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Reaching Everyone, Fast September 16, 2014 at Velocity NY, 2014 ! Tim Kadlec
 @tkadlec [email protected]

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“The internet doesn’t change anything.

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The internet changes everything.

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Iran 3G connections are “…against human and moral standards.”

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performance as a weapon

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Tomáš Randus Victor
 Cala Mladen
 Drmač Karel Knop Kim Conger

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Dan Mall Matt Cook

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0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic

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Our internet is not their internet.

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0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic

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0 3000 6000 9000 12000 Iran Pakistan Belarus Azerbaijan Armenia Bosnia Macedonia Georgia Kazakhstan Serbia Ukraine Russia US Czech Republic 9.4x

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0.1% 16.0% 3G Penetration Fixed Broadband

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“The future is already here—it’s just not very evenly distributed. William Gibson

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“That was a pretty harsh experience for us. We’d been building an app for users like us. ! But we were the exception, not the rule Ragavan Srinivasan Facebook’s Android project manager But we were the exception, not the rule.

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performant by default

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set a performance budget

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Andy Davies @andydavies

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20% rule

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visually complete <= 4000ms

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humanize performance

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can’t risk performance

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compress images grunt-contrib-imagemin

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progressive JPEGs grunt-contrib-imagemin

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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! options: {! ! ! ! progressive: true! ! ! },! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! imagemin ! png ! ! ! ! ! ! ! },! ! ! ! ! ! {! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! }! ! ! ]! ! },! ! jpg ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! {! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! }! ! ! ]! ! }! },

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concatenate & minimize JS grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-uglify

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eliminate unused CSS grunt-uncss

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inline critical CSS grunt-penthouse

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penthouse: {! ! home : {! ! ! outfile : 'public/css/critical-home.css',! ! ! css : 'public/css/style.css',! ! ! url : ‘! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 04-pages-00-homepage.html?pl=false',! ! ! width : 1300,! ! ! height : 900! ! },! ! article : {! ! ! outfile : 'public/css/critical-article.css',! ! ! css : 'public/css/style.css',! ! ! url : ‘! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! pages-02-article.html?pl=false',! ! ! width : 1300,! ! ! height : 900! ! },! ! . . .! },

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SVG workflow grunt-svgmin

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svgmin: {! ! options: {! ! ! plugins: [! ! ! ! {! ! ! ! ! cleanupNumericValues: {! ! ! ! ! ! floatPrecision: 1! ! ! ! ! }! ! ! ! }! ! ! ]! ! },! ! dist: {! ! ! files: [! ! ! ! {! ! ! ! ! expand: true,! ! ! ! ! cwd: 'source/images/',! ! ! ! ! src: ['**/*.svg'],! ! ! ! ! dest: 'source/images/'! ! ! ! }! ! ! ]! ! }! }

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svgmin ! options ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! },! ! dist ! ! ! ! ! {! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! }! ! ! ]! ! }! }

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SVG workflow grunt-svgmin grunt-svgstore

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! !! !!add-to-list! !!! !! !....!

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! !

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20 icons = 2.5kb

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125 bytes

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svgstore: {! !options: {! !!prefix: 'shape-', // this prefixes each symbol ID! !!svg: {! !!!'class': 'svgmap'! !!}! !},! !default: {! !!files: {! !!!'public/svg-icons.svg': ['source/images/svg- icons/*.svg'],! !!}! !}! },

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set it. forget it.

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raises the floor

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• No 3G • No Wi-Fi • Non-touch • 240 x 320 • 64MB internal

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Older browsers Polyfills and frameworks for all the things Full-featured site

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go vanilla

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jQuery 2.1.1: 29,558 bytes Entire JS for RFE/RL: 11,787 bytes Total savings: 17,771 bytes (60%)

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dynamic range

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Large: 33 reqs, 781.5kb Small: 23 reqs, 418kb Core: 4 reqs, 22.2kb

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performant by default

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bridge the gap

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The internet changes everything.

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thank you September 16, 2014 at Velocity NY, 2014 ! Tim Kadlec
 @tkadlec [email protected]