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hello, friends!

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random cool stuff I’ve been hacking on JSGeo, August 15th 2017 Vlad (mostly spatial indices)

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box queries

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finding nearest neighbors

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• rendering and querying shapes in OpenLayers • processing shapes in MapShaper • placing labels and handling annotations in iD OpenStreetMap editor • interactive plotting in Bokeh real time apps

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• deriving road speed profiles and live traffic from telemetry data • deriving lane geometry, turn restrictions, one-way roads, sidewalks from telemetry data • detecting and fixing issues in OSM data • comparing road networks (e.g. OSM vs TIGER) map matching / processing

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map matching / processing • matching Wikidata against OSM for geocoding • TurfJS modules like line-intersect, line-split, line- overlap, dissolve, mask, collect • matching features against polygons (e.g. administrative classification) • concaveman: generating an outline of a point set

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which polygon?

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buffer, union, difference: slow

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Slide 21 text freaking fast

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Slide 22 text freaking fast

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distance from a point to a bounding box

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distance from a segment to a bounding box

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Slide 29 text •supports points only (not boxes) •can’t add/remove points dynamically •indexing is 5–8 times faster

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geodesic nearest neighbors?

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distance from a point to a bounding box on a sphere?!

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bbox on a sphere

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convert to 3D coords?

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convert to 3D coords? •can’t use the same index for bounding box queries •imprecise for bigger distances •indexing and querying can be slow

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when you found a use for differential math for the first time in a 13-year career

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measuring distances fast

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measuring distances fast

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euclidean geometry with lat/lon

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euclidean geometry with lat/lon

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Slide 48 text •distance •bearing •destination •lineDistance •area •along •pointOnLine •lineSlice •lineSliceAlong •bufferPoint •bufferBBox •insideBBox freaking fast!

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Slide 51 text coming soon…

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Slide 52 text coming soon… my long-time nemesis

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Slide 53 text GeoJSON <–> compact binary lossless & freaking fast!

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awesome job alert: GL Map Rendering Engineer