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Rancher & Kubernetes ~ Multi-cloud to Multi Kubernetes & CloudNative to KubernetesNative ~ AP Communications Co., Ltd. Educational Solution Architect/Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist Rancher Day Tokyo 2019 Yutaka Ichikawa

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Profile Name︓Yutaka Ichikawa Company︓AP Communications Co., Ltd. Belong︓Technology Development DepartmentContainer Group Position︓Educational Solution Architect/Developer Advocate/Technical Evangelist Publication ISBN-10: 4798155373 ISBN-13: 978-4798155371 As an infrastructure engineer and frontend engineer, he is in charge of server design and construction, operation and maintenance, and Web system development centering on the infrastructure of the government office. He teaches OSS (Linux, Docker, k8s, Rancher, etc.) as a part-time lecturer at a vocational school, works as an advocate / evangerist, attends meetups and conference such as the RancherJP community, and works as a hands-on lecturer. #rancherjp #kujiraya #deepcn 2 I wrote the Chapter 6 Rancher 2.0 part. Release on March 15, 2018

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Profile 2019/7/23 Release 4

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AP Communications Co., Ltd Let’s Start CloudNative !! 5 AP Communications has signed a Consulting Partner with RancherLabs.

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1. What’s Rancher 2. Rancher on Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 4. Kubernetes Cluster Manage 5. Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 6. Rancher In The Future Agenda

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What’s Rancher ? • Kubernetes management platform for building and operating Kubernetes cluster, importing existing Kubernetes cluster, regardless of cloud or on-premise and multi-cloud or hybrid-cloud • Application management with helm-based catalog function • Kubernetes management linked with OSS such as GitLab, Prometheus, Fluentd • Development is Rancher Labs( • Open source software (with paid version with support)

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What’s Rancher ? THE FORRESTER NEW WAVE Enterprise Container Platform Software Suites Q4 2018 出典「The Forrester New Wave?: Enterprise Container Platform Software Suites, Q4 2018 The Eight Providers That Matter Most And How They Stack Up」(

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What’s Rancher VirtualMachine BareMetal Summary of Kubernetes Kubernetes Container 10

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Multi-Cloud to Multi-Kubernetes What’s Rancher 11

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What’s Rancher Kubernetes Clusters Create Import EKS GKE AKS vSphere Bare Metal Create,Import,Manage Kubernetes Clusters !! Manage “Kubernetes Everywhere”

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What’s Rancher Kubernetes is becoming the Linux of the cloud by Jim Zemlin (The Linux Foundation)

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What’s Rancher Multi-Cloud to Multi-Kubernetes Cloud Native to Kubernetes Native

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What’s Rancher Platform for Platform X as a Service foundation Database , Serverless , ML … as a Service on Kubernetes

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What’s Rancher

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What’s Rancher Kubernetes Clusters Create Import EKS GKE AKS vSphere Bare Metal Create,Import,Manage Kubernetes Clusters !! Manage Kubernetes is becoming the Linux of the cloud by Jim Zemlin (The Linux Foundation) Multi Cloud to Multi Kubernetes CloudNtive to KubernetesNative

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What’s Rancher Kubernetes Clusters Create Import EKS GKE AKS vSphere Bare Metal Create,Import,Manage Kubernetes Clusters !! Manage Kubernetes is becoming the Linux of the cloud by Jim Zemlin (The Linux Foundation) Multi Cloud to Multi Kubernetes CloudNtive to KubernetesNative Introducing Anthos: An entirely new platform for managing applications in today's multi-cloud world by Google Cloud Blog 2019.4.10 A platform for hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud that enables containerized applications to run anywhere on premises and in the cloud.

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What’s Rancher Kubernetes Clusters Create Import EKS GKE AKS vSphere Bare Metal Create,Import,Manage Kubernetes Clusters !! Manage Kubernetes is becoming the Linux of the cloud by Jim Zemlin (The Linux Foundation) Multi Cloud to Multi Kubernetes CloudNtive to KubernetesNative This is super exciting news for Rancher. In Google Anthos, we see great alignment with Rancher’s vision. We believe Kubernetes will become the standardized infrastructure provided by all public and private clouds, and an enterprise Kubernetes platform must deliver multi-cluster, multi-cloud management.

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KubeCon CloudNativeCon Europe 2019

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In 2017, Spotify planned the migration of hundreds of teams, thousands of services, and tens of thousands of hosts to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). In the last half of 2018, Spotify migrated 50 teams and hundreds of services, including critical ones, onto multiple production clusters.

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This talk aims to highlight Condé Nast International's journey to deliver a multi-cluster distributed Kubernetes platform, with a centralized management mechanism and self-service CI/CD process.

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What’s Rancher One Click Deployment ! ! Creating Private Catalogs ! ! You can deploy the application simply by selecting from the catalog list and clicking the launch button. You can also register catalogs created by individuals.

