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Catching Waves With Time-Series Data Liz Heym Cisco Meraki

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We’ll cover: - How to select a tool for managing time-series data - How to organize, query, and aggregate time-series data - How to translate your design to API constraints

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But first! What is time-series data? Time-series data is a collection of observations recorded over consistent intervals of time.

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A surfer’s goal Liz has just taken her first surf lesson, and she’s keen on learning how her surfing will improve over time. She’s decided to record this data in a time-series database and to access it via an API endpoint. But where does she start?

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Selecting the right board for the conditions 1 Surf a board you already have Use a time-series DB already in your tech stack 2 Use the old board, but add a new set of fins Use an extension for a DB you already use 3 Buy a new board Adopt a new DB technology 4 Shape your own board Design your own DB

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1. Surf a board you already have If you already have a database that’s well-suited for time-series data, why change? Maybe you just need to adjust your techniques!

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2. Keep the old board, but add a new set of fins ● Old board = Postgres ● New fins = Postgres extension ● A few options: pg_timeseries or TimescaleDB

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3. Buy a new board Sometimes, your existing tools don’t cut it, and you need to invest in something entirely new. ClickHouse is a fast, open-source analytical database, designed around time-series data.

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4. Shape your own board Sometimes, no available database seems suited to your highly specific needs. In 2008, the engineers Meraki found themselves in this position, and LittleTable was born.

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4. Shape your own board: LittleTable ● Relational database ● Optimized for time-series data ● Data clustered for continuous disk access ● SQL interface for querying LT White Paper

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The Perfect Technique ● Now that you have a board, you need to learn how to surf it! ● Much like in surfing, there are tried-and-true techniques for best handling time-series data. ● We’ll cover: 1. Data arranged by time 2. Hierarchically-delineated key 3. Querying by index 4. Aggregation and Compression

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1. Data arranged by time ● Key feature of a time-series DB ● ClickHouse automatically generates an index on the ts column ● Performant when accessing a range of time ● LittleTable is append-only

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2. Hierarchically-delineated key ● In addition to being grouped by time, data is organized according to this composite key. ● Crucial to understand how this data is going to be accessed—not every query will be efficient

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2. Hierarchically-delineated key In this example, the composite key is: Network Id, Device Id

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2. Hierarchically-delineated key ● Organize by increasing specificity ● Cisco Meraki’s example from the previous slide: Network, Device ● For Liz’s surfing application: Surfer, Region, Break

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3. Querying by index: LittleTable ● LittleTable is organized across two axes: composite key and time ○ Only need a prefix ● Performant query for LittleTable: ○ Surfer ○ Region, ○ Timestamp

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3. Querying by index: ClickHouse ● ClickHouse include timestamp at the end of the composite index ○ So you must query with the full key ● Non-performant query ○ Surfer, Timestamp ● Performant query ○ Surfer, Region, Break, Timestamp Liz, LA, Malibu, over the past month Liz, Humboldt, Moonstone, over the past month Two weeks … Two weeks

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4. Aggregation and Compression ● Time-series data can pile up fast ● Two needs: ○ Don’t have infinite storage ○ Also want to show as much data as possible

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4. Aggregation and Compression ● Don’t have infinite storage ○ Data retention ○ Time-to-live ● Also want to show as much data as possible ○ Compression ○ Aggregation

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4. Compression: TimescaleDB

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4. Aggregation: LittleTable ● Base table and aggregate table ● Base table (data per wave): ○ Distance, Duration ● Aggregate table (data per interval of time): ○ Total distance, total duration, max speed, wave count

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4. Aggregation: LittleTable ● We can aggregate the data over the following intervals: ○ Base table—with a TTL of 1 month ○ One day—with a TTL of 6 months ○ One week—with a TTL of 1 year ○ One month—with a TTL of 5 years

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Getting out there We have our data: ● Stored ● Aggregated ● Easily accessible Now we design an API endpoint that Liz can use to easily query her surf data.

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Getting out there: Query params ● Required ○ Surfer ○ Timespan ● Optional ○ Region ○ Break

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Getting out there: Timespan and interval ● timespan = the full period of time over which we want data. ○ Our longest TTL is 5 years: that’s the max timespan ● interval = the grain at which the data is aggregated ○ Calculated based on the timespan ● The interval options are: ○ One day (TTL 6 months) ○ One week (TTL 1 year) ○ One month (TTL 5 years)

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Getting out there: Visualization

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A surfer’s success Get Stoked!

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Thank you! Would love to chat afterwards :) Liz Heym Cisco Meraki