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[email protected] FRC Submitted Awards Jeanne Boyarsky NYC Awards Committee Chair [email protected]

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[email protected] [email protected] Goal of the awards committee • Increase the number of teams submitting awards • Strengthen submitted awards • Hopefully have more NYC winners!

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[email protected] Dean’s List

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[email protected] [email protected] Award in a nutshell • Submissions open Nov 2 – Feb 8 at 3pm • Can submit multiple times; latest submission wins • Nominate one or two 10th or 11th graders • Submit essay • five 800 character prompts • one 500 free form section • Prepare nominees for interview • Adult must submit. Officially adult writes, but students can help

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[email protected] [email protected] Benefits of submitting • Nominee feels proud and appreciated • Inspire others on team with what nominee has done • Can use in college app • Team reflection

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[email protected] [email protected] Criteria • Demonstrated leadership and commitment to the FIRST Core Values • Discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork, fun • Effectiveness at increasing awareness of FIRST in their school and community • Demonstrates passion for a long-term commitment to FIRST • The student’s individual contributions to their team contribute to the overall success of the team • Proven experience in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) • The student is a role model and can motivate and lead fellow team members

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[email protected] [email protected] Essay 1.Explain how the student embodies the philosophies of Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition through the FIRST Core Values: Discovery, Innovation, Impact, Inclusion, Teamwork and Fun. Please provide examples. 2.How has the student increased the awareness of FIRST? Describe the student’s interests and/or plans to continue to engage with FIRST beyond high school. Please provide examples. 3.How does the student's individual contribution to the team benefit the whole? Please provide examples. 4.Describe the students' experience in areas of STEM. This could include but is not limited to skills in engineering, software, CAD, fabrication, etc. Please provide examples. 5.Explain the student’s leadership to their fellow team members. How do they motivate others? What is their leadership style? Please provide examples. • New! Additional Comments – 500-character limit 6.Please share anything else you would like us to know about the student, including academic performance, specialized skills, or additional extracurricular activities.

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[email protected] [email protected] Essay tips • Brainstorm ideas from team • Be specific, “X is great” or “X is fun to be around” doesn’t help • Write then cut characters if needed • Abbreviate your team name or use your team number • Have nominee proofread for accuracy and comfort • Have someone proofread who has never seen before • Awards committee can provide feedback! (not on Feb 7th J)

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[email protected] [email protected] Make it easy for the judges • Use words of award/FIRST • Show before and after – how has student grown • STAR • Situation • Task • Action • Results Taken

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[email protected] [email protected] At event • Nominees get interview slot on day 2 (Saturday at NYC) • Can trade slots if need (ex: driver is a nominee) • Can bring one adult mentor into room • Moral support • Write down questions • Feedback afterwards • Judges take careful notes as must sell nominee. (No re-interview at champs)

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[email protected] [email protected] Interview tips • Practice • Team/mentor • Someone from other team (award committee can help!) • Someone not associated with FIRST • Do at least one practice in person • Answer succinctly • Give examples and facts • Reread essay night before or that morning • Help the judges get to know you • What would the judge write about you?

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[email protected] [email protected] Getting started • Pick someone – google form? • Write a paragraph for each prompt • Have to be in it to win it! • Next year: start in Fall

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[email protected] [email protected] How can we make these better? • Sara brightens the room when she walks in. • Neha mentors FLL. • I learned about software from Cathy.

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[email protected] Woodie Flowers Finalist

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[email protected] [email protected] Award in a nutshell • Submissions open Nov 2 – Feb 8 at 3pm • Can submit multiple times; latest submission wins • Nominate one mentor • Submit 3K character essay • Students write and submit

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[email protected] [email protected] Benefits of submitting • Thank you to your mentor! • Mentor sees how helped • Inspire others students (future mentors) and younger mentors • Team reflection

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[email protected] [email protected] Criteria Some or all of: • Level of student participation; • Creativity of effort; • Clear explanation of mathematical, scientific, and engineering concepts; • Demonstration of enthusiasm for Science, Technology, and Engineering; • Encouragement to work on projects as a team effort; • Inspiration to use problem-solving skills; • Inspiration to become an effective communicator; and • Motivation through communication

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[email protected] [email protected] Data to submit • Select an Eligible Mentor • Occupation • Position on team • Adult Reference (Must Select an Eligible Mentor on the team) • Occupation • Adult Reference (Any FIRST affiliation) • First Name, Last Name • Phone Number • E-mail Address • Upload Pictures (1 required headshot photo of the mentor alone, up to (3) three additional photos, all photos no more than 1.0 MB total) • Essay (Character max: 3,000) - Once candidates’ information and essays are submitted, they are sorted and posted on a private, password- protected site where only the judges can read the entries.

