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Mobile First Responsive Design Jason Grigsby • @grigs •

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Follow along at @grigs_talks

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The web has always been a balancing act… p://

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with many competing priorities.

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Finding that balance is more difficult…

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Slide 7 text Responsive web design offers us for a sensible way to deal with device diversity.

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And yet the one question I frequently ask myself is…

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Can a one size fits all solution…

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compete with a tailored experience?

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Context Advertising Performance Important question from many perspectives: Search engine optimization

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Log In Subscribe Basket Contact Us i am looking for... 67% of consumers cite slow websites as the main cause of basket abandonment Daily Pulse Newsletter Get our free Daily Pulse Newsletter to keep informed about the latest news and insights in Digital Marketing. Register for our free Daily Pulse ADVERTISE HERE » by David Moth 06 December 2012 11:40 8 comments Print Tweet Tweet 236 3 Everyone hates slow loading websites, and a new survey highlights just how damaging a slow site can be to the user experience. The study by Brand Perfect found that two thirds of UK consumers (67%) cite slow loading times as the main reason they would abandon an online purchase. It’s a topic we’ve looked at in more detail in our post 'Site speed: case studies, tips and tools for improving your conversion rate', with stats showing that slow loading websites are losing businesses up to £1.73bn a year. Privacy and cookie policy Home / Blog Subscribe Reports Training Events Jobs Blog More Browse by topic Like 14 Share Share 20 Slow sites mean real dollars are lost.

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Top ecommerce sites are 22% slower than last year

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Luke’s fantastic gesture reference:

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Luke’s fantastic gesture reference: Many ways to navigate desktop web sites on mobile.

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Slide 20 text There are no gestures that can make a web site faster.

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34.7K 8.1K 26.6K 76.6% 39.0K 8.4K 30.6K 78.4% 30.5K 6.7K 23.8K 78.0% Original Resized K Saved % Saved 43.4K 8.2K 35.2K 81.1% 26.0K 6.6K 19.4K 74.6% 34.7K 7.8K 26.9K 77.5% Original Resized K Saved % Saved

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34.7K 8.1K 26.6K 76.6% 39.0K 8.4K 30.6K 78.4% 30.5K 6.7K 23.8K 78.0% Original Resized K Saved % Saved 43.4K 8.2K 35.2K 81.1% 26.0K 6.6K 19.4K 74.6% 34.7K 7.8K 26.9K 77.5% Original Resized K Saved % Saved

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34.7K 8.1K 26.6K 76.6% 39.0K 8.4K 30.6K 78.4% 30.5K 6.7K 23.8K 78.0% Original Resized K Saved % Saved 43.4K 8.2K 35.2K 81.1% 26.0K 6.6K 19.4K 74.6% 34.7K 7.8K 26.9K 77.5% Original Resized K Saved % Saved Original Resized K Saved % Saved Total 208.3K 45.8K 162.5K 78.0%

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The resounding answer from the community: Mobile First Responsive Web Design

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“Awesome. We’ll devote a chapter to Mobile First Responsive Web Design in our book.”

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“Awesome. We’ll devote a chapter to Mobile First Responsive Web Design in our book.” Famous last words.

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9% 4% 21% 38% 4% 25% Mobile is Larger Same Size Less than 10% Savings 11 to 50% Savings 51% to 100% Savings Greater than 100% Savings Where are the Mobile First RWDs? 106 sites from tested

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Slide 37 text Guy Podjarny repeated the experiment 2013: 476 sites from tested

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Most responsive web designs are…

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Being Responsive from a layout perspective should not preclude us from being responsive from a performance and interaction perspective. —Scott Jehl “

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5key techniques for responsible responsive design

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Mobile First Design Principles

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Mobile First Design Principles Mobile First Responsive Design

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Mobile First Design Principles Mobile First Responsive Design * FIRST Content First Structure First Performance First API First Command Line First

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Mobile First Design Principles Mobile First Responsive Design * FIRST Content First Structure First Performance First API First Command Line First Coffee First

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But we’ve already got a desktop design and we can’t start over.

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How do I make this responsive?

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How do I make this responsive?

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How do I make this responsive?

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Ok, let’s start from a clean slate

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What would the mobile version look like?

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What would the mobile version look like?

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What would the mobile version look like?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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How does that map to desktop design?

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Can this desktop version be better using what we’ve learned from the mobile version?

