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Fabien Potencier @fabpot in 2019

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How many of are going
 to SymfonyCon Amsterdam?

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Join us for a week of Symfony, November 19-23, at the Beurs van Berlage: • November 19-20: 2-day pre- conference workshops • November 21-22: 2-day conference (3 tracks and 1 Unconference) • November 23: 1-day Hackday Get an exclusive 10% discount on your registration using the code: SFC19PHPAMS Code available until June 26 2019

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Come to meet the international Symfony and PHP communities! Become a Sponsor of the event! Support the framework and get visibility for your company during the conference! Contact us: [email protected] 1,000+ attendees and 30+ speakers will be there during our 2-day conference!

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 Symfony version(s)
 are you using? 1.x? 2.x? 3.x? 4.x?

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What is Symfony 4? A new developer experience On a rock solid foundation From micro-style to monolith and prototypes

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Wired? Tired? or

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 Encore Webpack Assetic

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Symfony Local Web Server Built-in
 PHP server

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Symfony Local Web Server $ symfony server:start -d # open in the browser $ symfony open:local # tail the logs $ symfony server:log

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• PHP-FPM (concurrent requests) • HTTP 2 • TLS • Local domain names • No dependencies / single binary (MacOS, Linux, and Windows) • Manages background commands (Encore, Messenger, ...) • Consolidated logs (PHP , Web server, app, background commands) • Docker integration (and SymfonyCloud) • Multiple versions of PHP • HTTP Link/pre-load/push support Symfony Local Web Server

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$ symfony new demo $ symfony new demo --cloud --debug # Want to try Symfony 5.0 (dev version)? $ symfony new demo --version=dev-master Creating a new project

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Symfony CLI SensioLabs Security Checker

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$ symfony security:check Does not call Clones and caches

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 Components symfony/symfony

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Symfony 2+/3+ Monolog Bundle SwiftMailer Bundle Polyfill Util Polyfill PHP 7.0 Polyfill PHP 5.6 Polyfill Mbstring Polyfill Intl ICU Polyfill APCu PHPUnit Bridge Debug Bundle Framework Bundle Security Bundle Twig Bundle WebProfiler Bundle WebServer Bundle Doctrine Bridge Monolog Bridge Twig Bridge Monolog Doctrine (11) SecurityChecker Generator Bundle ParamHandler FrameworkExtra Bundle Distribution Bundle Asset BrowserKit Cache ClassLoader Config Console CssSelector Debug DependencyInjection DomCrawler Dotenv EventDispatcher ExpressionLanguage Filesystem Finder Form HttpFoundation HttpKernel Inflector Intl Ldap OptionsResolver Process PropertyAccess PropertyInfo Routing Security Serializer Stopwatch Templating Translation Validator VarDumper WebLink Workflow Yaml 4 bridges 15 librairies 11 bundles 42 components SwiftMailer

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Symfony 4+/5+ Polyfill Mbstring Framework Bundle Cache Config Debug DependencyInjection Dotenv EventDispatcher Filesystem Finder HttpFoundation HttpKernel Routing Yaml 0 bridges 1 library 1 bundle 13 components Flex

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$ symfony new demo # Forms are ❌ disabled as symfony/form is not installed $ composer req form # Forms are automatically ✅ enabled as symfony/form is installed + Auto-configuration + No manual changes + Better performance

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 Bundles with recipes Application

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$ cat src/Controller/DefaultController.php App vs Bundles src/ is about YOUR code

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Environment Variables Class Constants Parameters n/a

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Parameter Class constant Environment variable Can be provided
 by a third party ("standard") ❌ ❌ ✅ Can be changed
 without cache:clear ❌ ❌ ✅ Easy to use in code ❌ ✅ Can be changed
 without redeploy ❌ ✅ Can be different
 in dev and prod ✅ ❌ ✅ Can be stored
 outside of a Git repo ✅ ❌ ✅ Rich type support via processors Example Configure
 behavior Configure
 behavior Configure

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Container Auto-discovery Auto-configuration Auto-wiring Service

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$ composer req twig Adding Twig + Controller as a service + No manual changes + No configuration + Auto-wiring Productivity++

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Never define
 your service again*

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 Bundle Generator

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$ ./bin/console list make Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ ./bin/console make:controller DefaultController Symfony Maker Bundle

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$ cat src/Controller/DefaultController.php Symfony Maker Bundle Annotations Everything in one file

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Adding a Twig Extension Where do I store the Twig extension class? Which file do I need to change to register it? Which tag do I need to use? How do I declare a tag in YAML? Which interface/class do I need to implement/ extend? It’s too complex. What about doing it the dirty way and do it in the controller instead? hmm, ok

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$ ./bin/console make:twig-extension Adding a Twig Extension Add your logic in the generated class… DONE!

