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1 java.lang.invoke whisper to the JIT for speed gain Rémi Forax

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3 Me, myself and I Java Champion OpenJDK amber & valhalla ex: jigsaw, lambda, invokedynamic

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4 public class HelloLog { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(HelloLog.class); public static void main(String[] args) { LOGGER.debug("should not be printed !"); } } Log4J2: Performance of a disabled logger ??

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5 With JMH log4j2_disabled_text 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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6 public class HelloLog { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(HelloLog.class); public static void main(String[] args) { LOGGER.debug(() -> "should not be printed !"); } } Performance of a disabled logger ?? (v2)

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7 public class HelloLog { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(HelloLog.class); public static void main(String[] args) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("should not be printed !"); } } } Performance of a disabled logger ?? (v3)

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8 With JMH log4j2_disabled_text 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 log4j2_disabled_lambda 1.080 ns/op +/- 0.003 log4j2_disabled_block 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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10 A mooar simple Logger public class SimpleLogger { public enum Level { WARNING, DEBUG } final Level level; public SimpleLogger(Level level) { this.level = level; } public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return level.compareTo(Level.DEBUG) <= 0; } public void debug(String message) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { System.err.println(message); } } }

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11 A mooar simple Logger (v2) public class SimpleLogger { public enum Level { WARNING, DEBUG } final Level level; public SimpleLogger(Level level) { this.level = level; } public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return level.ordinal() - Level.DEBUG.ordinal() <= 0; } public void debug(String message) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { System.err.println(message); } } } class Enum { final int ordinal; public int ordinal() { return ordinal; } }

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12 With JMH log4j2_disabled 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 simple_logger 0.679 ns/op +/- 0.007 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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14 The VM doesn’t trust final fields !!

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15 java.lang.invoke

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16 java.lang.invoke Better invocation modes than reflection Do the security check once ! Do not box by default ! Richer API bindTo(), guardWithTest(), asType(), loop(), … Introduced in 7, used by Java for Lambda creation in 8+ String concatenation in 9+

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17 Hello java.lang.invoke Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); MethodHandle mh = lookup.findVirtual( PrintStream.class, "println", methodType(void.class, String.class)); mh.invokeExact(System.err, "hello java.lang.invoke");

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18 Partial application var lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); var mh = lookup.findVirtual(PrintStream.class, "println", methodType(void.class, String.class)); mh = mh.bindTo(System.err); mh.invokeExact("hello java.lang.invoke");

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19 Drop Arguments var mh = lookup.findVirtual(PrintStream.class, "println", methodType(void.class, String.class)); mh = mh.bindTo(System.err); mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 0, Level.class); mh.invokeExact(Level.WARNING, "hello java.lang.invoke");

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20 guardWithTest() + empty() private static boolean isDebug(Level l) { return l == Level.DEBUG || l == Level.TRACE; } var mh = lookup.findVirtual(PrintStream.class, "println", methodType(void.class, String.class)); mh = mh.bindTo(System.err); mh = MethodHandles.dropArguments(mh, 0, Level.class); var test = lookup.findStatic(Logger.class, "isDebug", methodType(boolean.class, Level.class)); var empty = MethodHandles.empty( methodType(void.class, Level.class, String.class)); var guard = MethodHandles.guardWithTest(test, mh, empty); guard.invokeExact(Level.WARNING, "warning !"); guard.invokeExact(Level.DEBUG, "debug !");

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21 Method Handle Tree Configuration test target fallback empty level isDebug prinln bindTo System.err dropArguments guard

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22 Implementation of a logger public interface Logger { default void debug(String message) { log(Level.DEBUG, message); } void log(Level level, String messsage); public static Logger getLogger(Class> configClass) { MethodHandle mh = getLoggingMethodHandle(configClass); return new Logger() { @Override public void log(Level level, String message) { try { mh.invokeExact(level, message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow(e); } } }; }

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23 With JMH log4j2_disabled 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 simple_logger 0.679 ns/op +/- 0.007 inner_class_logger 2.966 ns/op +/- 0.008 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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25 The VM still doesn’t trust final fields !!

