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Mauricio Salatino & Thomas Vitale KCD Munich July 1st, 2024 Unlocking New Platform Experiences with Open Interfaces @vitalethomas @salaboy

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Challenges That teams face when trying to go faster Onboarding Process Application Runtime and Operations Distributed Systems @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Let’s Start with a Demo Based on @salaboy @vitalethomas

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It is not that simple

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Systematic • Software Engineer • CNCF Ambassador, Oracle ACE Pro, Testcontainers Community Champion • Author of “Cloud Native Spring in Action” (Manning). • OSS contributor (Java, Spring, Cloud Native Technologies) Thomas Vitale @vitalethomas

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Slide 7 text • Bring developers closer to the Cloud Native ecosystem • Promote and bring new tools to the ecosystem that impact developers on their day-to-day tasks • Help platform engineering teams to understand how di ff erent tools can enable and make more e ffi cient their development teams App Development Working Group @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Let’s unlock new platform experiences! @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Onboarding Process @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Bootstrapping a New Project @salaboy @vitalethomas Backstage Software Templates

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Image pack build Building a Container Image Cloud Native Buildpacks @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Empowering Application Teams Development Work fl ows @salaboy @vitalethomas Dagger Implement pipelines using your favourite programming language. Knative Functions Bootstrap, build, and deploy Kubernetes- native functions. Testcontainers Dev and test services integrated in the application lifecycle.

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Continuous Development Code, Run, Test, Debug Development Workflow gradle bootRun flask --debug run yarn dev Dev & Test Services @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Distributed Systems @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Decoupling application from environments @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Distributed Application Runtime

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Decoupling application from environments @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Cloud-Native Patterns @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Cloud-Native Patterns @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Cloud Native Patterns @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Cloud Native Patterns - Outbox Patterns @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Durable Executions / Workflows @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Application Runtime & Operations @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Configuration: Workload API Crossplane Composition @vitalethomas

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Configuration: Implementation Crossplane Composition Workload API Serverless Deployment Service Binding Application Conventions @vitalethomas

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Application Runtime Going to Production @salaboy @vitalethomas Dapr APIs for building secure and reliable microservices. Knative Serving Serverless deployments, autoscaling, scaling from zero. KEDA Event-driven autoscaling, extensible, function- aware.

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Platform Operations Building and maintaining a platform @salaboy @vitalethomas Carvel Kubernetes-native package management for portable platforms. Flux Continuous deployment via GitOps and RegistryOps. OpenTelemetry Uni fi ed APIs and protocols for observability signals (logs, metrics, traces…).

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Don’t do it alone! @salaboy @vitalethomas

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If you are in this journey… Learn about the companies behind these projects • Knative Serving ( • Part of Red Hat OpenShift Serverless • Part of VMware Tanzu Platform • APIs adopted by Google Cloud Run @salaboy @vitalethomas

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If you are in this journey… Learn about the companies behind these projects • Crossplane ( • Upbound runs a managed platform, so you don’t need to install and manage Crossplane • Upbound Cloud can be run on your compute, so you have full control on your Crossplane instances

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If you are in this journey… Learn about the companies behind these projects • Dapr ( • Run as a managed service on Azure Container Apps, this means that you have the Dapr APIs available for your containers • Diagrid o ff ers two products • Diagrid’s Conductor to manage and operate Dapr at scale on your Kubernetes clusters • Diagrid’s Catalyst managed service that you can use from any Cloud Provider, including your on-prem setups.

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If you are in this journey… Learn about the companies behind these projects • Buildpacks ( • Heroku/Salesforce • VMware Tanzu • Google Cloud • Azure • Bloomberg @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Takeaways • APIs, standards and open source projects: help you to protect your platform investments • Speedy Onboarding process: simplify and reduce cognitive load from new team members • Out of the Box Cloud-Native patterns: abstract away complexity to reduce cross-environment differences • Smooth Operations: optimise for your use cases, there is no silver bullet @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Mauricio Salatino Thomas Vitale @salaboy @vitalethomas