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Kotlin 2.1 Language Updates

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Language Features •Suppor t for requiring opt-in to extend APIs •Non-local break and continue •Multi-dollar interpolation •Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions •Improved exhaustiveness checks for when expressions with sealed classes

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Opt-in requirements for subclasses

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Opt-in requirements for subclasses @RequiresOptIn( level = RequiresOptIn.Level.ERROR, message = "Interfaces in this library are experimental" ) annotation class UnstableApi() @SubclassOptInRequired(UnstableApi :: class) interface CoreLibraryApi interface MyImplementation : CoreLibraryApi Library User code

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Opt-in requirements for subclasses @RequiresOptIn( level = RequiresOptIn.Level.ERROR, message = "Interfaces in this library are experimental" ) annotation class UnstableApi() @SubclassOptInRequired(UnstableApi :: class) interface CoreLibraryApi interface MyImplementation : CoreLibraryApi Library User code

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Opt-in requirements for subclasses @RequiresOptIn( level = RequiresOptIn.Level.ERROR, message = "Interfaces in this library are experimental" ) annotation class UnstableApi() @SubclassOptInRequired(UnstableApi :: class) interface CoreLibraryApi @OptIn(UnstableApi :: class) interface MyImplementation : CoreLibraryApi Library User code

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Local break and continue in lambdas

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { val reader = file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8) val line = reader.readLine() if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } } "Read the first line from each file in the list"

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { val reader = file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8) val line = reader.readLine() if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } }

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { val reader = file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8) val line = reader.readLine() if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } }

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { val reader = file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8) val line = reader.readLine() if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } }

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { val reader = file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8) val line = reader.readLine() if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } } Realize, that we need to use the resources properly

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).use { reader -> val line = reader.readLine() // this is now a 'continue' inside a lambda if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } } }

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).use { reader -> val line = reader.readLine() // this is now a 'continue' inside a lambda if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } } }

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Local break and continue in lambdas fun List.readFirstLines(): List = buildList { for (file in this@readFirstLines) { file.bufferedReader(Charsets.UTF_8).use { reader -> val line = reader.readLine() // this is now a 'continue' inside a lambda if (line.isNullOrEmpty()) continue else add(line) } } } -Xnon-local-break-continue

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Multi-dollar interpolation

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = """ { "$id": "https: //", }"""

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = """ { "$id": "https: //", }""" Interpolation fails for "id"

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = """ { "${'$'}id": "https: //", }""" A workaround

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = $$""" { "$id": "https: //", }""" -Xmulti-dollar-interpolation Use $$ as a symbol sequence for interpolation

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = $$""" { "$id": "https: //", "parameter": $$parameter" }""" val parameter = "value" Use $$ as a symbol sequence for interpolation

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Multi-dollar interpolation val jsonSchema: String = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$""" { "$id": "https: //", "parameter": $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$parameter" }""" val parameter = "value" :)

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Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when { order is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) order is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) order is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when { order is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) order is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) order is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Potentially a logical error Repetition is not nice Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when { order is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) order is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) order is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) order is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Error: expecting ' -> ' && Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription && order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() if Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions Guarded conditions: KEEP - 371

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription if order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is YearlySubscription if order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() The 'when' branch is never reachable Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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when(order) { is YearlySubscription if order.amount > 100 -> applyDiscount(order) is YearlySubscription -> processSubscription(order) is MonthlySubscription -> startSubscription(order) is OneTimeOrder -> processOrder(order) } val order = getOrder() Guard conditions in when-with-subject expressions

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Improved exhaustiveness checks for when expressions with sealed classes sealed class Result object Error: Result() class Success(val value: String): Result() fun render(result: T) = when (result) { Error -> "Error!" is Success -> result.value // Requires no else branch } Required else branch before 2.1

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict'

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict' import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class SomeJavaClass { @NonNull public String foo() { ... } @Nullable public String bar() { ... } } Java

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict' import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class SomeJavaClass { @NonNull public String foo() { ... } @Nullable public String bar() { ... } } Java Kotlin val sjc = SomeJavaClass()

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict' import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class SomeJavaClass { @NonNull public String foo() { ... } @Nullable public String bar() { ... } } Java Kotlin val sjc = SomeJavaClass()

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict' import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class SomeJavaClass { @NonNull public String foo() { ... } @Nullable public String bar() { ... } } Java Kotlin val sjc = SomeJavaClass() ?. length Raises an error in the default strict mode because the result is nullable. To avoid the error, use ?.length instead

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Change of JSpecify nullability mismatch diagnostics severity to 'strict' import org.jspecify.annotations.*; public class SomeJavaClass { @NonNull public String foo() { ... } @Nullable public String bar() { ... } } Java Kotlin val sjc = SomeJavaClass() ?. length kotlin { compilerOptions { freeCompilerArgs.add(" -- Xnullability-annotations=strict") } } // / / ignore | warning | strict

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