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Copyright © 2020 HashiCorp Patterns to Refactor Terraform NYC HashiCorp User Group November 2022

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Developer Advocate at HashiCorp 
 @joatmon08 Rosemary Wang

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Write “Cleaner” Terraform For happier future refactoring

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Pattern: Find and Replace 😫😫😫 resource "aws_lb_target_group" "app" { port = 3000 } resource "aws_security_group" “app” { ingress { description = "Access to app." from_port = 3000 to_port = 3000 protocol = "tcp" security_groups = } } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Variables with Defaults 😀😀😀 Easier to move into modules later variable "application_port" { default = 3000 } resource "aws_lb_target_group" "app" { port = var.application_port } resource "aws_security_group" “app” { ingress { description = "Access to app." from_port = var.application_port to_port = var.application_port protocol = "tcp" security_groups = } } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Secrets as Variables 🧐 🧐 🧐 variable "password" { type = string sensitive = true } resource "aws_db_instance" "db" { password = var.password } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Secrets as Dynamic Values 😀😀😀 resource "random_password" "db" { length = 16 min_upper = 2 min_lower = 2 min_numeric = 2 min_special = 2 special = true override_special = "`~!#$%^&*?" } resource "aws_db_instance" "db" { password = random_password.db.result } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Secrets as Data Sources 🤩🤩🤩 data "vault_generic_secret" "db" { path = "app/database/admin" } resource "aws_db_instance" "db" { password =["password"] } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Prototype Module 😀😀😀 module "tags" { source = "example/tags/aws" organization = "HashiCorp" unit = "HUG" } ## Tags Module with Prototype Pattern variable "organization" {} variable "unit" {} output "tags" { value = { organization = var.organization unit = var.unit expiration = timestamp() } } CODE EDITOR

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1. Variables - names, tags, environments 2. Constants - set defaults if overrides, otherwise locals 3. Dynamic Values - use interpolation / data sources 4. Secrets - generate dynamically / data sources

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Break Down Monoliths There’s no such thing as micro-Terraform

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Monolithic Singleton put everything in one configuration and one state to rule it all.

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Do I have a monolithic singleton? 1. Find and replace 2. Long apply time

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Refactor 1. Find and replace → modules 2. Long apply time → state

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Module Refactor

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Pattern: Use moved Module Refactor Only resource "aws_instance" "bastion" {} module "bastion" {} moved { from = aws_instance.bastion to = 
 module.bastion.aws_instance.bastion } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Use import Module Refactor TERMINAL # Build module > terraform import \
 module... > terraform state rm . # Comment out old resources in Terraform > terraform plan # check no drift # Delete old resources in Terraform

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State Refactor

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Dependency Injection decouple dependencies to handle cross-state interpolation

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Pattern: Dependency Injection with Terraform Outputs # create network in TFC workspace data "tfe_outputs" "network" { organization = "hashicorp" workspace = "network" } resource "aws_instance" "server" { subnet_id = } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Dependency Injection with Data Sources data "aws_vpcs" "network" { tags = { unit = "hug" } } data "aws_subnet_ids" "private" { vpc_id = tags = { Type = "private" } } resource "aws_instance" "server" { subnet_id = data.aws_subnet_ids.private.ids.0 } CODE EDITOR

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State Refactor

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Pattern: Use import State Refactor TERMINAL # Copy resource configurations to new working directory # Implement dependency injection > cd > terraform init > terraform import . > terraform plan # check no drift

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Pattern: Use import State Refactor TERMINAL > cd > terraform state rm . # Comment out old resources in Terraform > terraform plan # check no drift # Delete old resources in Terraform

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Refactor Rules 1. Go from high-level to low-level resources 2. Choose resources with fewer dependencies 3. terraform plan = test 4. terraform state = source of truth

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Use Immutability When all else fails, create everything new.

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Many scenarios… 1. High-risk refactors 2. Failures 3. Terraform upgrades (syntax)

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Pattern: Blue-green deployment Old Network New Network Servers Servers Modules in same state Module in separate state Module in separate state

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Pattern: Blue-green deployment Blue resources share the same state terraform { cloud { organization = "hashicorp" workspaces { name = “hug" } } } module "network" {} module "servers" { count = 3 subnet = } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Blue-green deployment Green resources in separate states terraform { cloud { organization = "hashicorp" workspaces { name = "hug-network" } } } module "network" {} output “subnets" { value = } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Blue-green deployment Green resources in separate states terraform { cloud { organization = "hashicorp" workspaces { name = "hug-servers" } } } data "tfe_outputs" "network" { organization = "hashicorp" workspace = "hug-network" } module "servers" { count = 3 subnet = } CODE EDITOR

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Pattern: Blue-green deployment Old Network New Network Servers Servers Servers Modules in same state Module in separate state Module in separate state Load Balancer 50% 50%

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Refactoring is inevitable. 1. Takes time and effort. 2. Go high-level to low-level. 3. Roll forward.

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Rosemary Wang 
 @joatmon08 Thanks!