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Avoiding surprises with Chef and Vagrant Andy Gale Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Your development and production environment are not the same! • Different OS? • Different version of PHP? • Diverged package versions? • Different default configuration files? • Different PHP libraries and extensions? Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Well, it worked on my machine! Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Developing in a Virtual Machine • Consistent OS and PHP versions between production and local development • New starters can get going with development straight away • Existing developers can redistribute development platform in case of hardware failure Reasons why we should: Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Developing in a Virtual Machine • Because it’s a massive pain in the arse • Scared of the command line • There’s a massive overhead keeping the VM up to date • Can never get the networking between you and your VM working Reasons why we don’t: Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Vagrant Virtualised development made easy Wednesday, 29 May 13

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• Install Oracle’s VirtualBox • Install Vagrant (packages for Windows, Mac, Linux) • Then... Vagrant Getting started $ vagrant box add precise32 $ vagrant init precise32 $ vagrant up Wednesday, 29 May 13

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• Simple to configure using the Vagrantfile which can be kept in version control Vagrant Configuration do |config| # Forward guest port 80 to # host port 4567 config.vm.forward_port 80, 4567 end • Apply with “vagrant reload” Wednesday, 29 May 13

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• A tool for automating the provisioning and management of your servers • Open source • Lots of examples and code to get you started • Integrates brilliantly with Vagrant Wednesday, 29 May 13

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• Talk from Jose Diaz-Gonzalez at CakeFest 2011 • Or his comprehensive blog posts Getting started Wednesday, 29 May 13

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My first recipe package "ntp" do action :install end template "/etc/ntp.conf" do source "ntp.conf.erb" owner "root" group "root" mode 0644 notifies :restart, resources(:service => "ntp") end service "ntp" do action :start end Install package Create config file from template Define service and start NTP Restart service when config file changes Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Getting started • “Cookbooks” are collections of templates, files and basic Ruby code that describe how to setup something. • There’s community (i.e. Open Source, Free) cookbooks for probably everything you’ll need • You just need to define a few extra things Wednesday, 29 May 13

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Chef and Vagrant sitting in a tree + Let’s use Vagrant to create a virtual machine to test our Chef configuration Wednesday, 29 May 13

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• Install Oracle’s VirtualBox • Install Vagrant (packages for Windows, Mac, Linux) • Assuming you have git Let’s go $ git clone $ cd cakefest-vagrant-chef $ ./ $ vagrant up Wednesday, 29 May 13

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But that’s not it • Vagrant also supports provisioning with Puppet or just a custom script if that’s what your company uses • Use your favourite editor, your files appear in /vagrant automatically • Because you can recreate your development environment with “vagrant up” whenever you like, you can save disk space with “vagrant destroy” Wednesday, 29 May 13

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But that is it. • Questions? • @andygale on Twitter • on the Web Wednesday, 29 May 13