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What’s Rancher Major developer catalogs

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What’s Rancher • Advanced Monitoring Main outline • Multi-Cluster Apps • Latest - v2.2.4 – rancher/rancher:latest • Stable – v2.2.4 - rancher/rancher:stable Version (2019/7) Release Note Webinar Monitoring of clusters, projects and k8s components is now supported through integration with Prometheus. By augmenting the functionality of Helm with Rancher's multi-cluster management capabilities, users are now able to seamlessly manage their applications across clusters.

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Advanced Monitoring Click ”Enable Monitoring” Button 26

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Advanced Monitoring Make sure the graph redesign and the Grafana icon appear. 27

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Advanced Monitoring You can check the detailed information by clicking the graph. 28 Expand accordion menu

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Advanced Monitoring Click on the Grafana icon to see in the Grafana Dashboard 29

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December 2018 Online Meetup Introducing Rancher's New Multi Tenant Prometheus Support Webinar Advanced Monitoring

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Multi-Cluster Apps Deploy and deploy apps to multiple Kubernetes clusters, and launch "Rancher 2.2" with new features such as rolling updates by Publickey 2019.2.15

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Multi-Cluster Apps A new feature of Rancher 2.2 is the ability to deploy applications from the catalog in bulk to Multi Kubernetes Cluster.

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Multi-Cluster Apps In conjunction with Rancher, run Multi-Cluster Apps from the place where I built a cluster on AKS, EKS, GKE.

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Multi-Cluster Apps 1.Select the upper menu “Multi-Cluster Apps” and press the “Launch” button.

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Multi-Cluster Apps 2.Enter “word” in the search field and press the “View Details” button on “wordpress”

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By selecting the namespace for the kubernetes cluster to deploy You can deploy to multi- kubernetes cluster. Multi-Cluster Apps 3.Set 1 to 3 1.Enter any name 2. Press "Add Target" button twice 3. Select Default for "aks-kubernetes- cluster", "eks-kubernetes-cluster", and "gke-kubernetes-cluster"

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4.Set 4.1 to 4 and press the “Launch” button 1.Enter any password 3.Select「False」 2.Enter any password 4.Select「L4 Balancer」 Multi-Cluster Apps

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Multi-Cluster Apps 5.Completed wordpress deployment on aks-kubernetes-cluster, eks-kubernetes-cluster, gke-kubernetes- cluster

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Multi-Cluster Apps 6. Access WordPress by clicking 443/tcp, 80/tcp in Service of AKS, EKS, GKE

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February 2019 Online Meetup Multi Cluster Applications, Global DNS, and Multi Tenant Catalogs Webinar Multi-Cluster Apps

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Rancher High Availability & Single Node Installation 1.High Availability Installation L4 Load Balancer (TCP) High Availability Installation installs Rancher on your Kubernetes cluster. Establish high availability with the features of Kubernetes. Recommended for production environments that operate 24/365. • DNS for Rancher should resolve to a Layer 4 load balancer (TCP) • The Load Balancer should forward port TCP/80 and TCP/443 to all 3 nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. • The Ingress controller will redirect HTTP to HTTPS and terminate SSL/TLS on port TCP/443. • The Ingress controller will forward traffic to port TCP/80 on the pod in the Rancher deployment.

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Rancher High Availability & Single Node Installation 2.Single Node Installation Step 2: Rancher Serverスタート $ sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 80:80 -p 443:443 rancher/rancher Web Access!! https:/// Step 1: Linuxホストの準備 OS Hardware Docker Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) Small: vCPUs 1 MEM 4GB Up to 5(Clusters) Medium: vCPUs 2 MEM 8GB Up to 10(Clusters) 17.03.x, 18.06.x, 18.09.x Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit) 18.06.x, 18.09.x Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)/CentOS 7.6 (64-bit) RHEL Docker 1.13 17.03.x, 18.06.x, 18.09.x RancherOS 1.5.1 (64-bit) 17.03.x, 18.06.x, 18.09.x Windows Server 2019(64bit) 18.09 Single Node Installation installs Rancher on a single Linux host. It is recommended for development and test environments as it is very easy to set up.

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Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 1.About Add Cluster Select when linking with GKE, EKS, AKS Select when linking with Cloud Provider such as EC2, Azure, DigitalOcean, vSpher, etc. Select when linking with an existing Kubernetes Cluster Select when creating a Kubernetes cluster on premises or in a virtual machine.

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Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 2.Managed Kubernetes GKE EKS AKS

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Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 3.Cloud Provider EC2 Azure DagitalOcean vSphere(Default)

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Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 4.Custom Execute generated command on On-premises or VM instance.

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Kubernetes Cluster Create & Import 5.Import Execute generated command on existing Kubernetes cluster.