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This is why Mobile First thinking is so powerful even on existing projects.

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Slide 86 text Mobile First Responsive Web Design is a technical approach for responsive designs.

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/* Wider viewports/higher resolutions (e.g. desktop) */ @media screen and (min-width:481px) { [Desktop layout rules here] } /* Mobile/lower-resolution devices */ @media screen and (max-width:480px) { [Mobile layout rules here] } Move the mobile media query block above the desktop media query. By doing this, we’re making sure the cascading effect of CSS is consistent with our mobile first progressive enhancement approach. Reorder media queries so cascade goes from small to large screens Keep basic styles outside of media queries.

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The absence of support for media queries is in fact the first media query. —Bryan Rieger, Yiibu “

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IE8 and below don’t support media queries.

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Desktop First Responsive Web Design = Desktop Fallback Mobile First Responsive Web Design = Mobile Fallback What do you see if your browser doesn’t support media queries?

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The conditional comment repeats the line above it ensuring desktop IE sees our layout.css file. IE conditional comments

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The conditional comment repeats the line above it ensuring desktop IE sees our layout.css file. IE conditional comments or use Respond.js (a media query polyfill for IE)

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The taps.jpg file is 440.7K making it the largest file on the page. @media screen and (max-width:480px) { [Other CSS rules are here] .header {display:none;} } Images with display:none are still downloaded

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@media  all  and  (min-­‐width:  601px)  {        #test5  {                background-­‐ image:url('images/test5-­‐ desktop.png');                width:200px;                height:75px;        } } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test5  {                background-­‐ image:url('images/test5-­‐ mobile.png');                width:200px;                height:75px;        } } Images scoped within media queries

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#test3  div  {        background-­‐image:url('images/ test3.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)   {        #test3  {                display:none;        } } display:none on parent element

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#test4  {        background-­‐image:url('images/ test4-­‐desktop.png');        width:200px;        height:75px; } @media  all  and  (max-­‐width:  600px)  {        #test4  {                background-­‐image:url('images/ test4-­‐mobile.png');        } } Image override with a media query

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@media screen and (max-width:480px) { . . . #map {display:none;} } There are many more rules in the css file. The iframe has an id of map. This rule hides the Google Maps iframe by setting the display to none. Hiding content with display:none does not prevent it from downloading. Extremely long URL abbreviated This single iframe causes 47 files to be downloaded!

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Slide 105 text In JS, use matchMedia() or a polyfill for it to test a media query

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         Latest  Articles AJAX Include Pattern Use AJAX to bring more content into the page as the viewport width gets bigger

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Behavioral Breakpoints

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One SRC to rule all images Bensons Bubbler There are 16 beer labels on the On Tap Now page that use an img tag like this one for the Bensons Bubbler. Despite the need for multiple versions of this image depending on the screen size, HTML only allows one value for the src.

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Two most common use cases

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Slide 112 text Resolution Switching Includes high-density (retina) images.

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Art direction

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Not simply cropping

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Art direction: Images with text Sign In Account Get Email Español Shopping Bag Features New Arrivals Show Off Tees Backpacks Tech Toys 2/$30 & 2/$40 PINK Favorites Spin the Panty Wheel Tops All Tops Hoodies & Crews Tees & Tanks Bottoms All Bottoms Sweats Shorts Yoga PINK Loves Yoga Panties 5/$26 Styles 3/$33 Styles Shop by Style Bras All Bras Bandeaus & Bralettes 2/$42 Wear Everywhere Bras Bras 101 Swim Search

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No good solutions

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Things are still moving forward on a standards- based approach for responsive images.

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New proposed standards srcset src-n Too early to use any of them

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Picturefill JavaScript Library

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#5 Handle high-density images carefully

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A single image on multiple screens

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Image Resolution 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 Blackberry Curve iPhone iPhone Retina Macbook Macbook Retina 1861632 465408 519360 130080 57920 320x181 480x271 960x541 909x512 1818x1024

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Image Resolution 3,214% bigger 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 Blackberry Curve iPhone iPhone Retina Macbook Macbook Retina 1861632 465408 519360 130080 57920 320x181 480x271 960x541 909x512 1818x1024

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@media  screen  and  (-­‐webkit-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  1)  { /*  Image  for  normal  displays.  */ #main  { background-­‐image:  url(dog.jpg); } } @media  screen  and  (-­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio:  2)  { /*  Image  for  high  resolution  displays.  */ #main  { background-­‐image:  (dog-­‐hi-­‐res.jpg); } } If possible, use CSS for now

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Picturefill User Preference Branch

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Compressive images?

