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Open Geo Data in The Netherlands (and beyond)

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Bio and outlook @simeonnedkov Past: MSc Geomatics at TU Delft Current: PhD research at Vrije Universiteit on geo tech use in the city/people/government triad - redefine the smart city Today - Dutch/European open geo data and stores - View and get data - Display (in fancy ways) and host your own data - No D3 and OpenGeo Suite

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... everything you ever wanted to know about geographical information, standards and services?

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1. Why it sucks. 2. When it will get better. 3. What's in it for me.

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1. Out of sight, out of mind.. well, almost. 2. Gradually... 3. Easy access to pan-European data

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It sucks. Verbose Unpolished and obscure docs SHP? EPSG: 28992?? GIS? WMS? WFS? Reference servers and implementations are mostly Java (and C++) Geoportals.. ugh! Lack of decent geo data sources and services Politics

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It needs to get better And it is! Better mapping tech: OpenLayers 3, MapBox, CartoDB, Shapely, Fiona More tutorials by non-geo developers Favourable legislation: Wet Basisregistraties Publieke Dienstverlening op de Kaart (PDOK) Nationaal Georegister 2... INSPIRE

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Why bother? Well established and powerful standards Extensive infrastructure Access to European open geo data Interoperability and ease of use Use it to make it better Encourage cities / open data initiatives to adopt standards You have no choice... :)

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Slide 9 text Javier de la Torre (@jatorre) - Vizzuality, creators of CartoDB

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1. Demystify Dutch geo data stores and standards 2. Demystify some geo tools

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Let's dive in SDIs and geoportals

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Client Data Interact Spatial Data Infrastructures?

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Client Data Discover View Download Spatial Data Infrastructures?

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Client Data Discover View Download Spatial Data Infrastructures? w e b s i t e c a t a l o g machine readable geo services

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Client Data Discover View Download Spatial Data Infrastructures? w e b s i t e c a t a l o g Geoportal

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Client Data Discover View Download Spatial Data Infrastructures? w e b s i t e c a t a l o g Geoportal SDI

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Geo data in theory Client Metadata - location URL - format - extent - accuracy - temporal info - coordinate system - owner - access conditions Data store I Data store III Data store II Data store IV Catalog Discover data Location of data URL Query for data Download Data - georeferenced - vector (shp) - raster (geotiff) View

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Geo data in theory Client (Machine) searchable catalog NLR Universities Schools Governmental bodies Provinces Cities Research institutes Aerial images? NLR has them at this URL Geo extent json, svg .png, jpg

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Geo data in practice Client NLR Universities Schools Provinces Research institutes Data store V Provinciaal GeoRegister Governmental bodies Cities Most stores CKAN flat files

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Geo data in practice Client NLR Universities Schools Provinces Research institutes Data store V Provinciaal GeoRegister Governmental bodies Cities Most stores CKAN flat files Politics and organisational issues

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Geo data in practice Client NLR Universities Schools Provinces Research institutes Data store V Provinciaal GeoRegister Governmental bodies Cities Most stores CKAN flat files Politics and organisational issues The tech works!

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Forget it!

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But there is hope!

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Slide 25 text Needs to grow... Back to reality national data sets robust up-to-date great use it! provinces, no services KNMI / NLR

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Interesting datasets BAG Basisregistraties Adressen en Gebouwen

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Census data 2009, 2010, 2011

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AHN Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland - 25 m resolution

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National cycling routes

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More data Local announcements (live!) Topographic maps Rail/Roads/Canals/Parks CBS data Aerial and satellite images

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Even more data INSPIRE "... an EU initiative to establish an infrastructure for spatial information in Europe ..." 1. Data from all EU member states 2. More Dutch data

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Accessed and exchanged through geo services

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The geo services

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Vector vs. raster Space filling GeoTIFF Objects GeoJSON, SHP

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Geo services View Web Map Service (WMS) Raster: images Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) Tiles Download Web Feature Service (WFS) Vector: geometry and attributes Web Coverage Service (WCS) Raw raster data

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Slide 37 text Server View vector and raster Download vector From data to services Tile Cache geometry sttyling - (Spatial) filters - (Spatial) operations - Coordinate transformations vector raster values

