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Types of Blockchains 1. Public Blockchain 2. Private Blockchain 3. Consortium Blockchain 4. Hybrid Blockchain

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Public Blockchain A public blockchain is a non-restrictive, permission-less distributed ledger system. Anyone who has access to the internet can sign in on a blockchain platform to become an authorized node and be a part of the blockchain network. Examples: 1. Bitcoin 2. Ethereum 3. Binance Smart Chain

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Private Blockchain A private blockchain is a restrictive or permission blockchain operative only in a closed network. Private blockchains are usually used within an organization or enterprises where only selected members are participants of a blockchain network. Examples: 1. Multichain and Hyperledger projects (Fabric, Sawtooth) 2. Corda

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Consortium Blockchain A consortium blockchain is a semi-decentralized type where more than one organization manages a blockchain network. This is contrary to what we saw in a private blockchain, which is managed by only a single organization. Examples: 1. Energy Web Foundation 2. R3

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Hybrid Blockchain A hybrid blockchain is a combination of the private and public blockchain. It uses the features of both types of blockchains that is one can have a private permission-based system as well as a public permission-less system. Examples: 1. Dragonchain

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Ethereum Ethereum is a decentralized platform powered by open-source blockchain technology with smart contract functionality. It is most popularly known for its cryptocurrency, ether (ETH) but it also hosts countless decentralised applications.

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Ethereum Vs Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin Ethereum can be considered more efficient simply because it hosts an electronic and programmable network with a variety of applications. The bitcoin blockchain was created solely for the bitcoin cryptocurrency. ETH has no limited supply, although the time invested to mine one block does put a limit to how much ether can be mined in a year. Bitcoin has a limited supply. There can be at max 21 million bitcoins in the world. Ethereum used PoW initially, but as of 2018, it has moved on to Proof-Of-Stake. Bitcoin uses PoW solely to create new blocks.

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Consensus Protocols 1. Proof-Of-Work (PoW) 2. Proof–Of-Stake (PoS) 3. Delegated Proof-Of-Stake(DPoS) 4. Leased Proof-Of-Stake (LPoS) 5. Proof Of Elapsed Time (PoET) 6. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

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Creating smart contracts 1. Setting up local blockchain 2. Understanding Metamask 3. Using Remix 4. Writing a simple smart contract 5. Deploying smart contract to testnet