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Increasing INDODAX’s revenue and users base Apiary Product Management BootCamp Individual Assessment Module #5 Nur Muhammad Luthfi March 21st, 2022

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outline Background Discovery Define Develop Deliver 04 - 08 09 - 14 15 - 17 18 - 22 23 - 24

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background @nmluthfi 04 indodax EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Description Release Data Mission INDODAX is the largest Indonesia digital crypto exchange by trading volume for Indonesian to buy, sell, and hold digital assets Founders Total Users  Oscar Darmawax  William Sutanto 5.2 million February 14th, 2014 To provide everyone easy, fast, and secure access and services to crypto assets.

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@nmluthfi 05 OBJECTIVE You are hired as a product manager of INDODAX and expected to deliver impactful improvement for the next quarter!

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@nmluthfi 06 background 10 mil 6,5 million Investors investor in indonesia In 2021 are dominated by cryptocurrency investor *Stock Market + Mutual Fund Cryptocurrency Capital Market* 0% 5 mil 4,5 million Investors Source: CNBC iNDONESIA

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@nmluthfi 07 background crypto currency investor in indonesia is dominated by Millenial Millenial 64% Gen Z 23% Gen x 12% Source: katadata

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@nmluthfi 08 background rp370 Trillion cryptocurrency Trading VOLUME is increasing by 5x in 2021 Per February 2020, cryptocurrency trading volume sits on Rp 83,8 Trillion. Because of that, there’s high chance 2022 trading volume will be higher than 2021. 2020 2021 0 50T Source: kontan rp65 Trillion 100T 200T 300T

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discovery @nmluthfi 10 quick survey I ran a quick survey on Instagram to get users’ behavior when it comes to investing in cryptocurrency and their preferences when choosing a crypto exchange to trade.

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discovery @nmluthfi 11 Affinity Diagram Then, I grouped the users’ insight its associated cons and pros with the exchange. The interesting part of the result is; there are only 2 exchanges that provide earn benefits for users, and INDODAX still leading in terms of listed assets and the trading experience. see more: Figjam

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discovery @nmluthfi 12 user interview Subsequently, I conducted a quick interview with some users to dig into their preferences when choosing a crypto exchange to trade. The insight is many investor prefer to invest for a long term and they want their crypto to compound over time.

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discovery @nmluthfi 13 user persona Bio Rico is an office workers living in Jakarta who work in weekdays from 9-6 with an average salary of 100 mil/year. Every month Rico dollar cost averaging to add more position to his portfolio. Rico likes to invest in crypto for a long time because he believe crypto is the future. He don’t likes to do day trade as Rico already busy with his work and life. I DCA-ing my portoflio every month. However, I want to make passive income from it so I can focus on my work Platform Website Mobile App Based on the user interviews result, we can visual characteristic of users we will serve.

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discovery @nmluthfi 14 indodax SWOT now we know problems that are worth pursuing, potential businesses that we might get, weaknesses that we have, and threats from other crypto exchanges. Let’s create a SWOT map to visualize it. Strengths opportunities weakneseses threats WD CEPAT staking fee wd mahal exchange with low fee wd jumlah aset banyak education portal no project info on the app exchange with affilation with global exchange bisa trading dengan modal kecil crypto detail info multiple wallet learn and earn crypto news no project news on the app exchange with dca feature exchange with multiple wallet exchange with earn feature jual/beli tanpa sisa launchpad launchpool tidak ada fitur earn track record baik lending DCA no dca feature

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DEFINE SOLUTION PRIORITIZATION NOT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOT URGENT URGENT dca STAKING PROJECT INFO PROJECT nEWS WITHDRRAW HIGH FEE we choose to focus on DCA and Staking problems because they align with the business objective to increase users base and revenue. Also, 80% of users are long-term investors that hold for years that want to earn passive income by locking their coin. @nmluthfi 16

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DEFINE @nmluthfi 17 Problem Statement I am I’m trying to But Because which makes me a long-term investor of crypto dollar-cost average my portfolio I can’t do that automatically there’s no such feature for me to be able to do that feel guilty I am I’m trying to But Because which makes me a long-term investor of crypto to earn passive income from my crypto I have to do it a hard way my exchange doesn’t offer such service feel SAD DCA STAKING

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@nmluthfi 19 develop roadmap creation BROAD GOALS top Goals PRODUCT MANAGER ROADMAP Increase INDODAX’s revenue and users base Grow the users base and revenue by 2x at the of the year Introduce DCA FEATURE DEVELOP STAKING FEATURE Compounding Calculator Manual Staking Feature DCA Calendar and Reminder Staking via 3D Parties Automatic Crypto Purchases Staking with self-hosted validator node

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@nmluthfi 20 develop mvp canvas - DCA vision outcome Features cOST & SCHEDULE Personas & Platform metrics Investors will use the compounding calculator to visualize their compounding return in specific asset This MVP will show us how many investors are using interested in DCA strategy and use the feature P&L Calculator if investors DCA-ing within 3Y/1Y/6M/3M to date with DCA allocation at default state Rp1 million. Users can change the DCA allocation as they like. 4 weeks for calculator development and 4 weeks for result measurement Long-Term Investors 20% of the long-term investors use calculator

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@nmluthfi 21 develop mvp canvas - STAKING vision outcome Features cOST & SCHEDULE Personas & Platform metrics Investors will earn yield from their crypto assets This MVP will show us how many investors are using interested to earn passive income from staking A basic landing page for investors to sign up for upcoming info about the staking feature 1 weeks of landing page development and 4 weeks for result measurement Long-Term Investors 20% of conversion rate from home to staking landing page.

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@nmluthfi 22 develop DCA STAKING JOURNEYS - Investors login to INDODAX web/mobile app - Investors click the DCA feature - Investors choose the crypto asset, initial allocation, and timeline - Investors will get an ROI estimation based on their input - Investors login to INDODAX web/mobile app - Investors click the staking feature - Investors type their email (external visit)/Click the sign up button to subscribe the news - Investors data will be registered and receive further info about staking feature

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@nmluthfi 24 deliver roadmap Assumption we can only build 1 feature in 1 sprint with 2 team (1 sprint = 2 weeks) include the measurement phase sprint 1 sprint 1 sprint 2 sprint 4 sprint 6 sprint 8 sprint 3 sprint 5 sprint 7 sprint 2 Compounding Calculator Manual Staking Feature DCA Calendar and Reminder Staking via 3D Parties Automatic Crypto Purchases Staking with self-hosted validator node

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thank you! Nur Muhammad Luthfi