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Ask ques(ons during the talk Heckling is encouraged

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Unix Write programs... • that do one thing and do it well. • to work together. • to handle text streams

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Tom Cartwright @tomcartwright

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Adventures in pocket-sized Javascript

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Climbing the ladder inference

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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The 7 Kingdoms of Website requirements

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North of the wall

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No content

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Frameworks Framework Size Ember ~125 Kb React ~42 Kb Angular 2 ~110 Kb Jquery ~29 KB

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This dev installed a babel plugin. You won't believe what happened next.

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Solu%oneering 1. App architecture 2. Build chain 3. Stats and reckons

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Dependencies: 1 Sub-dependencies: 5 Packet size: ~12Kb

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One package to rule them all. One package to bind() them. virtual-dom

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No content

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No content

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No content

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function deviceSelector (page, side, idx) { return (
{radioButton('iPhone', 'iphone', radioOpts)} {radioButton('iPad', 'ipad', radioOpts)} {radioButton('Browser', 'browser', radioOpts)}
) }

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function deviceSelector(page, side, idx) { return h( 'div', { className: 'page-design-cont sub-section pure-u-1-1' }, [h( 'span', null, 'Device' ), h( 'div', { onchange: handleClick, 'data-click': { type: "update-form" } }, [ radioButton('iPhone', 'iphone', radioOpts), radioButton('iPad', 'ipad', radioOpts), radioButton('Browser', 'browser', radioOpts) ] )] ); }

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No content

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function handleClick (ev) { ev.stopPropagation() ev.preventDefault() dispatchers.formEv(ev) }

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module.exports.formEv = function(ev) { var reducer =['data-click'] var formEl = document.getElementById('custom-wright') var action = actionWithData(reducer, formEl) events['render'](action) }

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module.exports.render = function (action) { var reducer = action.type || 'update-form' module.exports.renderPage(reducers[reducer](store, action)) } module.exports.renderPage = function (state) { // Write the state to the hidden input so that form reloads on back nav stateEl.value = JSON.stringify(state) store = state var newTree = formPartial(store); var patches = diff(tree, newTree); rootNode = patch(rootNode, patches); tree = newTree; }

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Build watchify app/assets/javascripts/src/*.js -t babelify -o app/assets/javascripts/bundle.js { "presets": ["es2015"], "plugins": [ ["transform-react-jsx", {"pragma": "h"}], ["transform-es2015-arrow-functions", { "spec": true }], "transform-object-assign", "transform-es2015-for-of", "transform-es2015-block-scoping", "h-children-fix" ] }

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< play about with Chrome now > (keep it brief, a-en/on might be waning)

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Final pon)fica)ons

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Main advantage I have wri*en most of the code

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Main disadvantage I have wri*en most of the code

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Thank you kindly Other resources - for lolz - for example app @tomcartwrightuk - me on the internet if you have other questions