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Unleash The True Power Of Spring Cloud Learn How To Customize Spring Cloud

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About Us Ryan Baxter Spring Cloud Software Engineer VMware @ryanjbaxter Olga Maciaszek-Sharma Spring Cloud Software Engineer VMware @olga_maciaszek

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Spring Cloud Spring Cloud is the de facto standard in cloud-native Java. It includes cloud-ready solutions for your cloud-native challenges and improves the performance, reliability, management, and security of your cloud-based applications. ➔ API Gateway ➔ Service registry ➔ Configuration server ➔ Distributed Tracing ➔ Circuit Breakers ➔ Load Balancer ➔ API Contract Definition & Testing ➔ Cloud Service Connectors (AWS, etc.) ➔ Streaming Data ➔ Serverless & Functions Spring Cloud has everything you need to build robust, reliable cloud-native applications... Introduction To Spring Cloud: 12:05 PM EST

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Config It delivers config straight to your apps and offers integration with multiple version control systems to keep your config safe You can customize where the config server retrieves configuration from Implement the EnvironmentRepository interface Create a bean for your custom EnvironmentRepository

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Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway puts developers in control of APIs ● Securing and hiding services ● Routing and filtering messages ● Handling load Spring Cloud Gateway can be customized by adding ● Custom filters ● Custom predicates ● Custom RouteDefinitionLocator ○ Where route definitions are stored ● Transforming payloads ● and much more...

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Circuit Breaker Circuit breakers mitigate this problem using sensible defaults and reliable fallbacks in case of emergency Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker gives you the choice of three popular open-source options: Resilience4J, Sentinel, or Hystrix. You can provide your own circuit breaker implementations for other libraries Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker offers the developer the ability to customize the configuration of the underlying implementation

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Bus Spring Cloud Bus links nodes of a distributed system with a lightweight message broker You can use Bus to publish your own events and target your own services

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Spring Cloud LoadBalancer Great UXs need great responses. When your apps are under pressure, spreading the load helps smooth things out ● Pluggable ServiceInstanceListSupplier and ReactiveServiceInstanceLoadBalancer implementations ● Configuring load-balancing zones ● Configuring the caching mechanism and switching between different cache implementations ● Configuring LoadBalancer to run health checks ● Configuration (context) per target service ● Implement LoadBalancerLifecycle

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Spring Cloud OpenFeign Dynamically created HTTP clients with minimum overhead and maximum readability ● Switching to a different HTTP client ● Switching to a custom bean (for example, a Decoder) via a configuration class and via properties ● Setting custom timeouts ● Configuring inheriting beans from the parent context ● Creating Feign Clients manually ● Configuring compression ● Pagination with @CollectionFormat

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Spring Cloud Contract Users, customers, and partners need reliable, trustworthy, APIs ● Configuring the Verifier Plugin (Maven and Gradle) ● Contracts on the Producer Side, pushed to Git or an external Git or artifact repository ● Configuring REST Docs support ● Messaging with different Messaging implementations ● Setting contracts to `inProgress` ● Client-side runtime stubs generation ● Contract Metadata

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Spring Cloud Sleuth Debugging distributed applications is a complex and time consuming chore ● Using Brave Tracer to manually configure Span lifecycles ● Declaratively configuring Spans with annotations ● Naming spans ● Manually instrument Sleuth for Project Reactor

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Demo Git Repo:

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