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 Notebooks for Humans Carol Willing April 15, 2021 PyNam Event "WE ARE MORE THAN A COMMUNITY" – PyNam

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Hello PyNam Pythonistas Steering Council, Python Core Developer, Python Fellow, Python Software Foundation Frank Willison Award for technical and community contributions to Python Steering Council, Project Jupyter Core Developer, Project Jupyter Co-Editor, Journal of Open Source Education Co-Author, Teaching and Learning with Jupyter Notebooks 2017 ACM Software System Award VP of Learning, Carol Willing GitHub: willingc

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HI, I’M CAROL • I love playing and creating with code. • How did you make this? • What happens if... • I wonder if I can break it. • People before code - always • Learn, Build, Share - Openly

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Python Namibia The future of Python depends on people. How Python rises in Namibia - Ngazetungue Muheue

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Notebooks for Humans Share Build Learn

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Learn Jupyter Notebook A Jupyter Notebook document with a visualization of measles data.

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@WillingCarol 9,857,138 notebooks on GitHub

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@WillingCarol Storytelling with text, code, visualization, multimedia, and interactivity

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JupyterLab 3.0 - Simple Interface

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JupyterLab 3.0 - integrated debugger Try it at

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Notebooks for Everyone

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Miniforge (conda-forge/miniforge) A minimal installer for Conda speci fi c to conda-forge. It is comparable to Miniconda, but with: • an emphasis on supporting various CPU architectures • installation scripts or brew install miniforge on Mac • conda-forge set as the default channel • optional support for PyPy in place of standard Python (aka "CPython") • optional support for Mamba in place of Conda

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Miniforge: Install on your computer brew install miniforge bash Follow directions in the README and terminal output

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Use a web-based service (Binder) Try JupyterLab or Jupyter Classic Notebook. Important: This is a temporary notebook so remember to download your notebooks before you close the web page.

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Six Steps to Notebooks for Humans Text Multimedia Code Interactivity Visualization Sharing

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1 Start with an explanation

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2 Use code to get or create data

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3 Visualize

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3 Visualize

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4 Interact with the notebook

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5 Add multimedia and resources

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6 Share the notebook

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@WillingCarol 25 
 Live Code on Binder LIGO Binder

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Notebooks and Community Less stress Friends and fun Future mentors Everyone wins Intro to Python - San Diego Python

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...a programming language created by a community fosters happiness in its users around the world. – Guido van Rossum

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Human Friendly Notebooks Text Multimedia Code Interactivity Visualization Sharing Share Build Learn

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Came for the language. Stayed for the community. PyNam and Pythonistas around the world Credit: Kushal Das

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@WillingCarol 30 Thank you

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Python Software Foundation

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•PyNam Website •San Diego Python •Project Jupyter team and community •Noteable for giving me the time to contribute back to the Python community •Photo credits and links on individual slides Attributions and recognition @willingcarol