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Recent DDoS Marek Majkowski

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Krebs timeline • 10th Sept - Krebs publishes VDoS database dump • 20th Sept - BackConnect BGP hijacks article • 21th Sept - 620 Gbps attack reported • Mostly GRE • 22nd Sept - Prolexic / Akamai kick Krebs out • 25th Sept - Onboarded on Google Project Shield • Struggling to keep the website up 2

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Dyn timeline • Oct 21st - Doug Madory gives a talk on BackConnect • Oct 21st - Dyn attack starts • Non-spoofed, mostly Mirai-based botnets • 100k "endpoints" • Mostly DNS traffic 3

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Mirai ! ! ! • Chinese security cameras with default Telnet pass • Some evidence for WD disks • Some evidence for customer modem/routers • Deutsche Telekom port 7547 TR-069 4

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Mirai • Very short attacks, • HTTP • 5 hardcoded user agents • SYN, ACK, UDP, DNS, Valve, GRE • 30k-75k devices 5

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Cloudflare Point of view 6

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Most common attacks • L3 - SYN • L3 - DNS • L7 - HTTP 7

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SYN • Many of the big volumetric attacks • attacks/ • attacks/ • Directly hitting the target IP (not amplified) • Often spoofed source IP 8

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SYN - thanksgiving 9

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SYN - thanksgiving 10

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Mitigation: iptables and BPF • 11 ! iptables -A INPUT \! --dst \! -p udp --dport 53 \! -m bpf --bytecode "14,0 0 0 20,177 0 0 0,12 0 0 0,7 0 0 0,64 0 0 0,21 0 7 124090465,64 0 0 4,21 0 5 1836084325,64 0 0 8,21 0 3 56848237,80 0 0 12,21 0 1 0,6 0 0 1,6 0 0 0" \! -j DROP!

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Mitigation: scattering 12 dig A

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Why scattering works • L3 Attacks often have hardcoded destination IP's • Low DNS TTL allows to scatter 13

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DNS - random prefix 14 • Miss the cache NXDOMAIN • Overload Auth DNS • Hard to defend

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DNS - random prefix 15 ! 1.666 --ip= --port=53 "*" 1.639 --ip= --port=53 "*" 0.297 --ip=2400:cb00:2049:1::adf5:3b61/128 --port=53 "*" 0.274 --ip=2400:cb00:2049:1::adf5:3ad1/128 --port=53 "*" • Random prefix queries ! ! ! • Bounced off real recursors

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HTTP attacks • Most: dumb repetitive http requests • IP reputation generally works 16

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HTTP - Mirai-like 17 GET /en HTTP/1.1 ! User-Agent: ! Cookie: ! Host: ! Connection: close ! Content-Length: 800000! ! a[]=&b[]=&a[]=&b[]=&a[]=&b[]=&a[]=&b[]=...!

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HTTP - Mirai-like 18

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HTTP - Mirai-like 19

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HTTP - Mirai-like • Should it be received? • 52k source IP's • Mostly Ukraine - hacked customer routers/modems? 20

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Takeaways 21

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Takeaways • Direct volumetric SYN floods • Go up to 450gbps and 100M pps per target • Use small DNS TTL to be able to "scatter" - retire IP's • Random-prefix DNS • Hard to defend • HTTP attacks • IP reputation works (iptables) • Dynamic WAF / "firewall alike" rules for blocking repetitive traffic 22

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Anycast 32

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ECMP 33 ECMP router dst ip: server #1 server #2 server #3 hash % 2 hash % 1 hash % 3

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34 Gatebot Automatic attack handling

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Automatic attack handling 35 Mitigation Database sflow iptables Attack Detection Reactive Automation 35