What are the interns at
Code for Japan doing?
Kota Yatagai
Shunsuke Takagi
Yuki Mihashi
Yuki Takatsu
Hayata Yuge
Keigo Murata
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Contents Time
Overview of Code for Japan
The interns at Code for Japan
What the interns are doing 2min
CCC U-22 - held by students, for students 1min
Presentation by the champion of CCC 7min
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Introduction of speakers
Kota Yatagai Civichat
- High School Student
- Intern at Code for Japan
- The champion team of CCC U-22
- Having 5 members
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What is Code for Japan?
What is Code for Japan working on?
Overview of Code for Japan
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The biggest civic tech community in Japan
Think together, create together;
Ask not why nobody is doing this. You are the "nobody"!
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Code for Giin
Over 4000 members, 80 brigades
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Tokyo COVID-19 Task Force website
Forked by all the prefectures’ COVID-19 website
Other COVID-19 related project
Study At Home
Mamoriai Japan
COVID-19 Project
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The interns
Taiyu Yoshizawa
- Proposer of CCC U-22
- Contributor to COVID-19 Website
Kota Yatagai
Miyu Hirao
- Majoring in Design
Kyo Watanabe
Yuto Ashida
Yusaku Washio
- Developer of Study At Home
- Contributor to COVID-19 Website
- Developer of Study At Home
- Contributor to COVID-19 Website
- Working on a robot competition
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What are we doing
Event management
Decide on a theme Contact guests Facilitate the event
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Civic Tech Live!!
Monthly Civic Tech event
One theme for each month Presentation by guests Unconference
It's been online since April because of COVID-19
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Social Hack Day!!
1day Hackathon
Participants bring their own projects
Other participants join the project
which they have an interest in
Keep Developing for 6 hours !! (11:00〜17:00)
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Civictech Challenge Cup U-22
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Civictech Challenge Cup U-22
Social problem solving competition
By students For students
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Themes of CCC
Social problem in a broad sense
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Protocol buffers
伴莠 御ク∫岼
Local bus location API
Hard to use... Easy for Developer!
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Twitter fact checking system
Too many groundless rumor on Twitter Twitter fact-check by hand
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Bot crawl & find a tweet that goes viral
Calculate the total Reliability Point
Reply the result
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28 Team
105 Members
11 Team
33 Members