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AHN Anatomy of WMS

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Slide 39 text request=GetCapabilities& service=WMS& version=1.1.3 Interacting with services Request: HTTP GET / POST Response: XML, .png, .jpg, .GML, .JSON, .svg

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Client GetCapabilities Server Capabilities document (XML) Point of entry: GetCapabilities request

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Client Server - Description of service - Layers - Requests - GetMap - GetFeatureInfo - GetLegendGraphic Client GetCapabilities Capabilities document (XML) Server Subsequent requests .png, .jpg and text Parse

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Slide 42 text request=getMap& service=WMS& version=1.1.1& layers=ahn25m& srs=EPSG:28992& bbox=13014,306243,286599,623492& width=300& height=400& format=image/png GetMap - request

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GetMap - response request=getMap& service=WMS& version=1.1.1& layers=ahn25m& srs=EPSG:28992& bbox=13014,306243,286599,623492& width=300& height=400& format=image/png

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GetFeatureInfo - request request=GetFeatureInfo& service=WMS& version=1.1.1& query_layers=ahn25m& info_format=text/html& x=353& y=145& layers=ahn25m& srs=EPSG:28892& bbox=197896, 429027, 205562, 433818& format=image/png& width=780& height=330&

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GetFeatureInfo - response text/plain text/html

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View and map

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Viewing data: WMS PDOK kaart wizard QGIS - open source GIS OpenLayers 2 >> WMS made easy

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QGIS add WMS layer QGIS add WMS layer Add WMS layer button

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OpenLayers - WMS var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(10000.0, 305000.0, 280000.0, 619000.0), projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:28992") }); var wms_url = "" var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland 25 m", wms_url, { layers: "ahn25m", format: "image/png", srs: "EPSG:28992", styles: "" }, { transitionEffect: 'resize' } ); map.addLayer(layer); map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(445463, 156271), 1);

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OpenLayers - Feature info var getFeatureControl = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({ url: proxy + wms_url, layers: [layer], queryVisible: true, eventListeners: { getfeatureinfo: function (event) { var pop = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud( "ahn25m", map.getLonLatFromPixel(event.xy), null, event.text, null, true) pop.panMapIfOutOfView = false; map.addPopup(pop); } } });

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Waalweelde dashboard

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WMS - a note on tiling WMS: single images, no tiling, no caching WMS-C: tiling, caching - same endpoint as "pure" WMS - invoke with parameter: tiled=true - OSM and Leaflet do this automagically TMS / WMTS - used for the Basic Registry Topography service - TMS docs: - WMTS docs: ...

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Anatomy of WFS Delivers geometry Geographical Markup Language GeoJSON Anatomy of WFS BAG

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Client Server - Description of service - Filters - Functions - Feature types i.e. layers - Requests - GetFeature [ filter ] - DescribeFeatureType - ... Client GetCapabilities Capabilities document (XML) Server Subsequent requests .gml, .json, .shp Parse

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Slide 55 text request=getFeature& service=wfs& vesion=2.0.0& srs=EPSG:28992& bbox=70420.6,429242.6,70423.6,429243& typeName=bagviewer:pand& outputFormat=json GetFeature - request

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{ "type": "Feature", "id": "pand.fid--2e3a32e5_13db0af9ceb_65e", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 70418.262, 429235.086 ], [ ... ] ] ] } "geometry_name": "geometrie", "properties": { "gid": 6571756, "identificatie": 530100002242340, "bouwjaar": 2002, "status": "Pand in gebruik", "gebruiksdoel": "woonfunctie", "oppervlakte_min": 165, "oppervlakte_max": 165, "aantal_verblijfsobjecten": 1 } } GetFeature - response

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Slide 57 text request=getFeature& service=wfs& version=2.0.0 srs=EPSG:28992& bbox=70420.6, 429242.6,70423.6,429243& typeName=bagviewer:pand& outputFormat=json& srsname=EPSG:4326 Transform coordinates

