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Objective-C Worst Practices VXXXXXXXXXXZ And How To Avoid Them

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• Aesthetics • Shibboleths • Verbosity • Responsibility • Privilege • Logistics

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Formatting • Consistency • Consistency • Consistency

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• Tabs vs. Spaces • 2 / 4 Space Tabs • Space after -, (, or ) • Newline after { or }

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Does Not Matter

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GitHub Objective-C Style Guide objective-c-conventions

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#Pragma #pragma mark - UIViewController

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#pragma Sections • initializers • overridden subclass methods • protocols

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typedef-ing Block Parameters

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- (void)performBlock:(XXBlock)block

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- (void)performBlock: (void (^)(NSError *error))block

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Gileadites Ephraimites ʃɪbəlεθ sɪbəlεθ

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Deutsch English ɪx iʃ

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Ruby Ruby Objective-C underscore_variable_name camelCaseVariableName def short(options = {}) - (void)longMethodWithParameter: andAnotherParameter: CAPITALIZED_CONSTANT kCamelCaseConstant Module::Class MNClass

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Java Java AbstractLinkedHashMapFactorySingletonBean Objective-C NSAbstractLinkedHashMapFactorySingletonBean

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Java Java AbstractLinkedHashMapFactorySingletonBean Objective-C NSDictionary

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Using Strings Instead of Enumerated Constants

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Ruby Ruby Objective-C :symbol kNSConstant

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Using Literal Strings Instead of Constants

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@{@"error": @"Foo Bar Baz"}

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NSString * const kErrorKey = @"error"; @{kErrorKey: @"Foo Bar Baz"}

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Using Literal Strings Instead of Localized Strings

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Not Using Foundation Built-in Types

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• NSSet • NSCache • NSLocale • NSSortDescriptor • NSPredicate • NSURL • NSURLRequest • NSURLResponse • NSURLCredential Foundation Favorites

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( N S < ❤

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T M I oo uch nfo

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X X X X Censored

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Private Category @interface FooViewController () ... @end

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Private Category @interface FVC ()

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• NSOperationQueue • NSURLProtocol • NSPersistentStoreCoordinator

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Mutable Properties X X X X Censored

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Proxying Complex Internal Objects

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cell.text = @"Guten Tag!";

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cell.text = @"Guten Tag!"; cell.textColor = [...]; cell.font = [...];

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UILabel "I got this"

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cell.textLabel.text = @"Guten Tag!";

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No Classes should require insider knowledge to use

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Block Callbacks

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No content

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platform :ios, “5.0” pod “AFNetworking” pod “AFIncrementalStore”

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Open-Source Projects

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Not Having README Screenshots Sample Project or and

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Please, please, stop making Swiss Army Knife category Libraries

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• NSArray -firstObject • NSString -URL • UIView -setLeft:/-setSize:/etc. • UIImage -scaledImage...

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• Make your code sparkle • Follow Apple's conventions • Delegate responsibilities • Use CocoaPods