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simalexan Meet Slobodan

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simalexan Build with serverless! Its me!

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simalexan No server management / ops Scales per use Autofailover Don’t pay 
 for idle

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simalexan Business is more profitable Faster delivery

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simalexan Code needs to run on servers! Serverless? That’s not the point! You’re an idiot

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simalexan It is serverless, 
 the same way WIFI is wireless. Gojko Adzic

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simalexan Ok, lets try…

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simalexan AWS Lambda DynamoDB API Gateway AWS S3 To learn…

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simalexan …the way it has changed…

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simalexan to build…

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simalexan …a functioning product

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simalexan Accidents do happen Something will break…

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simalexan …the business suffers

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simalexan How do I prevent 
 this? You test!

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simalexan We don’t have time to test! The you will find 
 time to fix!

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simalexan Ok, how do I test a serverless app?

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simalexan Testing Serverless Applications

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simalexan Aleksandar Simovic Senior Software Engineer @ ScienceExchange AWS Serverless Hero coauthor of “Serverless Applications with Node.js” book AWS SAM & Lambda Builders Contributor

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simalexan Why do you test?

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simalexan • “Industry standard”. • “90% test coverage is required.” • “Code compliance”. • “You need to ensure that the code works”. The Usual replies

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simalexan • “I don’t know, my CTO told me” • “I read HackerNews, I want to look smart” • “Because DHH said that.” • “Ensure quality.” The “real” replies

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simalexan All (somewhat) 
 valid responses

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simalexan The purpose of Testing is to find and prevent 

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simalexan • John Null • E Lee • But Testing only to find or prevent
 defects is not enough

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simalexan One of the purposes of testing is to Reduce Risk

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simalexan What are these risks 
 when building serverless applications?

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simalexan First, the way we build 
 applications has changed with serverless

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simalexan Its risks…

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simalexan • configuration risks • technical workflow risks • business logic risks • integration risks

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simalexan Configuration risks Receiving events from the correct API? Access rights? Saving to correct bucket?

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simalexan Technical workflow risks Handling success / error workflow responses Are we using the incoming events
 correctly? Workflow risks

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simalexan Business logic 
 risks What is the correct structure 
 of our data By which order do we process our data? Is the file conversion correct? Are we saving in a correct folder in the bucket?

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simalexan Integration risks Are our AppSync GraphQL objects properly set in DynamoDB? Are we reading AND
 writing events from API Gateway to S3 correctly?

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simalexan How do we address those risks

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simalexan Good Architecture

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simalexan What is a good architecture for serverless?

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simalexan Hexagonal Architecture

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simalexan Alistair Cockburn Allow an application to equally be driven by users, programs, automated test or batch scripts, and to be developed and tested in isolation from its eventual run-time devices and databases.

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simalexan Boooring! 
 Show me an example

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simalexan const AWS = require('aws-sdk'), stripe = require('stripe'), qs = require('querystring'), processResponse = require('./process-response'), stripe = require('stripe')(process.env.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY); exports.handler = async (event) => { if (!event.body) { return processResponse('invalid', 400); } const newCharge = qs.parse(event.body); if (!newCharge.amount || !newCharge.currency) { return 'invalid arguments, please provide amount and currency fields as mentioned in the app README'; } return await stripe.charges.create({ source: newCharge.stripeToken, amount: newCharge.amount, currency: newCharge.currency, description: 'Charge Description' }) };

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simalexan Separate interface risk from your Business logic risk

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simalexan In code..

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simalexan const pubsubRepository = require('./pubsub-repository'), paymentProcessorRepository = require('./payment-processor'), TOPIC_ARN = process.env.TOPIC_ARN; module.exports = async function chargeCustomer( secretKey, token, email, amount, currency, description = 'Charge Description', paymentProcessor = paymentProcessorRepository, pubsub = pubsubRepository, subject = TOPIC_ARN ){ const createdCharge = await paymentProcessor.createCharge(secretKey, token, amount, currency, description); = email; await pubsub.publish(createdCharge, subject); return createdCharge; }

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simalexan const AWS = require('aws-sdk'), sns = new AWS.SNS(), NO_DATA_REPLY = 'You must provide data to the your PubSub'; module.exports = { publish: async function publish( data, topic, pubSub = sns ){ return await pubSub.publish({ Message: JSON.stringify(data), TopicArn: topic }).promise(); } };

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simalexan What do I test in a serverless app?

