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Name︓Yutaka Ichikawa
Company︓AP Communications Co., Ltd.
Belong︓Technology Development DepartmentContainer Group
Position︓Educational Solution Architect/Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist
ISBN-10: 4798155373
ISBN-13: 978-4798155371
As an infrastructure engineer and frontend engineer, he is in charge of server design and
construction, operation and maintenance, and Web system development centering on
the infrastructure of the government office. He teaches OSS (Linux, Docker, k8s,
Rancher, etc.) as a part-time lecturer at a vocational school, works as an advocate /
evangerist, attends meetups and conference such as the RancherJP community, and
works as a hands-on lecturer.
#rancherjp #kujiraya #deepcn
I wrote the Chapter 6 Rancher 2.0 part.
Release on March 15, 2018