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Graph databases and analysis presents using Neo4j Akash Tandon Data Engineering@SocialCops Email: Twitter: analyticalmonk

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Goal - Learn why graph databases are relevant - Understand advantages and challenges related to working with Graph DBs - Introduction to Neo4j graph database, cypher query language and Py2Neo python package

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History The Konigsberg problem Solved by Leonhard Euler Laid the foundation of graph theory Ref: Wikipedia

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Why and what? Ref: Cambridge semantic blog

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Use-cases - Fraud detection - Knowledge graphs - Recommendation systems - Investigative journalism (Panama papers) - Social media and network graphs - Analytics - … and so on!

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Use-case: Panama papers

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Neo4j - Most popular graph DBMS and market leader - Property graph database - Graph storage and processing engine - Open source and great community-support - Visualization tool, browser and integration with multiple languages (Python, Java, etc.)

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Cypher - Declarative graph query language - Allows for expressive and efficient querying and updating of a property graph - SQL-ish

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Cypher MATCH (a:Artist),(b:Album) WHERE a.Name = "Pink Floyd" AND b.Name = "Dark side of the moon" CREATE (a)-[r:RELEASED]->(b) RETURN r

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Py2Neo - Py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications and from the command line. - Github repo:

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Py2Neo >>> from import Node, Relationship >>> a = Node("Person", name="Alice") >>> b = Node("Person", name="Bob") >>> ab = Relationship(a, "KNOWS", b) >>> ab (Alice)-[:KNOWS]->(Bob) -

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Graph algorithms - Centralities (Pagerank, Betweenness, Closeness) - Community detection (Louvain, Label propogation) - Path finding (Shortest path - A*, Dijkstra) - Similarity (Jaccard, Cosine) Neo4j-supported graph algorithms: on/#introduction-algorithms

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Challenges - Scalability - Integration of data silos

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Resources - - installation/ - - - ction-to-graph-theory-network-analysis-python-codes

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Thank you!