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Serverless and Azure Functions Introduction Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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Serverless architectures refer to applications that significantly depend on third-party services (knows as Backend as a Service or "BaaS") or on custom code that's run in ephemeral containers (Function as a Service or "FaaS")

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What is Serverless? • The real dream of PAAS • No Infrastructure, No Containers • Scalable as hell! • Granular Billing (GB/s) • No commitment, no hardware provisioning (really?)

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What’s wrong with containers? • Containers are the new VMs! • Server Patching > Container Image Batching • Container Orchestration is hard.

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Serverless != Microservices • You can have a fleet of EC2 instances, running containers, orchestrating and still worry about infrastructure. • You can have dozens of functions tightly coupled and delivered as a behemoth.

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Azure Functions 101 • Javascript, C#, C# Script, Python, PHP, Batch, Powershell • Timer-based processing • SaaS Event Processing • Full Serverless Architecture • Real-Time Stream Processing • Real-Time Bot Messaging • Serverless mobile back-ends

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Creating our first “Hello World” function! DEMO

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Out of the Box Authentication of HTTP Endpoints • Anonymous • Function Key • Host Key

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Anatomy of a Function • A “Run” file that containing the function code • A “Function” file containing all service and trigger bindings and parameters • A “Project” file containing project assembly and NuGet package references • App Service settings, such as connection strings and API keys

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Running Functions Locally V1 Only on Windows npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools V2 with .NET Core on all platforms npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core Initialize your first function func init MyFunctionProj

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Precompiled functions with C# and Visual Studio DEMO

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Application Settings • local.settings.json will have all your local settings on the dev machine. • C# can also be read in your code as environment variables. Use System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable or ConfigurationManager.AppSettings. • In JavaScript, use process.env

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Where can I deploy my Functions? • Extend the existing Azure App Service platform • Go with “Consumption Plan” and be pure Serverless • Deploy Functions Runtime on an on-prem location in your Private Cloud.

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Links worth sharing Documentation • Azure Functions Runtime (Run on-prem) • Documentation for the host.json file • More CLI commands to run functions locally •

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Thanks | @daronyondem Download slides here;