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Configuring Symfony from localhost to High Availability #SymfonyCon @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas Configuring a Symfony app •DI parameters and PHP constants •Environment variables •Secrets •(High Availability)

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What is a Symfony Application? @nicolasgrekas

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A Symfony app Uses a compiled container @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas config/services.yaml # Put parameters here that don't need to change on each machine where the app is deployed # parameters: locale: 'en' # This parameter defines the codes of the locales (languages) enabled in the application app_locales: en|fr|de|es|cs|nl|ru|uk|ro|pt_BR|pl|it|ja|id|ca|sl|hr|zh_CN|bg|tr|lt app.notifications.email_sender: [email protected]

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@nicolasgrekas /** * Gets the private 'App\Command\ListUsersCommand' shared autowired service. * * @return \App\Command\ListUsersCommand */ protected function getListUsersCommandService() { $this->privates['App\\Command\\ListUsersCommand'] = $instance = new \App\Command\ListU ($this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default'] ?? $this->getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Def '[email protected]', ($this->privates['App\\Repository\\UserRepository'] ?? $this->getUserRepositorySer ); $instance->setName('app:list-users'); return $instance; } var/cache/…/srcApp...Container.php

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@nicolasgrekas var/cache/…/srcApp...Container.php /** * Gets the private 'App\EventSubscriber\CommentNotificationSubscriber' shared autowired s * * @return \App\EventSubscriber\CommentNotificationSubscriber */ protected function getCommentNotificationSubscriberService() { return $this->privates['App\\EventSubscriber\\CommentNotificationSubscriber'] = new \A ($this->services['swiftmailer.mailer.default'] ?? $this->getSwiftmailer_Mailer_Def ($this->services['router'] ?? $this->getRouterService()), ($this->services['translator'] ?? $this->getTranslatorService()), '[email protected]' ); }

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@nicolasgrekas Parameters are static! •Updates require recompilation! •Available at built time •Cluster-wide settings Fit configuring client requirements!

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@nicolasgrekas Parameter examples •Locale(s) •Facebook app id •Google Analytics tracker id •framework.cache.prefix_seed Anything commitable (this excludes secrets!)

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Best Practice Define business- related settings in config/services.yaml

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Best Practice Define rarely changing settings in PHP constants

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A Symfony app Can be configured dynamically via env vars @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas config/packages/mailer.yaml framework: mailer: dsn: '%env(MAILER_DSN)%'

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@nicolasgrekas config/packages/doctrine.yaml doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'

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@nicolasgrekas var/cache/…/srcApp...Container.php /** * Gets the public 'doctrine.dbal.default_connection' shared service. * * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection */ protected function getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService() { // ... return $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] = (new \Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\ConnectionFactory([])) ->createConnection([ 'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'url' => $this->getEnv('resolve:DATABASE_URL'), 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => NULL, 'user' => 'root', 'password' => NULL, 'driverOptions' => [], 'serverVersion' => '3.15',

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@nicolasgrekas vendor/dependency-injection/… if (isset($_ENV[$name])) { $env = $_ENV[$name]; } elseif (isset($_SERVER[$name]) && 0 !== strpos($name, 'HTTP_')) { $env = $_SERVER[$name]; } elseif (false === ($env = getenv($name)) || null === $env) { // ... Check getenv() is not thread safe variable_order=EGPCS Access to fastcgi_params, env vars, etc.

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@nicolasgrekas Environment Variables

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@nicolasgrekas $ SYMFONY='<3' php -S localhost:8000

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@nicolasgrekas Anything coming from the runtime environment •OS-level env vars •SAPI-level env vars – e.g. FastCGI parameters •.env files •File contents •FUSE mount points •Key/value services – Consul / DNS

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@nicolasgrekas Reconfiguring the runtime environment? •Per-process, immutable: restart •Per-vhost/URL: reload the server •Committed: redeploy •Files : reupload •Virtual filesystem: live updates •Network service: live updates

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@nicolasgrekas Environment variables •Don’t require recompiling the app •Can be updated live •Shouldn’t be used at built time •Can vary by deployment target Fit configuring hosting requirements!

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Best Practice Define infrastructure- related settings in env vars

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But how should we configure env vars?! @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas Delegated to devs: for mostly static parts •Commit defaults in .env •rsync .env.local composer dump-env prod (creates .env.local.php)

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@nicolasgrekas Delegated to ops: enables auto-scaling •Ansile, chef, Dockerfile, etc. •Server vhosts •The web-UI of your hoster •Don’t forget about the CLI! symfony var:set FOO=bar

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@nicolasgrekas Delegated to bots: unlocks high availability! •File rsync •Virtual filesystems •Key/value stores •Consul <3 (Consul Template too) Next: health checks, routing layer hot- reconfiguration with istio/envoy/traeffic/etc.

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Best Practice Document all env vars in .env

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@nicolasgrekas class ConsulEnvVarLoader implements EnvVarLoaderInterface { // ... public function loadEnvVars(): array { // $this->consulUrl = ''; $consulVars = $this->httpClient ->request('GET', $this->consulUrl) ->toArray()[0]['value']; return json_decode(base64_decode($consulVars), true); } }

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Best Practice Increase complexity only when needed!

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What about secrets? @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas $ SYMFONY='<3' php -S localhost:8000

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Fact: .env.local.php is more secure than real env vars @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas Security threats – entropy •Remote access •Insecure deployment network •Shared hosting •Bad document root / php.ini •Employees leaving •Technical responsibilities in the wrong hands

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@nicolasgrekas Security threats mitigation •Rotate secrets •Store and deploy secrets encrypted •Use .env.local.php •Use asymmetric cryptography •Make things convenient

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@nicolasgrekas Secrets management tools •Pet .env.local file deployed via SSH •bin/console secrets:* •(Consul|Docker|Kubernetes) Vault

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@nicolasgrekas $ cat config/secrets/dev/dev.GITHUB_API_TOKEN.aebb6a.php

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@nicolasgrekas class SodiumVault implements EnvVarLoaderInterface public function loadEnvVars(): array { return $this->list(true); }

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@nicolasgrekas Configure secrets framework: secrets: vault_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/secrets/%kernel.environment%' local_dotenv_file: '%kernel.project_dir%/.env.local' decryption_env_var: 'base64:default::SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET' export SYMFONY_DECRYPTION_SECRET=$(php -r 'echo base64_encode( \ require "config/secrets/prod/prod.decrypt.private.php" \ );')

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@nicolasgrekas Deploy secrets •Same workflow as code – git blame <3 •But the decryption key •Share the keys with the appropriate persons •Rotation is yours to build •Decrypt live – or at build time bin/console secrets:decrypt-to-local (populates .env.local)

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Takeaways? @nicolasgrekas

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@nicolasgrekas Key takeaways •Use parameters for business requirements •Use env vars for infra-related configuration •Use .env files first, increase complexity later •Use bin/console secrets:* •Use Consul/etc. when the need is here You’re on the path to high-availability!

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Merci Thank you Gracias ﺍﺮﻜﺷ 多謝 Ευχαριστώ ありがとう 감사합 니다 Спасибо!

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