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Rancher’s Navigation Menu Global Navigation Clusters Apps Users Settings Security Tools Roles Pod Security Policies Authcation Catalogs Drivers Cluster Navigation Cluster Nodes Storage Projects/Namespaces Member Tools Persistent Volumes Strage Classes Alerts Snapshots Catalogs Notifers Logging Monitoring Project Navigation Workloads Apps Resources Namespace Member Tools Workloads Load Balancing Service Discovery Volumes Piplines Certificates Config Maps Registries Secrets Alerts Catalogs Logging Monitoring Pipeline

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Rancher Basic Monitoring 1.Cluster

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Rancher Basic Monitoring 2.Nodes

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3.Notifers Alert notification destination Rancher Basic Monitoring

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Rancher Basic Monitoring 4.Alerts Default Setting etcd kube components event node a.Cluster Alert Default

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Rancher Basic Monitoring Default Setting Workload Memory ※You need to enable Promethus features. b.Project Alert Default

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Rancher Basic Logging Rancher Linkage Elasticsearch splunk Kafka syslog Fluentd

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Rancher Basic DevOps Rancher Linkage GitHub GitLab Bitbucket

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Rancher Catalog 1.From Helm 2.From Library 278 Catalogs (v2.2.4 default / 2019.6) 31 Catalogs (v2.2.4 default / 2019.6) In the catalog list, “(from Helm)” is displayed as the official chart of Helm. In the catalog list, "(From Library)" is displayed by Chart customized by Rancher Labs

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Rancher CLI Command Result apps, [app] Performs operations on catalog applications (i.e. individual Helm charts or Rancher charts). catalog Performs operations on catalogs. clusters, [cluster] Performs operations on your clusters. context Switches between Rancher projects. For an example, see Project Selection. inspect [OPTIONS] [RESOURCEID RESOURCENAME] Displays details about Kubernetes resources or Rancher resources (i.e.: projects and workloads). Specify resources by name or ID. kubectl Runs kubectl commands. login, [l] Logs into a Rancher Server. For an example, see CLI Authentication. namespaces, [namespace] Performs operations on namespaces. nodes, [node] Performs operations on nodes. projects, [project] Performs operations on projects. ps Displays workloads in a project. settings, [setting] Shows the current settings for your Rancher Server. ssh Connects to one of your cluster nodes using the SSH protocol. help, [h] Shows a list of commands or help for one command. Commands The following commands are available for use in Rancher CLI.

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Rancher 2.3 has enhanced Service Mesh and Observability

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 What’s Service Mesh ?

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 A network where microservices communicate with each other

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 What’s Microservice ?

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Monoliths & Microservice

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Server Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Application Scale out Make multiple functions (services) into one Application (execution body) Replicate and scale the entire Application to multiple Servers Application Monoliths Server Application Server Application

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Microservice Server スケールアウト Run individual functions (services) in separate processes Deploy and scale each function (service) on Server Server Server Server Scale out

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 What’s Service Mesh A network where microservices communicate with each other

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 A network where these services communicate with each other, a service mesh Server Server Server Server

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 There is no problem if it is a few services, but with hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of service mesh ....

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Istio Complex service mesh, OSS for secure management of microservices

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Istio Component Component Description Envoy Proxy server that manages all traffic in / out of service mesh. Deployed as a sidecar of Pod at Kubernetes. Mixer A component that collects data of each service through Envoy and performs access control based on that information. Pilot In charge of service discovery and traffic management. Citadel Manage user authentication and TLS mutual authentication between services.

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Kiali An OSS that visualizes the microservice status of Istio's service mesh

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Jaeger Distributed tracing and monitoring OSS of OpenTracing specification developed by Uber

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Prometheus + Grafana Prometheus and Grafana for Istio separate from resource monitoring

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 "Bookinfo" service mesh, microservice architecture sample application

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 1.Select the upper menu "Global"-"gke-cluster" 2.Select the upper menu "Tools"-"Istio"

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 3. Click the "Enable" button

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 4.Upper menu "Global"-"gke-cluster"-"Default" is selected 5.Select the upper menu "Istio"

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 6.Access the Bookinfo application in a browser Traffic Graph

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Traffic Metrics

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 7.Click each icon in the upper right to access each application in a separate window Istio Prometheus Grafana Jaeger

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Rancher 2.3 Alpha5 Service Mesh & Observerbility

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Kubernetes, Istio, Knative,Service Mesh like “docker run” Rio is a Kubernetes-based MicroPaaS At Rancher Labs, all of our products are focused on making Kubernetes simple to use for everybody. Even still, our teams were frustrated by how much effort is required to manage tools like Istio and Knative. We built Rio so developers could deploy, manage, scale, and version their applications with a single command.

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Rancher In The Future Sponsored Session: The Journey to Kubernetes Everywhere - Shannon Williams, Rancher Labs Presentation Docs : Presentation Movie : Phase1:Deliver a full-featured container management platfrom that integrates the cloud native technologies and ecosystem Phase2:Intorduce multi-cluster management and multi-cluster applications Phase3:Expand Kubernetes footprint everywhere(cloud,data center, and edge)

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Lightweight Kubernetes Cross-Cluster Network Connectivity for Kubernetes Easy to install. A binary of less than 40 MB. Only 512 MB of RAM required to run.

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Thank you for your attention !!