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Jun Sakata Google Developers Expert, Cloud @sakajunquality Istio 1.5 Updates 2020.03.12 #GCPUG Istio 1.5 Day

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Agenda Istio 1.5 Updates! - Istio Releases - Istio 1.5 Overview - Isito 1.5 Features - Demo? - Tips

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Istio Releases Release Histories

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Istio Releases Quarterly release since 1.1 - 1.0 - July 31, 2018 - Theme: Production Use - 1.1 - March 19, 2019 - Theme: Enterprise Ready - 1.2 - June 18, 2019 - Theme: Predictable Releases

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Istio Releases Quarterly release since 1.1 - 1.3 - September 12, 2019 - Theme: User Experience - 1.4 - November 14, 2019 - Theme: User Experience, Performance - 1.5 New! - March 5, 2020 - Theme: istiod, WASM

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Istio 1.5 Overview What’s new in 1.5

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“The Istio project is really heading in the right direction! Improved lifecycle management, better performance, and Wasm based extensibility in Envoy -- you'll be able to write extensions in not C++ On top of all that, a single binary control plane.” - Kelsey Hightower

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“The Istio project is really heading in the right direction! Improved lifecycle management, better performance, and Wasm based extensibility in Envoy -- you'll be able to write extensions in not C++ On top of all that, a single binary control plane.” - Kelsey Hightower

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Istio Roadmap 2020

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Istio Roadmap 2020 - Performance - Mixer to proxy - Extensibility - More capabilities in sidecar proxies - Simplifying Control Plane - Component - Lifecycle Management - Install / Upgrade - User Experience - istioctl

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istiod A single binary for control plane

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How Istio works

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How it worked prior to 1.5

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How it works from 1.5

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Istio Architecture

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Resources in 1.4 (demo profile) kubectl -n istio-system get deploy,service

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Resources in 1.5 (demo profile) kubectl -n istio-system get deploy,service

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~1.4 Components in 1.5 isitod - Pilot -> istiod - Sidecar injection -> istiod - Galley - Configuration Validation -> istiod - X features -> still remains as isito-galley - Citadel -> isitod - Mixer -> Deprecated

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e.g. Sidecar Injection In ~1.4 $ k get MutatingWebhookConfiguration istio-sidecar-injector -o yaml apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration name: istio-sidecar-injector ... webhooks: - admissionReviewVersions: ... service: name: istio-sidecar-injector namespace: istio-system path: /inject port: 443 ...

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e.g. Sidecar Injection In 1.5 $ k get MutatingWebhookConfiguration istio-sidecar-injector -o yaml apiVersion: kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration name: istio-sidecar-injector ... webhooks: - admissionReviewVersions: ... service: name: istiod namespace: istio-system path: /inject port: 443 ...

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Mixer 1.4

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Mixer Deprecated in 1.5, supported until 1.7 - istio-policy - Policy enforcement - disabled by default since Istio 1.3 - istio-telemetry - Telemetry Report - disabled by default since Istio 1.5

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Telemetry V2 Telemetry through proxy, without Mixer - Telemetry is directly exported by proxy - Currently compiled in istio proxy - To be on Wasm runtime

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Telemetry V2

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Telemetry V2 Telemetry through proxy - 1.3 - Experimental Feature - HTTP telemetry (Alpha) - 1.4 - Simpler Installation - HTTP telemetry (Beta), TCP telemetry(Alpha) - 1.5 - Installed by Default

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Feature Status Alpha -> Beta -> Stable

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WebAssembly(WASM) - Need for more extensibility - Extensions without WASM - Envoy -> Filters written in C++ - Istio -> Mixer - WASM - Ecosystems - Memory-safe and sandboxed runtime

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Istio 1.5 Features

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Features - Authentication Policy - istioctl analyze - Telemetry v2 - Operator Install - Auto mTLS - Kiali

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Authentication Policy PeerAuthentication and RequestAuthentication - Policy and MeshPolicy is being replaced by - PeerAuthentication and RequestAuthentication - Docs - 1.5 - 1.4

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Authentication Policy e.g. global mTLS STRICT // 1.4 apiVersion: "" kind: "MeshPolicy" metadata: name: "default" spec: peers: - mtls: {} // 1.5 apiVersion: "" kind: "PeerAuthentication" metadata: name: "default" namespace: "istio-system" spec: mtls: mode: STRICT

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istioctl analyze More capabilities - Introduced in 1.4 - Out of Experimental - More analyzers - mutual TLS, JWT, ServiceAssociation, Secret, sidecar image, port name and policy deprecated - -L to display - -k (current cluster) by default - -A|--all-namespaces flag - Print namespace - stdin / files from directory - istioctl analyze a.yaml b.yaml my-app-config/ , xxx | istioctl analyze

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istioctl analyze e.g. istioctl analyze -A

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Telemetry v2 TCP Support - HTTP Support in 1.3 - TCP Support in 1.5 - mTLS only

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Operator Install IstioControlPlane -> IstioOperator - istioctl operator {init, remove} - CRD IstioControlPlane in 1.4 is renamed to IstioOperator in 1.5

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Istio install istioctl, Operator, Helm - istioctl - istioctl manifest apply - Standardalone Operator - istioctl operator init - Helm - Default before 1.3 - Will be deprecated!

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Istio install istioctl, Operator - istioctl - Human-triggered - Standardalone Operator - Machine-triggered - CRD’s reconcile loop - Planned for canarying rollout of control plane

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Auto mTLS (mutualTLS) Alpha -> Beta - Introduced in 1.4 - Enabled by default

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Newer version of Kiali $ istioctl dashboard kiali

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Install demo profile istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo

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Firewalls for Private Clusters

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Firewalls for Private Clusters

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Try Again istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo

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Thank You! Jun Sakata Google Developers Expert, Cloud @sakajunquality