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26 Constant fields for the VM from static bool trust_final_non_static_fields(ciInstanceKlass* holder) { // Never trust strangely unstable finals: System.out, etc. if (holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_lang_System()) return false; // Even if general trusting is disabled, trust system-built closures if (holder->is_in_package("java/lang/invoke") || holder->is_in_package("sun/invoke")) return true; // Trust VM anonymous classes, can't be serialized so no field hacking if (holder->is_anonymous()) return true; // Trust final fields in all boxed classes if (holder->is_box_klass()) return true; // Trust final fields in String if (holder->name() == ciSymbol::java_lang_String()) return true; return TrustFinalNonStaticFields; }

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27 Implementation of a logger public interface Logger { default void debug(String message) { log(Level.DEBUG, message); } void log(Level level, String messsage); public static Logger getLogger(Class> configClass) { MethodHandle mh = getLoggingMethodHandle(configClass); return new Logger() { @Override public void log(Level level, String message) { try { mh.invokeExact(level, message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow(e); } } }; }

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28 Implementation of a logger – with a lambda public interface Logger { default void debug(String message) { log(Level.DEBUG, message); } void log(Level level, String messsage); public static Logger getLogger(Class> configClass) { MethodHandle mh = getLoggingMethodHandle(configClass); return (level, message) -> { try { mh.invokeExact(level, message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow(e); } }; }

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29 With JMH log4j2_disabled 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 simple_logger 0.679 ns/op +/- 0.007 inner_class_logger 2.966 ns/op +/- 0.008 lambda_logger 0.271 ns/op +/- 0.001 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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31 So everything is fine ??

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32 Which one is faster ?? (for 220 elements) @Benchmark public int log4j2_sum() { int sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sum += array[i]; LOG4J2_LOGGER.debug("should not be printed !"); } return sum; } @Benchmark public int log4j2_foreach_sum() { int sum = 0; for(int value: array) { sum += value; LOG4J2_LOGGER.debug("should not be printed !"); } return sum; }

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33 With JMH log4j2_sum 1.621 ms/op +/- 0.011 log4j2_foreach_sum 1.053 ms/op +/- 0.008 nologger_sum 0.314 ms/op +/- 0.002 nologger_foreach_sum 0.315 ms/op +/- 0.003

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35 class CoreLogger implements Logger { static class PrivateConf { final int intLevel; final Object filter; final Conf conf; PrivateConf(int intLevel) { …; conf = new ConfImpl(null); } boolean filter(Level level, Marker marker, String msg) { Object filter = conf.getFilter(); if (filter != null) { … } return level != null && intLevel >= level.intLevel(); } } volatile PrivateConf config; CoreLogger(Level level) { this.config = new PrivateConf(level.intLevel()); } @Override public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return config.filter(Level.DEBUG, null, null); } } interface Conf { public Object getFilter(); }

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36 How to react to a configuration change using java.lang.invoke ??

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37 java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint A boolean value that can be switch off Can create guards from it Switch off with SP.invalidateAll(new SP[] { sp }) Implemented by recording invalidation dependencies between a SP and all JITed codes that depend on it => look Ma, no volatile !

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38 Method Handle Tree Configuration guard test target fallback empty level isDebug prinln bindTo System.err dropArguments CS guard target fallback reset SwitchPoint get new setTarget

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39 Beautiful Logger Real zero overhead if disabled Programmatically configure/re-configure – 3 levels of configuration module/package/class ● A SwitchPoint at each level Output to SLF4J, LOG4J, JUL, System.Logger API

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40 With JMH – final result log4j2_disabled 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 beautiful_logger_disabled 0.270 ns/op +/- 0.001 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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41 With JMH – final result (2) log4j2_disabled 1.081 ns/op +/- 0.004 logback_disabled 1.082 ns/op +/- 0.003 jul_disable 0.699 ns/op +/- 0.007 beautiful_logger_disabled 0.270 ns/op +/- 0.001 no_op 0.272 ns/op +/- 0.005

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42 With JMH – final result (3) log4j2_sum 1.621 ms/op +/- 0.011 log4j2_foreach_sum 1.053 ms/op +/- 0.008 logback_sum 1.582 ms/op +/- 0.003 logback_foreach_sum 1.020 ms/op +/- 0.005 jul_sum 1.136 ms/op +/- 0.004 jul_foreach_sum 0.596 ms/op +/- 0.004 beautiful_logger_sum 0.314 ms/op +/- 0.005 nologger_foreach_sum 0.314 ms/op +/- 0.002

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44 Exotic classes A bestiary of classes with exotic semantics MostlyConstant A constant value that can be changed StableField A field that acts as a constant when initialized ConstantMemoizer A function that returns a constant if the argument is a constant StructuralCall To do structural call