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AWS: Cloud Security Fundamentals Josh Dow Rami McCarthy

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This Workshop

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Agenda o Introduction o Hands-on with Built-ins 15 minute break o Hands-on Self-Auditing o Cheatsheet o Closing Questions

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The Cloud

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The "Big Three"

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Why focus on AWS?

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•Services •Regions AWS

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•Encryption •External Exposure •IAM •Logging/Auditing AWS Security

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Environment Access

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aws iam list-users –output table

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AWS Built-in Security Tools

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Logging is a component of compliance with: • ISO 27001 – A.12.4 • PCI DSS - Requirement 10

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AWS Configuration Easy Wins

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Enable Amazon Tools

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Secure Logging

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Secure Public Access

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Secure Authentication

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Secure MFA

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Third-Party Tools

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Free Third-Party Tools

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Get on your balaclavas

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CloudGoat Walkthrough

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Credit to prior art; check these people out to learn more! Corey Quinn - - @QuinnyPig Teri Radichel - - @TeriRadichel Scott Piper – - @0xdabbad00 Toni de la Fuente - @ToniBlyx Rhino Security - Cloudonaut -

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AWS resources for secure architecture Well-Architected Framework: Security Pillar AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Aligning to NIST

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Questions? Come chat at the Social Hour (we're sponsoring!)