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[email protected] [email protected] Essay tips • Brainstorm ideas from team • Be specific, “I learn from X” doesn’t help • Write then cut characters if needed • Have nominee proofread for accuracy and comfort • Have someone proofread who has never seen before

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[email protected] [email protected] Photo tips • Action photos; see mentor at work! • If you don’t have a photo, stage one

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[email protected] [email protected] Getting started • Pick someone – google form? • If only have 1-2 mentors, this is easy • Write bullets • Flesh out into paragraphs • Have to be in it to win it! • Next year: start in Fall

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[email protected] [email protected] How can we make these better? • Mr. Wu spends a lot of time with us. • Ms. Cohen patiently helps us come up with the best solution. • Tamara gives up her vacations and free time to go with us to competitions.

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[email protected] Impact Award (formerly “Chairmans”)

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[email protected] [email protected] Award in a nutshell • Submissions open Nov 2 – Feb 15 at 3pm (a week later than others) • Rookie teams not eligible • Can submit multiple times; latest submission wins • 13 executive summary questions – 500 characters each • 10K character essay • Optional question to get feedback from judges • “Optional” video • Students write and submit • Interview on day 2 of regional (Saturday for NYC)

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[email protected] [email protected] Benefits of submitting • Team reflection • Values • Show what your team does • Think about what want to build on • Submit even if don’t think have a chance to win. Strengthen team!

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[email protected] [email protected] Criteria • Describe the impact of the FIRST program on team participants within the last 3 years. This can include but is not limited to percentages of those graduating high school, attending college, in STEM careers, and in FIRST programs as mentors/sponsors. • Describe your community along with how your team addresses its unique opportunities and circumstances. • Describe the team’s methods, with emphasis on the past 3 years, for spreading the FIRST message in ways that are effective, scalable, sustainable, and creative. How does your team measure results? • Please provide specific examples of how your team members act as role models within the FIRST community with emphasis on the past 3 years. • Describe your team’s initiatives to Assist, Mentor, and/or Start other FIRST teams with emphasis on activities within the past 3 years. • Beyond starting teams, what initiatives have you done to help inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators? What results have you seen from your efforts in the past 3 years?

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[email protected] [email protected] Criteria (cont) • Describe the partnerships you've created with other organizations (teams, sponsors, educational institutions, philanthropic entities, etc.) and what you have accomplished together with emphasis on the past 3 years. • Describe your team's efforts in the past 3 years to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion within your team, FIRST, and your communities. • Explain how you ensure your team and the initiatives you have created will continue to run effectively for the foreseeable future. • Describe your team’s innovative strategies to recruit, retain, and engage your sponsors within the past 3 years. • Highlight one area in which your team needs to improve and describe the steps actively being taken to make those improvements. • Describe your team’s goals to fulfill the mission of FIRST and the progress you have made towards those goals. • Briefly describe other matters of interest to the FIRST Judges, including items that may not fit into the above topics. The judges are interested in learning about aspects of your team that may be unique or particularly noteworthy.

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[email protected] [email protected] Not absolute value • “What you do with what you have”

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[email protected] [email protected] Submission Tips • You don’t have to do everything • Essay shouldn’t repeat executive summary. Details, anecdotes • Limit to past 3 (ish) years and focus on last 12-18 months • Read impact definitions (ex: started vs mentored) • Be clear what new vs what continuing

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[email protected] [email protected] Examples of details • How many teams mentor? • How many hours? • If expanded a program, what do? How many hours? • If continued a program, how make it part of culture? • Story for context when compelling

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[email protected] [email protected] Interview tips • 7 minutes prepared remarks, 5 minutes Q&A • Can show slides/video/handouts/skit • Meet earlier and get ready • Practice night before • 1-3 students • One mentor can come with you • Decide who in advance • Write down questions, feedback, note timing • Go over afterwards

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[email protected] [email protected] Iterate • If go to more than one regional • Practice with team and/or mentors • Parents are helpful for practice too • Practice online (awards committee can help) • Do in person practice too!

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[email protected] [email protected] Choosing your (up to) three presenters • Enthusiasm • Represent parts of team • Dedicated • Plan ahead • Try to avoid people with the most critical roles at comp • Not a public speaking contest!

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[email protected] [email protected] Getting started • Brainstorm what do • Flesh out into paragraphs • It’s ok not to have answers for everything. • Build on past year’s responses (once have) • Next year: start in Fall – pick presenters early, brainstorm, documentation sheet

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[email protected] [email protected] How can we make these better? • We mentor FLL. • Our team is diverse. • FIRST has changed our lives!

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[email protected] [email protected] Make it easy for the judges (yes, same as Dean’s List slide) • Use words of award/FIRST • Show before and after – how has student grown • STAR • Situation • Task • Action • Results Taken

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[email protected] [email protected] Almost final tips • Sometimes to access awards the coach must set a student as an awards submitter • Do not wait to the last day / hour / minute to submit, the portal usually has problems on the last day when everyone is trying to be on it. • You can keep modifying your submission until the last moment, some teams will post an old submission or latest revision constantly. • If you do not submit, you are automatically ineligible for the award(s) • Look at other team’s past winning submissions

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[email protected] [email protected] We can help • Contact us at [email protected] • Outline feedback • Essay review • Remote practice interviewing Please don’t wait until the night before to contact us!