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PHP Hurts Programmers And other tales

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$ whoami Keith Humm Button Actuator
 Solvam Corporation Ltd 

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“you pull out the hammer, but to your dismay, it has the claw part on both sides”

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• The language itself • Dangerous stdlib & extensions • PHP deployment & php.ini

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• The language itself • Dangerous stdlib & extensions • PHP deployment & php.ini

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Type Juggling “a variable's type is determined by the context in which the variable is used”

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Type Juggling when PHP screws with your variables

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> $x = “2 plus 3”; string(8)“2 plus 3” > $x += 1; int(3) > $x *= 0.333; double(0.999) > $x = $x && true; bool(true)

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> “foo” == TRUE true > “foo” == 0 true > TRUE == 0 false > “55” == “055” true > 55 != 055 true * WAT.

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C. A. R. Hoare Invented quicksort … and the null pointer “The most important property of a program is whether it accomplishes the intention of its user.”

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Real World Example #1 Type Juggling → WordPress Rest API content injection vulnerability-wordpress-rest-api.html

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• Posts have an integer id property that’s populated by URL router • WordPress sometimes prioritises HTTP GET and POST vars instead • WordPress inconsistent in usage of router id vs request id /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/123 /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/123?id=456haxxed

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> update_item_permissions_check() {
 $post = get_post( $request_id );
 if($post && ) {
 return WP_Error 
 return true;
 } • Our request_id, 456haxxed is nonsense • So no $post is found • Skip right through to return true;

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> update_item() {
 $id = (int) $request_id;
 $post = get_post( $id );
 if($post) do_update_stuff();

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No content

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> update_item() {
 $id = (int) $request_id;
 $post = get_post( $id );
 if($post) do_update_stuff();
 } /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/123?id=456haxxed hax0red j00r bl0g

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Rule #1 Rules are hard to remember

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How to protect yourself

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✓ Avoid type juggling wherever possible
 Use strict comparison operators e.g. === ✓ Use the right tools for the job
 i.e. hash_equals for timing-safe string comparison ✓ … don’t forget to use them for things like CSRF tokens ✓ Consider promoting primitives to objects
 i.e. function verify(ResetToken $t) : boolean ✓ Consider phpdoc annotations & static analysis
 /** @returns boolean **/ ✓ Read

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• The language itself • Dangerous stdlib & extensions • PHP deployment & php.ini

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> array_filter($input, $callback)
 array_map($callback, $input)
 mostly just annoying ✓ Use the newer OO APIs where available ✓ Consider third party libs e.g. underscore-php for fnprog

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> strip_tags() > strip_tags($str, $allowable_tags)
 welcome to the land of XSS ✓ Use HTMLPurifier or OWASP AntiSammy ✓ Check that your template engine does too

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> addslashes()
 when all you have is a hammer, 
 everything looks like a nail. ✓ Use an escaping technique fit for purpose - whether you are escaping for the shell, or SQL

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> (pre 7.0) mysql_escape_string()
 totally insecure. deprecated in 2002 (!)
 still works in PHP 5.6 (!?!) > (mysql/mysqli)_real_escape_string()
 be very careful—don’t trust this with your life ✓ Use PDO, and PDO::quote ✓ Use prepared statements / parameterised queries ✓ Try not to build SQL with _printf()

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> escapeshellarg()
 Sometimes OK in controlled env
 But it’s impossible to use safely in all envs > escapeshellcmd()
 Completely insecure
 Actually undermines previous sanitisation ✓ Never use escapeshellcmd ✓ Avoid functions that use it internally - mail(), system() etc. ✓ Avoid shelling out if you can ✓ Use pcntl extension with pcntl_fork and pcntl_exec

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> unserialize()
 Not for user input, ever
 Potentially lets users control code execution ✓ Never unserialise() user input ✓ Use an interchange format instead ✓ JSON, Protobufs, Msgpack, Thrift are all good choices

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> include() / require()
 A bit of a relic. There’s a better way™ ✓ Use PHP’s autoloader ✓ Use PSR-1 or PSR-4 and Composer

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> mcrypt
 Most popular* crypto extension. Unmaintained since 2007. ✓ Use libsodium (+Halite), or OpenSSL instead ✓ Use random_bytes or ircmaxell\RandomLib for csprng ✓ Don’t roll your own crypto!