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Full Automation works for… • Twig extensions • Event listeners • Doctrine entities/repositories • Commands • Voters • Registration form system • …

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 Templates PHP

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You can use PHP templates But Twig benefits
 from a fully maintained integration

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 Mailer Swiftmailer

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A great example of
 how we leverage
 the "new" Symfony infrastructure

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I want to send emails
 from my controller

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$ composer req symfony/mailer Sending emails use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; public function index(MailerInterface $mailer) { $mailer->send( (new Email()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->text('Some text...') ); MAILER_DSN=smtp://localhost + No configuration + No manual changes + Auto-wiring + Env vars

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I want to send rich emails
 from my controller

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Sending emails use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface; public function index(MailerInterface $mailer) { $mailer->send( (new TemplatedEmail()) ->from('[email protected]') ->to('[email protected]') ->subject('Some subject') ->htmlTemplate('@emails/welcome.html.twig') ->context([ 'city' => 'Tunis' ]) );

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller

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$ composer req twig/inky-extension twig/cssinliner-extension Sending emails {% apply inky|inline_css(source("@zurb/stylesheets/main.css")) %}

Symfony Connect

Forgot Your Password?

It happens. Click the link below to reset it.

Reset Password

unsubscribe here.

{% endapply %}

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API

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$ composer req mailgun-mailer MAILER_DSN=http://$MAILGUN_KEY:$MAILGUN_DOMAIN@mailgun Sending emails Amazon SES Google Gmail Mandrill Mailgun Postmark Sendgrid

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API

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$ composer req messenger framework: messenger: transports: email: "doctrine://default" routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email $ ./bin/console messenger:consume $ symfony run -d ./bin/console messenger:consume -vv Sending emails Go to the background

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$ symfony server:status $ symfony server:log Sending emails

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API
 asynchronously with AMQP

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At this point, think about
 how you would do it
 with Symfony 3.4 Here, we have not written
 a single line of code
 and barely changed the configuration

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We are only using Symfony components

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API
 asynchronously with AMQP

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framework: messenger: transports: email: "%env(RABBITMQ_DSN)%" routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email $ docker-compose up -d Sending emails rabbitmq: image: rabbitmq ports: - 5672 docker-compose.yml Symfony Local Web Server
 Env vars "auto-wiring" Local port is random

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API
 asynchronously with AMQP
 and manage failures gracefully

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$ composer req symfony/sendgrid-mailer MAILER_DSN=http://key:domain@mailgun || http://key@sendgrid Sending emails

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framework: messenger: transports: email: dsn: "%env(RABBITMQ_DSN)%" retry_strategy: max_retries: 3 routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email Sending emails

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framework: messenger: failure_transport: failed transports: failed: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed' email: dsn: "%env(RABBITMQ_DSN)%" retry_strategy: max_retries: 3 routing: Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage: email $ symfony server:log $ ./bin/console messenger:failed:show $ ./bin/console messenger:failed:retry Sending emails

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Sending emails

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I want to send rich and responsive emails
 from my controller
 via my provider's API
 asynchronously with AMQP
 and manage failures gracefully
 without Docker

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$ symfony project:init $ symfony deploy $ symfony log --worker=send_emails all Sending emails rabbitmq: type: rabbitmq:3.7 disk: 1500 .symfony/services.yaml runtime: extensions: [ "amqp" ] relationships: rabbitmq: "rabbitmq:rabbitmq" workers: send_emails: commands: start: | set -x -e (>&2 symfony-deploy) bin/console messenger:consume -vv email Production ready

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$ symfony tunnel:open Sending emails Symfony Local Web Server
 Env vars "auto-wiring" relationships: rabbitmq: "rabbitmq:rabbitmq" Development ready framework: messenger: transports: email: "%env(RABBITMQ_DSN)%"

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Experience The new Components: http-client, messenger, mailer, container, ... Concepts: Flex, auto-configuration, env vars, ... Tools: Symfony CLI, SymfonyCloud, Docker

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is a fantastic set of low-level building blocks
 that you can assemble to develop
 powerful high-level features easily

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What about the future? Nobody knows, it depends on you 
 ... so, what have you done so far for Symfony 4.4?

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HTTP errors without Twig Important for API-only applications

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PHP 7.4 preload support Performance FTW

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A better Security component?

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... to be continued

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Thank you and see you soon!