼ੳ

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• Α͘࢖ΘΕΔλεΫʢ಺౻ଞ, 2007ʣ Ϧεχϯά ސ٬ରԠ 30% ి࿩ 16% ΦϑΟεͰͷձ࿩ 13% εϐʔΩϯά ސ٬ରԠ 34% ి࿩ 16% ΦϑΟεͰͷձ࿩ 14% χʔζ෼ੳ

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ϦʔσΟϯά ΢ΣϒαΠτ 43% ϚχϡΞϧ 38% ిࢠϝʔϧ 34% ϥΠςΟϯά ిࢠϝʔϧ 34% ใࠂॻ 12% ࿦จ 9% χʔζ෼ੳ • Α͘࢖ΘΕΔλεΫʢ಺౻ଞ, 2007ʣ

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• ϏδωεϝʔϧΛςʔϚʹͨ͠ESPΫϥε • ໨ඪλεΫɿ༷ʑͳঢ়گԼͰద੾ͳӳจϏδωε
 ϝʔϧΛॻ͘ • ࢢൢڭࡐͱΦϦδφϧͳλεΫͷ૊Έ߹Θͤ ࣄྫ̏ɿϏδωεӳޠʢӜ໺, ҹ࡮தʣ

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Unit 01 Course introduction Unit 09 Responding to inquiries Unit 02 Basics of business email (1) Unit 10 Quotation Unit 03 Basics of business email (2) Unit 11 Order Unit 04 Thank you message Unit 12 Shipment Unit 05 Announcement Unit 13 Complaint Unit 06 Appointment Unit 14 Apology Unit 07 Request Unit 15 Course Summary Unit 08 Inquiry γϥόε

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Unit 01 Course introduction Unit 09 Responding to inquiries Unit 02 Basics of business email (1) Unit 10 Quotation Unit 03 Basics of business email (2) Unit 11 Order Unit 04 Thank you message Unit 12 Shipment Unit 05 Announcement Unit 13 Complaint Unit 06 Appointment Unit 14 Apology Unit 07 Request Unit 15 Course Summary Unit 08 Inquiry γϥόε λεΫ

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Unit 01 Course introduction Unit 09 Responding to inquiries Unit 02 Basics of business email (1) Unit 10 Quotation Unit 03 Basics of business email (2) Unit 11 Order Unit 04 Thank you message Unit 12 Shipment Unit 05 Announcement Unit 13 Complaint Unit 06 Appointment Unit 14 Apology Unit 07 Request Unit 15 Course Summary Unit 08 Inquiry Syllabus ෳࡶ͞௿ ෳࡶ͞ߴ

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σΟείʔεɾαϯϓϧ̍ʢ໨ඪσΟείʔεʣ Dear XXXX, Thank you very much answering my questions. It is always exciting to hear from you. Also, I'm sorry for my belated response. We had long holidays last week. I have several more question for you. 1. When you launch YYYY product in Vietnam, do you planning to sell YYYY through Web site also? If you are planning to sell YYYY through Web also, we would like to set up retail price of YYYY approximately the same level in Global market. 2. Is it possible to put health claim freely on the product label in Vietnam? If it is possible, that is great for us because our products are based on many scientific evidences.… Thank you very much for your assistance. If you have any questions, please let me know….

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σΟείʔεɾαϯϓϧ̎ʢڭՊॻʣ Dear Sales Manager: We import computer components in Japan. We are interested in your Product A, which was covered in an article in the April 2 issue of Business Week. If you ship your products abroad, please inform us of the formal order procedure. Thank you.

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ڭҭ༻λεΫ લճʹҾ͖ଓ͖ɺ͋ͳͨ͸γϯΨϙʔϧʹ͋ΔOrchard Food TradingͷࣾһͰ͢ɻઌ೔ Tokyo LiquorʹΧλϩάૹ෇Λґཔͨ͠ͱ͜Ζɺ͙͢ʹPDF൛ͷΧλϩά͕ఴ෇͞Εͨ ϝʔϧ͕ฦ͖ͬͯ·ͨ͠ɻ ΧλϩάΛͻͱ௨Γ֬ೝͨ͠ͱ͜Ζɺळͷ෺࢈లͰൢചͯ͠΋Αͦ͞͏ͳ๺ւಓ࢈ͷ೔ ຊञͱ஍Ϗʔϧ΋͋Γͦ͏Ͱ͢ɻͦ͜Ͱ͋ͳͨ͸6݄ͷ঎ஊձͰ۩ମతʹ࿩ΛਐΊΑ͏ ͱߟ͍͑ͯ·͢ɻ঎ஊձͷલʹ͍͔ͭ֬͘ೝ͍ͨ͠఺͕͋ͬͨͷͰɺTokyo Liquorʹ໰ ͍߹ΘͤͷϝʔϧΛૹ͍ͬͯͩ͘͞ɻ໰͍߹Θͤ಺༰͸ҎԼͷͱ͓Γɿ • ೔ຊञʹ͍ͭͯ6݄21–22೔ͷ঎ஊձͰ࣮ࡍʹࢼҿ͢Δ͜ͱ͸Մೳ͔ɻ • খḺϏʔϧʢOtaru Beerʣͱొผَ఻આ஍ϏʔϧʢNoboribetsu Oni Densetsu Beerʣʹڵຯ͕͋Δ͕ɺ஫จ୯Ґ͸࠷খͰԿຊ͔ɻ·ͨ࠷େͰԿຊ·ͰԷͤΔ ͔ɻ • Χλϩάʹࡌ͍ͬͯΔϏʔϧ͸ළͷΈ͕ͩɺ؈Ϗʔϧ͸͋Δ͔ɻ

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ֶੜͷॻ͍ͨϝʔϧʢमਖ਼൛ɺఴ࡟લʣ Dear Ms. Kobayashi, Thank you so much for sending us the catalog we requested. We looked it and there are some products good for the Singapore exhibition in Autumn. We would like to talk about the exhibition with you more tangible in the business meeting in Tokyo. We have three questions. 1. Is it possible to try Japanese sake in the business meeting? 2. Could you let us know minimum and maximum units of order for the Otaru Beer and Noboribetsu Oni Densetsu Beer? We are interested in those products. 3. Do you have the canned beer? I thought there are only bottled beer in the catalog. We are looking for your reply. XXX YYY, Japanese Food Section Manager

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Summary ·ͱΊ • λεΫɾϕʔεͷγϥόε • ໨ඪλεΫͱڭҭ༻λεΫʢλεΫͷ഑ྻʣ • ಛఆ໨తͷͨΊͷӳޠʢESPʣ • ESPΧϦΩϡϥϜ։ൃͱχʔζ෼ੳ • ໨ඪσΟείʔεͷॏཁੑ Ӝ໺ ݚ [email protected]

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ओͳจݙ঺հ • λεΫɾϕʔεͷӳޠࢦಋɿ TBLTͷཧղͱ࣮ફ • TBLTͷཧ࿦తഎܠ͔Βখதߴ େͰͷ࣮ફՄೳੑ·Ͱ໢ཏ • ࠓճͷ͓࿩͸ຊॻͷୈ8ষʹ

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ओͳจݙ঺հ • λεΫΛ׆༻ͨ͠ӳޠतۀͷ σβΠϯ • લܝॻΑΓฏқʹTBLTΛղઆ

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ओͳจݙ঺հ • Second language acquisition and task-based language teaching. • TBLTΛ఩ֶతɺՊֶతɺڭҭ తʹߟ࡯

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