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Slide 135 text If I could dream up my ideal solution for images…

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Eights guidelines and one immutable rule

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#1 Use vector-based images or font icons whenever you can

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Topics: accessibility css icon design javascript Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts Posted by Zach on 01/13/2014 Care must be taken when implementing icon fonts to ensure a great experience for all users. What happens when your font doesn’t load? What happens when @font-face isn’t supported in the browser? We’ll show you how to implement bulletproof font icons. In our never-ending quest to build sites more efficiently and effectively for our clients, the lowly font has been proposed many times as an option to easily implement vector icons. While we typically prefer (and recommend) using SVG for vector icons for some of the reasons Ian Feather of has documented in his blog post, we sometimes collaborate with other teams who have already implemented icon fonts. For those cases we decided to research how to best implement icon fonts in a universally accessible way. What we do What we've done What we're thinking Who we are

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IcoMoon App Premium Icons Font CDN Browse 3800+ Free Vector Icons Import Your Own Vectors to Make Fonts Generate Custom & Crisp Icon Fonts Generate CSS Sprites with any size or color Basic Glyph Editing 1200+ Vector Icons & Counting Handcrafted on a 16×16 grid Several Different Formats Optimized for Icon Fonts Free Updates Serve Custom-Built Fonts Powered by Amazon Web Services Easily Update Your Icon Fonts Production (Cached) Links Starting at $1.60/Month IcoMoon IcoMoon Custom Built and Crisp Icon Fonts, Done Right Home App Icon Packs Font CDN Demo Documentation Blog About

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/' // . // |\//7 /' " \ . | ( \ _ _ - -_ | '._ ' _ __ _- \_ _/ \'-' // \\_/ \\ | | || | / / | \ / |VV ||--\__________/-||-/| || || || || { } { } { }{ } . . Drag & Drop ur SVGs on the Grumpicon plz. What Is This Issues? based on Grunticon

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#2 Encourage people to upload the highest quality source possible

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#3 Provide an automatic image resizing and compression service

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Example from Sencha IO SRC. Define height, width or both. My constrained image #4 Images can be resized to any size with URL parameters

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“Save for the Web” should be a thing of the past. —@adamdbradley “

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#5 Provide automated output of PictureFill or alternative

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{ "source":"/source.jpg", "breakpoints":  [ {  "max-­‐width":"30em","pixel-­‐density":1,"width":360px},   {  "max-­‐width":"30em","pixel-­‐density":2,"width":720px}, {  "max-­‐width":"30em","pixel-­‐density":1,"width":800px}, {  "max-­‐width":"30em","pixel-­‐density":2,"width":1600px}, {  "pixel-­‐density":1,"width":800px}, {  "pixel-­‐density":2,"width":1600px}, ] } templates contain breakpoint information Responsive Images Markup Function Responsive Images Markup Function PictureFill  Markup Sample syntax. Don’t get hung up on details. Markup for all images can be changed in one spot.

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#6 Provide a way to override resized images for art direction needs

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jpegtran or jpegoptim OptiPNG or PNGOUT far future expires headers learn from mod_pagespeed or use it #7 Integrate image compression best practices

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The average WebP file size is 25% - 34% smaller compared to JPEG file size. WebP compresses 34% better than libpng, and 26% better than pngout for loseless images. #8 Bonus: Detect support for WebP image format and use it

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#! The only rule for your responsive images implementation.

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Plan for the fact that it will be deprecated. Make it easy to change. #! The only rule for your responsive images implementation.

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It’s three years later. Let’s revisit the my original question.

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Can a one size fits all solution…

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compete with a tailored experience?

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Slide 157 text Or will it always be TOO BIG?

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Unlikely responsive design will ever be as fast as something crafted specifically for a device.

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But web design is a balancing act.

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And performance is just one factor.

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Flickr: Uploaded February 11, 2007 by hawridger For most projects, responsive design can be fast enough to make sense…

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if we do the extra work to make mobile first responsive designs.

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Thank You! Special thanks to Scott Jehl, Guy Podjarny, and all of the Flickr users sharing under creative commons.