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simalexan What do you test in a traditional app?

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simalexan What is different in a serverless app?

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simalexan Managed (and cheaper) infrastructure,
 many smaller business logic pieces

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simalexan Even though with serverless your infrastructure is managed

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simalexan That doesn’t mean your code is managed as well!

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simalexan Integration tests are cheaper, but also more important, because a common serverless app is split into many small pieces

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simalexan Testing your code and your integrations is now more important than before!

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simalexan I know the 
 “Why”, “risks”, “What”… But now I need the “How”?

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simalexan How to test serverless 

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simalexan Just show me how in practice. Wait! 
 Stop using long words…

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simalexan First, the tools!

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simalexan Tools

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simalexan • Jest • Jasmine • Mocha • Cypress • any other popular tool For example, for Node.js you can use:

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simalexan Testing is very important on all levels both unit, integrated and end-to-end-testing.

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simalexan Unit and integration tests!

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simalexan Sample unit test code

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simalexan const convertFromSentry = require('../src/convert-from-sentry'), lambdaProxyEvent = require('./test-events/lambda-proxy-event'), wrapEvent = (event) => { const result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lambdaProxyEvent)); result.body = JSON.stringify(event); return result; }; describe('Convert from Sentry', () => { describe('Error type', () => { test('should pickup the error type if defined', () => { const event = wrapEvent(require('./test-events/raven-exception')); expect(convertFromSentry(event).type).toBe('TypeError'); }); test('should use runtime error type if undefined', () => { const event = wrapEvent(require('./test-events/raven-manually-tracked')); expect(convertFromSentry(event).type).toBe('RuntimeError'); }); }); describe('Error message', () => { test('should pickup the message if exception value defined', () => { const event = wrapEvent(require('./test-events/raven-exception')); expect(convertFromSentry(event).message).toBe(`Cannot read property 'captureException' of undefined`); }); test('should use body message if exception value undefined', () => { const event = wrapEvent(require('./test-events/raven-manually-tracked')); expect(convertFromSentry(event).message).toBe('error'); }); }); });

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simalexan • hexagonal architecture • be smart • test integrations that you own • or test your code with a different adapter

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simalexan If you test and properly design using Hexagonal architecture you’re even out of “vendor lock-in”.

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simalexan UI testing

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simalexan Benefits of serverless are cheap infrastructure and easy fast parallelization.

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simalexan What about CI/CD?

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simalexan It works the same way as it did
 with any other app

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simalexan Use your favorite deployment tool from CI to deploy your serverless app

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simalexan • Jenkins • Travis CI • AWS CodePipeline • Semaphore CI • CircleCI • and many more

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simalexan Testing environments? And what about…

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simalexan Having test environments was never cheaper

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simalexan Automate deployment from git branches to different stages (ie. production, dev, staging, qa)

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simalexan Testing slows you down! You’re making it sound too easy…

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simalexan Actually…

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simalexan Testing your serverless apps quickens your software delivery even more.

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simalexan Real life example @ ScienceExchange

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simalexan Hexagonal Architecture 3 months > 2 weeks Unit / Integration testing + = Going serverless + $40,000 > $10

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simalexan • Testing your serverless applications is 
 more important than ever • One of the goals of testing is to reduce risk • use Hexagonal Architecture to stay flexible • serverless helps testers to do their job faster and cheaper • Testing serverless applications speeds up delivery Key takeaways

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simalexan “Serverless Applications with Node.js" @simalexan claudia40 40% off Thank you!