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Real World Example #2 Type Juggling → Bypass authentication in “Simple Machine Forums” exotic-bug-classes-php-type-juggling/

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• Code verifying a password recovery token • Tokens generated randomly and emailed to user • User input hashed, then first 10 chars are compared if ( 
 substr(md5($input), 0, 10)
 substr($storedHash, 0, 10)

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> substr($storedHash,0,10) string “0e12345678” > $input = “190539”; > substr(md5($input),0,10) string “0e25261622” > (“0e12345678” == “0e25261622”) → bool(?)

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> substr($storedHash,0,10) string “0e12345678” > $input = “190539”; > substr(md5($input),0,10) string “0e25261622” > (“0e12345678” == “0e25261622”) → bool(true) gained admin access

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• Hashes can look like scientific notation “0e12345678” • == operator may coerce either/both sides to ints • …if they “look like numbers” if ( 
 substr(md5($input), 0, 10)
 substr($storedHash, 0, 10)

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No content

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Real World Example #3 Type Juggling → Object Injection → SQLi
 in Expression Engine and-php-object-injection-and-sqli-oh-my/

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• Cookie $payload storing serialised PHP objects • Cookie signed with $signature, supplied in cookie itself • Valid signature in theory shows cookie untampered • sess_crypt_key is private • But $payload is entirely user controlled if ( md5( $payload . $this->sess_crypt_key ) == $signature )

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• unserialize() sets username to an actual instance of EE’s Token\Variable class, instead of a plain string • System passes username from the new object to EE’s SQL engine where() a:1:{s:13:”:new:username”;O:67:"EllisLab\\\ \\ExpressionEngine\\\\\Library\\\\\Parser\\ \\\Conditional\\\\\Token\\\\Variable":1:{s: 6:"lexeme";s:1:"'; DROP TABLE `users`;”;}}

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• EE’s SQL escape routine allows __toString() of this object to be included in query verbatim • Instance’s state can be crafted as needed by adjusting serialised data a:1:{s:13:”:new:username”;O:67:"EllisLab\\\ \\ExpressionEngine\\\\\Library\\\\\Parser\\ \\\Conditional\\\\\Token\\\\Variable":1:{s: 6:"lexeme";s:1:"'; DROP TABLE `users`;”;}}

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Don’t roll your own cryptography

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• The language itself • Dangerous stdlib & extensions • PHP deployment & php.ini

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> @fopen(‘http://non-existant.file', ‘r’); • allow_url_fopen controls whether this works at all • … unless it’s in disable_functions • @ operator suppresses the does-not-exist warning • … unless scream.enabled is set in php.ini • … or it was set with ini_set() • error_reporting setting can also alter this

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• display_errors
 Whether errors are output to the browser • allow_url_include
 Whether you can include() code from a remote URL • allow_url_fopen
 Whether fopen() can load remote files (use cURL!) • session.use_cookies
 Whether sessions use cookies or URL parameters • zend.multibyte
 Allows encodings like SJIS/BIG5 to be used for source files

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✓ You must control your environment ✓ …or trust whoever does ✓ Make environment config part of your deployment ✓ Consider Suhosin if running third party apps ✓ Be careful with Apache mod_php
 What if a user uploads dodgy_script.php7 ? ✓ Use php.ini security analysis tools

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–Porky Pig “That’s all folks!”

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Link-fu • PHP The Right Way - • PHP: A fractal of bad design • WordPress vulnerability discussed: • Simple Machine Forums vulnerability discussed: • ExpressionEngine vulnerability • OWASP Resources
 Both of these are “work in progress” / drafts • PHP Configuration Checker (php.ini) • All about shell escaping & php • List of static analysis tools for PHP • Gary Bernhardt’s “WAT” talk