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{ "type": "Feature", "id": "pand.fid--2e3a32e5_13db0af9ceb_65e", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 4.159718956737263, 51.84527267018053 ], [ ... ] ] ] } "geometry_name": "geometrie", "properties": { "gid": 6571756, "identificatie": 530100002242340, "bouwjaar": 2002, "status": "Pand in gebruik", "gebruiksdoel": "woonfunctie", "oppervlakte_min": 165, "oppervlakte_max": 165, "aantal_verblijfsobjecten": 1 } } GetFeature in lon/lat

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Get, transform, save QGIS reads WFS QGIS transforms coordinates QGIS saves to disk QGIS handles many file types

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Add WFS layer Add WFS layer button

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Save WFS layer as lat/lon in GeoJSON Right-click on layer -> Save As...

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Images vs features WMS Data display Images only Predefined styling No analysis WFS Data download Access to geometries Not styled, up to you Analysis

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WMS + WFS - Serve tiles with WMS - Get object id through GetFeatureInfo - Get object geometry through WFS GetFeature service=wfs& version=2.0.0& request=GetFeature& typeName=namespace:featuretype& featureID=feature

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Make me a map with TileMill (and CartoDB)

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Make me a map 1. Extract data from WFS endpoint 2. Style with TileMill / CartoDB 3. Host on web through, own server and CartoDB

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TileMill + MapProxy open-source cartography toolbox by MapBox open-source proxy for geo data - Style GIS data with CartoCSS (revolution! Google "SLD") - Bake .mbtiles - pre-rendered tile cache in SQLite - Host on - Cache, accelerate and transform data from existing data sources: WMS, .mbtiles and others - Disseminate through WMS, WMTS, TMS and KML - View with OpenLayers MapProxy or TileStache or Django TileMill

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Data and tools CBS census data - Municipalities >> inhabitants - Neighbourhoods >> inhabitants Road network - Street geometries and names QGIS and gdal/ogr

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Data and tools CBS census data - Municipalities >> inhabitants - Neighbourhoods >> inhabitants Road network - Street geometries and names QGIS and gdal/ogr Somehow QGIS saves WFS numerical fields as text... ... GDAL/OGR to the rescue!

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gdal/ogr Swiss army knife for querying, transforming and manipulating GIS data shapefile, csv, gml, gpx, kml, geojson, sqlite, postgresql, mysql, svg, couchdb, wfs ogrinfo - investigate data source ogr2ogr - interact with data [-f format_name] - write output in specified format [-s_srs] - source coordinate system [-t_srs] - target coordinate system [-sql] - execute sql query

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ogrinfo investigate WFS endpoint ogrinfo -so WFS:"url" investigate gemeenten2011 layer ogrinfo -so WFS:"url" gemeenten2011 url =

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ogr2ogr - get - ogr2ogr -f format_name destination source get gemeenten2011 layer in native SRS as GeoJSON ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON gemeenten2011.geojson WFS:"url" gemeenten2011 url =

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ogr2ogr - get + transform - ogr2ogr -f format_name destination source target_srs get gemeenten2011 layer in lat/lng as GeoJSON ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON gemeenten2011.geojson WFS:"url" -t_srs EPSG: 4326 gemeenten2011 url =

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ogr2ogr - sql ogr2ogr -f format_name destination source target_srs sql ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON gemeenten_2011_84.geojson WFS:" url" -sql "SELECT 'gemeentenaam', cast('aantal_inwoners' AS integer) AS 'aantal_inwoners' FROM 'wijkenbuurten2011:gemeenten2011'" -t_srs EPSG:4326 Load in TileMill

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CartoDB "Web platform for creating dynamic maps [...]" - Style GIS data with CartoCSS (revolution! Google "SLD") - Store data in PostGIS (revolution! Gazillions of spatial functions) - SQL queries directly from JS (revolution! NoSQL is dead) - Real-time visualisations (revolution!) - Hosting at is expensive... - ... but it's on github

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Prepare shp - ogr2ogr -f format_name destination source ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" gemeenten2011.shp gemeenten2011.geojson - Zip gemeente2011.* and upload to CartoDB

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Neat Thanks for your time! (Code) examples at @simeonnedkov