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@guillaumepotier Cofounder & CTO Wisembly

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Who never heard of webhooks? Should be a rhetorical question..

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Who never used some?

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Who already implemented webhooks in their application?

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“A webhook in web development is a method of augmenting or altering the behavior of a web page, or web application, with custom callbacks. These callbacks may be maintained, modified, and managed by third-party users and developers who may not necessarily be affiliated with the originating website or application.” Wikipedia

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“user defined callback made with HTTP POST” Jeff Lindsay

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Push notifications / Reverse API

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1. consumer sets up a server to listen/consume callbacks 2. consumer registers callback URL with provider 3. provider makes requests to URL when a registered event happens

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That’s all! Easy right?

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A few examples

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Google calendar PUSH notifications

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Google calendar PUSH notifications

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Github webhooks

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Github webhooks

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Digging deeper

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‣ a verb: POST ‣ an event: which could be subscribed by any user • for Github: pull_request, fork, commit, issues, etc.. ‣ a payload: containing the relevant data for the related event • often including: the resource itself, the sender (user who triggered the webhook) ‣ (optional) a security hash: to ensure webhook was delivered by the rightful authority • for Github: sharing a common secret used to generate a hash from the payload ‣ (optional) an ID webhook specs

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‣ a CRUD API • a payload URL: the server endpoint that will receive the webhook payload • events list: which events would you like to subscribe to • (optional) the content type ‣ (optional) an history of recent deliveries ‣ (mandatory) a good documentation :) • try to mirror API resources • document possible events • document security mechanisms its registration

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Let’s implement it in your PHP application!* *We’ll see at least how we did it for Solid

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1. when a meeting is ended 2. when a task is created 3. when a task is assigned Solid implements these webhooks events

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‣ Various entities in your codebase could trigger webhooks ‣ Action that triggers webhooks could be in your services, your controllers, your commands. Pretty much everywhere ‣ You do not want to couple too much webhook logic from the rest of your application events to the rescue => use an event dispatcher symfony/event-dispatcher if you’re not using Symfony

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events to the rescue ‣ We dispatch a single event listened by a WebhookSubscriber. In the DeliveryEvent we pass: • the event / action name • the related entity • the user that made the action triggering the webhook • (optional) changeset or other extra contextual params

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‣ lookup for registered users for each webhook could be consuming ‣ sending many POST requests for potential registered users *is* slow and consuming ‣ the API call that creates, updates or delete a resources and triggers the webhook does not need at all to be aware of all that stuff and worse, waiting for hooked URLs answers! RabbitMQ for the scalability => no need to do that stuff synchronously, use AMQP btw swarrot/swarrot is a great lib for RabbitMQ

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RabbitMQ for the scalability

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Command Entity Exporter (Sender) (Extra) Registred hooks HTTPs POST … HTTPs POST

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The command ‣ pros • well decoupled from the rest of the codebase ‣ cons • some extra queries (need to re-fetch entities we had in previous context) • works only for stored entities retrievable with unique ID

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The command

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The exporter

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The exporter

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Testing / Tools

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symfony2 profiler

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Connect with 400+ apps

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Still some work to do…

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Still some work to do…

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Leverage webhooks for your company

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Thank you Questions ?