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SCIENCE! ▸ 10 years ▸ 16 billion kilometres ▸ 510 million kilometres from Earth ▸ 65000 kilometres per our ... and the Rosetta spacecraft's Philae lander touched down on comet 67P/C-G this morning

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MARK "MARK I" LANGSWORTH Militant pedant, janitor and soapbox aficiando Also a developer on Team Argonauts

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DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS A distributed system is a software system in which components located on networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages. The components interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal. -- Andrews (2000). Dolev (2000). Ghosh (2007)

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▸ Many components ▸ Network messaging ▸ Collaboration towards a common goal

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SYSTEMS ARE not APPLICATIONS We're taught to be application developers with an application mindset Remember your first programming lecture at school...

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IF YOU THINK LIKE AN application developer ▸ The system is atomic ▸ The system is finished ▸ Business logic is centralised ▸ The network doesn't matter

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OUR AIM 1. Logical separation, facilitating physical separation. 2. Separation allows fault tolerance and scale. Contention kills both. So how do we group and delineate our components? Services thinking!

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TENANTS OF A service ▸ Autonomous ▸ Explicit boundaries ▸ Expose schema and contract ▸ Compatibility is determined by policy

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VERTICAL PARTITIONING rules ▸ Along lines of business volatiliy ▸ Data lives in proper "islands of consistency" Follow the data

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MORE VERTICAL PARTITIONING rules ▸ If messages are big, boundaries are likely wrong ▸ If you see duplicate data between services, go back to the business ▸ Don't name a service until the end, names are misleading ▸ Don't work bottom up

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WHAT HAPPENS AT Amazon IF... 1. 15% discount for a certain class of books? 2. A customer changes their shipping address? 3. The government changes the rate of GST? (assume GST applies to below AUD$1000)

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WHAT HAPPENS AT a bank IF... You deposit a cheque and then view your bank balance?

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SOLUTIONS FOR scale ▸ Design for maintenance upfront ▸ Design for upgrades Versioning is hard, technology won't save you ▸ Reuse is based on a fallacy

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ROUND 'EM UP ▸ Don't think like an application developer anymore ▸ Think about business rule and data volality ▸ Data consistency rules ▸ Business modelling, not entity modelling

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Fin :)

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COUPLING together

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SYSTEMS COUPLING 1. Platform coupling (interoperability) 2. Temporal coupling (synchronicity) 3. Spatial coupling (topology)

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PLATFORM COUPLING ▸ Standards-based protocols to improve interoperability

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TEMPORAL COUPLING ▸ caching ▸ split inter-service communications and handling (pub/sub versus request/response) ▸ manage consistency explicitly (acceptable "staleness") This is a business concern!

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SPATIAL COUPLING ▸ delegate to something else eg messaging ▸ load balancing (at first logical, then physical)

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COUPLING RULES ▸ Don't mechanically reduce all coupling. Zero coupling is impossible. ▸ Be concerned when we're breaking a pattern All code should be roughly the same quality.

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FALLACIES OF NETWORKED COMPUTING ▸ The network is reliable ▸ There's no latency ▸ Bandwidth is unlimited ▸ The network is secure

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FALLACIES CONTINUED ▸ The topology won't change ▸ Administrators will know what to do ▸ Transport is free ▸ Networks are homogeneous

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Exeunt, stage left