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Delivering Kubernetes Apps with Helm Matt Butcher @technosophos Michelle Noorali @michellenoorali Adnan Abdulhussein @prydonius

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Slide 2 text Kubernetes’ tools let you build your furniture from scratch.

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Most of us don’t want to build our furniture from scratch

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We need a tool to manage a group of resources as one unit.

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The Package Manager for Kubernetes Packages == Charts

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Charts ● Are application definitions ● Consist of... ○ Metadata ○ Kubernetes resource definitions ○ Documentation ● Live in chart repositories

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Grab Helm from Github or Homebrew $ brew cask install helm

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Getting Started is Simple $ helm init

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Helm & Tiller Like peanut butter & jelly

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Tiller ● in-cluster component ● Lives his life inside k8s as a pod ● helps manage releases in your cluster ○ Release = installation of a Kubernetes Chart Kubernetes Tiller Helm Client gRPC

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Init in Action

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Install Charts

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Upgrade a Release

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Delete a Release

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Your First Chart $ helm create myapp

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates └── values.yaml Navigating a Chart

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates │ ├── deployment.yaml │ └── svc.yaml └── values.yaml Templates + Go templating

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates └── values.yaml image: mycompany/myapp:1.0.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: port: 80 Configuration apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: containers: - name: {{ .Chart.Name }} image: "{{ .Values.image }}" imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }} ports: - containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }} templates/deployment.yaml values.yaml

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates └── values.yaml Configuration $ helm install --set service.port=8080 \ ./myapp $ helm install -f myvalues.yaml ./myapp image: mycompany/myapp:1.0.0 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: port: 80 values.yaml

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts │ └── mariadb-0.5.2.tgz ├── requirements.yaml ├── templates └── values.yaml dependencies: - name: mariadb version: 0.5.2 repository: Dependencies $ helm dependencies update requirements.yaml

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates │ └── NOTES.txt └── values.yaml Chart Docs

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myapp ├── Chart.yaml ├── ├── charts ├── templates └── values.yaml Chart Metadata name: mariadb version: 0.5.2 description: Chart for MariaDB keywords: - mariadb - mysql - database - sql home: sources: - maintainers: - name: Bitnami email: [email protected] engine: gotpl

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● $ helm repo add mycompany ● $ helm install mycompany/myapp Chart Repositories

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Curated, ready-to-run applications

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Chart Best Practices

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It Works Out of the Box

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Split Out Dependencies

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Don't Repeat Yourself

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It's Reproducible

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It's Configurable

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5 Ways Helm Helps Teams

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Get started quickly with existing charts

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Build your own charts, and easily share them

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Manage application lifecycle over time

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Fit releases to your existing tools and process (not vice versa)

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Let the cluster be the collaborative center for your releases

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Helm Community ● Over 65 contributors ● 1 year old ● Slack channel: Kubernetes/#Helm ● Public dev meetings: Thursdays @ 9:30 pacific ● Weekly updates & demos at SIG-Apps meetings: Mondays @ 9am pacific Join us!

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What’s Next? ● Helm 2.0.0 within 7 days ● Helm 2.x ○ Stability, security ○ Support for in-cluster testing ○ Improve the debugging output ● Monocular: The Helm Repository UI ● Charts: ○ Continue to grow the stable chart repository ○ Incubator for testing pre-Beta Kubernetes features ○ The Best Practices Guide

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