Slide 5
Slide 5 text
Mac 1 ͰϋΠϒϦουฒྻॲཧ
OpenMPI ͷϚελɾεϨʔϒϊʔυΛίϯςφͱͯ͠ىಈ
ɹɹ// εϨʔϒϓϩηεΛ SSH αʔόͱͯ͠ىಈ
ɹɹ$ docker run --name 02-node01 -d --cpuset-cpus 0,1 openmpi/samples:02-hybrid-parallel
ɹɹ$ docker run --name 02-node02 -d --cpuset-cpus 2,3 openmpi/samples:02-hybrid-parallel
ɹɹ// Ϛελʔϓϩηεͷىಈ
ɹɹ$ docker run --rm -it -u mpiuser \
ɹɹɹɹ--link 02-node01:node01 --link 02-node02:node02 \
ɹɹɹɹopenmpi/samples:02-hybrid-parallel \
ɹɹɹɹmpirun -np 2 --host node01,node02 -x OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 ./hybrid
ɹɹHello from thread 0 out of 2 from process 0 out of 2 on 5329fecf93f4
ɹɹHello from thread 1 out of 2 from process 0 out of 2 on 5329fecf93f4
ɹɹHello from thread 0 out of 2 from process 1 out of 2 on ca3d85c87284
ɹɹHello from thread 1 out of 2 from process 1 out of 2 on ca3d85c87284