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4½ Methods for Theming in (S)CSS Harry Roberts – CSSConf Australia – March, 2015

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Hello, Australia!

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Hello, Australia! Harry Roberts Consultant Front-end Architect @csswizardry #4halfCSS

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Consultant Front-end Architect I help clients solve UI problems. Lots and lots of different clients. Lots and lots of different problems.

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Theming Is Common

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Theming Is Common SaaS clients want to offer a varied product range. White-label clients want to offer bespoke themes. Hub clients want each part of a product to have its own colours. Social network clients want to allow users to personalise things.

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Theming vs. Customisation

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Theming: defined by developers.

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Theming Requires developer input. Finite amount of variants. Known rules and constraints.

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Customisation: defined by users.

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Customisation Requires no developer input. Infinite possibilities. Whatever the user says goes.

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Advice on Theming

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Advice on Theming Avoid it if possible—make sure there’s a real business case. KISS—always reduce the complexity involved. Only make changes to cosmetic aspects—avoid altering box-model. Enforce rules—deviation is expensive. Use it as an up-sell—‘Any deviation is going to cost you.’

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A Quick Note on Preprocessors

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A Quick Note on Preprocessors Some don’t need a preprocessor. Some don’t neeeeeed a preprocessor. Some need a preprocessor.

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You should probably be using
 a preprocessor.

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#1 – Theme Layer

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Overriding default style with additional CSS.

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Theme Layer Possibly the most common approach (currently). Start off with the base/default styling. Use additional, subsequent CSS to override and redefine.

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Suited To Bespoke theming for clients.

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@import "components.tabs"; ... @import "theme.tabs";

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@import "components.tabs"; @import "components.buttons"; ... @import "theme.tabs"; @import "theme.buttons";

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// _components.tabs.scss .tabs { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: gray; } ... // _theme.tabs.scss .tabs { background-color: red;

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// _components.tabs.scss .tabs { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: gray; } ... // _theme.tabs.scss .tabs { background-color: red;

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The Good You can swap layers out. You can theme anything.

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The Bad Lots of redundancy. Wasted CSS over the wire. Shards styles across multiple files.

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#2 – Stateful Theming

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Styling a UI based on a state or condition.

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Stateful Theming Different skins based on conditions. Allow themes to be switched on the client.

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Suited To Style switchers. Individually styled sections or areas of a site.

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.tabs { background-color: gray; .t-red & { background-color: red; } .t-blue & { background-color: blue; } }

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.tabs { background-color: gray; .t-red & { background-color: red; } .t-blue & { background-color: blue; } }

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’The tabs when in context.’

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.tabs { background-color: gray; } .t-red .tabs { background-color: red; } .t-blue .tabs { background-color: blue; }

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Now we just turn that switch on…

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Stateful Utility Classes

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.u-color-current { .t-red & { color: red; } .t-blue & { color: blue; } }

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.u-color-current { .t-red & { color: red; } .t-blue & { color: blue; } }

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.t-red .u-color-current { color: red; } .t-blue .u-color-current { color: blue; }

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A utility class that tracks the current theme.

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The Good Bundle a number of themes into one codebase. Great for style-switchers. Perfect for ‘areas’ of a site. You can theme anything.

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The Bad Bundle a number of themes into one codebase. Potential redundancy.

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#3 – Config Theming

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Invoking a theme based on settings.

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Config Theming Switching between themes dev-side. Compiling the same CSS with a different skin based on a setting.

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Suited To Spitting out differently themed variants of a UI. Offering off-the-shelf themes to clients.

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@import "settings.config"; ... @import "components.tabs";

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// _settings.config.scss $theme: red; // _components.tabs.scss .tabs { margin: 0; padding: 0; 
 @if ($theme == red) { background-color: red; } @else { background-color: gray; } }

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// _settings.config.scss $config: ( theme: red, env: dev, ); // Get config out of our map. @function config($key) { @return map-get($config, $key); }

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// _components.tabs.scss .tabs { margin: 0; padding: 0; 
 @if (config(theme) == red) { background-color: red; } @else { background-color: gray; } }

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The Good Only send as little CSS over the wire as necessary. Alter the entire theme from one location. You can theme anything.

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The Bad Lots of logic in your Sass. Only supports a finite number of themes. Theme information is spread out through the codebase. Adding themes could be laborious.

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#4 – Theme Palettes

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Holding entire themes in a palette file.

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Theme Palettes Preload all of your theme settings into a palette. Inject these settings into the project later.

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Suited To Fully bespoke theming for clients. Adding specific branding to a project.

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@import "settings.palette"; ... @import "components.tabs";

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// _settings.palette.scss $color-red: red; ... $color-tabs-background: $color-red;
 ... // _components.tabs.scss .tabs { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: $color-tabs-background; }

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// _settings.palette.scss $color-brand: #BADA55; $color-brand-highlight: lighten($color-brand, 10%); $color-red: red; $color-green: green; $color-blue: blue; ... $color-links: $color-brand; $color-links-hover: $color-brand-highilght; $color-tabs-background: $color-red; $color-btn-background: $color-blue;

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The Good Zero redundancy. Perfect for bespoke theming—just plug in the client’s brand colours. Completely restyle the project from one file.

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The Bad Limited mainly just to theming colours.

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#5 – User Customisation

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Letting users style their own UIs.

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User Customisation Letting users decide their own colours. Done through a CMS/admin interface.

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Suited To Social networks. SaaS platforms. Brandable software products.

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.u-user-color { color: red; } .u-user-color-background { background-color: red; } ...

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Just dump it all in the view.

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User Customisation Drop the hex value(s) into a style block. Bind onto utility classes rather than existing hooks. Now just a case of decorating in the UI with the classes.

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.u-user-color { color: red; } .u-user-color-background { background-color: red; } ...

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The Good Requires zero developer input. Allows users to ‘own’ their profile/platform. Incredibly pragmatic—always a good thing!

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The Bad Requires zero developer input. Lots of redundancy. Wasted CSS over the wire. Lose the ability to cache styles.

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When to Use Which?

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When to Use Which? Who’s doing the styling: you or the user? – User Customisation. Do the themes need to change once they’re on the client? – Stateful or User Customisation. Do you have themes that you want people to be able to toggle? – Stateful. Do you have sections of the site that need to look different? – Stateful. Do you have preset themes that a client can choose from? – Config. Do you offer bespoke theming for white-label clients? – Theme Layer or Theme Palette.

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Thank You!

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Thank You! Follow me: @csswizardry Hire me: Slides: Code: