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@bibryam Bilgin Ibryam Product Manager, Diagrid The Commoditization of the Software Stack: How Application-first Cloud Services are Changing the Game

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Bilgin Ibryam 2 ● Product Manager at Diagrid ● Former Architect at Red Hat ● Former Committer at Apache Camel ● Blogger and Author ○ Camel Design Patterns ○ Kubernetes Patterns @bibryam

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Are we still building Microservices? 3

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Agenda 4

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Early-cloud era 5

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6 Monolithic applications

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7 Static infrastructure

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8 No clear boundaries

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Internal architecture 9

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10 Visualising software architecture Source: 4+1 model C4 model

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11 Internal and external views

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12 Domain-driven design

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13 Hexagonal architecture

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14 Onion and clean architectures

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15 Microservices and 12-factor apps

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Compute-first cloud era

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17 Distributed application frameworks Microservices’ middleware ESB

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18 Application-oriented compute Sink into the infrastructure App layer

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19 Application-oriented boundaries

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Application compute cloud 20

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Compute bindings 21

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Open compute bindings 22

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CNCF projects and SDLC 23 Code Build & test Provision & deploy Release Operate Observe Organize Ops Devs Incubating projects Graduated projects

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External architecture

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25 External architecture

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26 Integration bindings

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27 Integration deployment options

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28 What is Dapr?

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29 Dapr architecture Source:

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30 Dapr community momentum 22k GitHub stars 5.6k Discord members Contributing organizations include: +1M Docker Hub monthly pulls 2.5k Contributors +290k Unique docs views/mo +100 Components 3 year contributor growth 10/157 Largest CNCF project

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31 Integration portability

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Application-first cloud

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33 Application-first cloud services

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34 Application-first cloud ecosystem

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35 What’s next?

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Are we still building Microservices? 36

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Takeaways 37 ✓ Focus on differentiating business logic and reuse undifferentiated commoditized capabilities. ✓ Use open compute and open integration bindings based on de-facto standards enabling portability. ✓ Portability is not about applications. It is about patterns, practices, tools, and ultimately… people.

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@bibryam Thank You