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@tempertemper Accessible user interface patterns @tempertemper

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I’m Martin Interaction designer at HMRC

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@tempertemper A11y is for everyone ♿

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@tempertemper Who cares? • Brand designers • UI designers • UX designers • Frontend developers • Backend developers • Server wizards % • Marketers • Sales people • Stakeholders

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@tempertemper The social model of disability • Disability is a social state • Impairment does not equal disability • Individuals with an impairment are disabled by society, its social structures and it’s failure to build an inclusive environment • Disabled users are just… users!

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@tempertemper Not just for pirates ☠

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Auditory Fine-grain physical ability Gross physical ability Visual Cognitive ability

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@tempertemper Who might we disable?

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@tempertemper 1. Non sighted people who have a screen reader 2. Low sighted people who increase the browser’s default text size 3. People with cognitive issues who need to use a keyboard 4. People with cognitive issues who can only use a touch screen 5. Hearing impaired people 6. People with ADHD

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@tempertemper Same causes, different users 1. Drivers who have articles read to them by their voice assistant 2. People giving a presentation of a web page and use ⌘+ 3. People (like me) who use the keyboard to navigate a UI when possible 4. People using their iPad and don’t have a pointer to hover with 5. People watching a video in 6. People in a rush

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@tempertemper Putting things right 1. Semantic HTML 2. Responsive web design 3. Semantic HTML 4. Use hover states for decoration only 5. Subtitles/closed captions 6. Fast loading web pages

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@tempertemper Who else might we disable? • People with intermittent internet connections or low bandwidth (2G) • People using small screens • People who can’t concentrate for kids hanging off them • Colour blind people • Dyslexic people • People who speak English as a second language

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@tempertemper Anti-patterns

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@tempertemper –Some folk on Wikipedia “An anti-pattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective and risks being highly counterproductive”

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@tempertemper So why do we do it? • Serves some functional use, e.g. save some space in the UI • Lack of experience • Looks good • Everyone’s doing it

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@tempertemper Forms

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@tempertemper Placeholder for labels

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@tempertemper Labels that look like placeholders

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@tempertemper Hint text as placeholder

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@tempertemper Hint text under input

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@tempertemper How it should be done

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@tempertemper Other form stuff • Place labels above inputs to aid readability • Lay form elements out in a single column • Avoid using one big form • Make sure labels have for="" attributes • Avoid elements if possible • Use and elements properly

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@tempertemper Other form stuff continued • Use proper type="" attribute • Indicate optional fields rather than required fields • Don’t adjust default behaviours

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@tempertemper effectiveness-than-efficiency-or-satisfaction/ “if auto-tabbing stops just a few people from using a service successfully, their needs take priority over the many people who might prefer but don’t need the feature” Example – auto-tab

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@tempertemper Images in headers

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@tempertemper What’s up with that? • Takes time to load • Awful, inconsistent contrast for text and buttons • Is there a fall-back background colour?

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@tempertemper How can we fix it? • Consider a design using SVG instead • Redesign with CSS instead – gradient? • Use nothing

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@tempertemper Typography ✍

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@tempertemper Webfonts – loading times • http requests • Download times • Use woff (or even woff2) • Consider number of weights needed

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@tempertemper Other stuff • Make sure body text is nice and big (at least 18 or 19px or equivalent) • Avoid all-caps • Make sure there’s a good fall-back in the font stack • Choose your font(s) carefully

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@tempertemper FS Me by Fontsmith

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@tempertemper –Mencap For people with learning disabilities, reading is made much harder by certain fonts.

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@tempertemper General

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@tempertemper What’s up with that? • Avoid animation wherever possible • Makes sure colour contrast is good • Avoid using colour to communicate meaning

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@tempertemper Conclusion

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@tempertemper –Loads of people “Aye, but accessibility is a right pain, Martin.”

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@tempertemper Who cares, again? • Brand designers • UI designers • UX designers • Frontend developers • Backend developers • Server wizards % • Marketers • Sales people • Stakeholders

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@tempertemper Start with accessibility • A lot of your design decisions make themselves • You reach more users • You don’t test your users’ patience and lose them

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@tempertemper Thanks