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T e a m A N D G O
Toshihide Hara, Founder & CEO
Ex Assistant Prof. at Tokyo Univ. of Science
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Cryptography, Genome analysis, Chaos degree
Shota Morisaka, BizDev
Ex Rakuten, Inc.
Ex Campfire, Inc. launching Firex
Teruko Neriki, Marketing
Ex Sony Corp. in global marketing
MBA from Georgetown Univ.
Yoshinobu Ichimura, Supply Chain
Founder & CEO of a SCM company
Ex Toshiba Device Corp.
Noboru Katayama, Technical Advisor
Associate Prof. at Tokyo Univ. of Science
Ph.D. in Electronics
Energy engineering, Machine learning
Shinya Yamamoto, App Development
Web designer and iOS engineer
YC Startup School alum
Fabian Wolf, Intern
Server side development
MS in Chemical Engineering
Yukio Kubota, Advisor
Carlyle Sr Advisor, Willcom ex-CEO,
Sony Ericsson ex-President
Yoshiharu Tanaka, Research
Ex Assistant Prof. at Tokyo Univ. of Science
Ph.D. in Computer Science
Quantum computing, Big data analysis