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@johnksawers Everything Is Broken, and It’s OK Why it’s good when things break

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@johnksawers I’m John Sawers @johnksawers http:/ / http:/ /

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@johnksawers Part 1: Everything Is Broken The Life of a Developer 3

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@johnksawers Setbacks ● The most common event triggering a “worst day” was a setback. ● Significantly affect mood ● Dampen motivation 4

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@johnksawers The Daily Error 5

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@johnksawers Errors Are Everywhere ● Libraries ● Frameworks ● Operating Systems ● Servers ● 3rd Party Services ● The internet itself ● My code 6

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@johnksawers The Bug Hunt 15

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@johnksawers Test Environment ● Add a new test environment for CI to the Rails config ● It should have taken half an hour ● It took 2 full days 17

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@johnksawers The Hard Problem 18

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@johnksawers Negativity Bias The Way Brains Work 20

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“ …negative experiences tend to exert greater psychological impact on us than positive experiences of the same magnitude.[1] 21

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@johnksawers Climbing A Pyramid 22 Photo: https:/ /

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@johnksawers What You See At Every Step 23

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@johnksawers I’m Speaking To You ● This applies anywhere in your career ● Setbacks are normal ● It doesn’t get any easier ● You don’t want it to 24

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@johnksawers Part 2: It’s OK No, really

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@johnksawers Change Our Thoughts The Easiest Things To Change 26

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@johnksawers Reframing 27

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@johnksawers Errors Are Everywhere Reframed ● We don’t notice the things that work ● We move immediately to the next broken thing ● Try to notice when this is happening 28

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@johnksawers Bug Hunt Reframed ● Google ● Stack Overflow ● Gem/Library READMEs ● Blogs ● Library Source Code ● App Modules 29

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@johnksawers Bug Hunt Reframed Keep An Eye Out For Direct Learning 30

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@johnksawers Bug Hunt Reframed Keep An Even Bigger Eye Out For Accidental Learning 31

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@johnksawers Bug Hunt Reframed Constant Rate Throughout Career 32

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@johnksawers My Bug Hunt Results 33 I Learned: ● Environment name is loaded in rails_helper.rb, not rspec_helper.rb ● Not a problem when they’re both ‘test’ ● You can pass --env to rspec ● You can set system environment variable, but that’s loaded ● Lots of code will make assumptions that test env is called test

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@johnksawers Hard Problems Reframed ● Notice what’s easy ● Especially if it used to be hard ● Realize this means progress ● It doesn’t get easier unless you pick trivial problems 34

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@johnksawers Change Our Actions This is Where It Gets Good 36

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@johnksawers Celebrate The Little Wins ● Not just the big ones ● They get celebrated anyway (most likely) ● Too infrequent ● Even progress counts as a win 37

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@johnksawers Acknowledge It 38

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@johnksawers Acknowledge It 39

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@johnksawers Power Poses[3] 40

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@johnksawers Do A Little Dance 41

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@johnksawers Victory Song 42

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@johnksawers43 Photo: https:/ /

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@johnksawers Spread The News ● Tell people about your wins ● Blogging ● Conference Talks ● Team Learning/Presentation 45

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@johnksawers Make Space ● Coffee break ● Quick walk ● Stretching ● A Few Deep Breaths 46

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@johnksawers Regular Reflection ● What went well? ● What did I complete or make progress on? ● What did I achieve? ● What went well? ● What brought me joy, fulfillment ? ● What steps did I take that got me closer to my goals? 47

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@johnksawers Tools 48

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@johnksawers Positivity Bias Let’s Create One 49

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“ …people are more creative and productive when their inner work lives are positive…and have positive perceptions of their colleagues and the organization.[2] 50

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@johnksawers Feedback Loop 51

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@johnksawers You’re Responsible You May Not Want To Hear This 52

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@johnksawers Pyramid 53

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@johnksawers Stop. Turn Around. Take It In. 54

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@johnksawers So It Really Is OK 55

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@johnksawers It was OK all along. We just didn’t notice. 56

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@johnksawers58 Thanks! @johnksawers http:/ / http:/ /

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@johnksawers59 References [1] - https:/ / [2] - https:/ / & http:/ / [3] - https:/ / cuddy/ Related Links • How It Goes: http:/ / • Finding Beauty in the Mundane: https:/ / • Burnout: https:/ /