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What's new in Jetpack

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Room, Navigation, and more.. Architecture

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● KSPサポート ● Auto Migrations ● Relational Query Methods ● Paging 3.0サポート( ● Kotlinへの書き換え Room

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@Database( entities = [ /* .. */ ], version = 3, autoMigrations = [ AutoMigration(from = 1, to = 2), AutoMigration( from = 2, to = 3, spec = AppDatabase.AutoMigration2to3::class ) ] ) abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() { @RenameTable(fromTableName = "user", toTableName = "users") class AutoMigration2to3 : AutoMigrationSpec } Auto Migrations

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@Query( "SELECT * FROM user " + "JOIN book on = book.user_id" ) fun getUserAndBook(): Map> @MapInfo(keyColumn = "userName", valueColumn = "bookName") @Query( "SELECT AS userName, AS bookName FROM user " + "JOIN book on = book.user_id" ) fun getUserAndBookNames(): Map> Relational Query Methods

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● Rx, GuavaのサポートがStable ● LoadResult.Invalidの追加 ● 新しいEvent Listener Paging 3

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adapter.addOnPagesUpdatedListener { // ... } lifecycleScope.launch { repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { adapter.onPagesUpdatedFlow.collect { // ... } } } Event Listener

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● Multiple Back Stacksサポート ● 2ペインレイアウトサポート (AbstractListDetailFragment) ● Kotlinへの書き換え Navigation

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class ListDetailFragment: AbstractListDetailFragment() { override fun onCreateListPaneView(/* */): View { return inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_pane, container, false) } override fun onListPaneViewCreated(/* */) { super.onListPaneViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) val recyclerView = view as RecyclerView recyclerView.adapter = ListDetailAdapter(/* */) } override fun onCreateDetailPaneNavHostFragment(): NavHostFragment { return NavHostFragment.create(R.navigation.list_detail_nav_graph) } } AbstractListDetailFragment

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● SharedPreferencesの代替 ● MAD SKills: DataStore

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● Jetpackライブラリを使った設計ガイド ● MAD SKills: Architecture

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Baseline Profiles, JankStats, and more… Performance

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● Jankの追跡 ● ユーザーの状態把握 ● 毎Frameで結果をレポート JankStats

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val metricsStateHolder = PerformanceMetricsState.getForHierarchy(view) val jankStats = JankStats.createAndTrack( window = window, executor = Dispatchers.Default.asExecutor(), frameListener = { frameData -> if (frameData.isJank) { // ... } } ) metricsStateHolder.state?.addState("Activity", javaClass.simpleName) JankStats

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● baseline-profile.txt ● 初回起動時の最適化 ● 一部Jetpackライブラリには追加済み Baseline Profiles

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● 起動やスクロールのパフォーマンス計測 ● TraceSectionMetric / AudioUnderrunMetric ● Baseline Profilesの生成 Macrobenchmark

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TraceSectionMetric benchmarkRule.measureRepeated( packageName = TARGET_PACKAGE, metrics = listOf( FrameTimingMetric(), TraceSectionMetric("RV CreateView"), TraceSectionMetric("RV OnBindView"), ), // ... } trace("RV OnBindView") { // ... }

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● debuggable falseでパフォーマンスプロファイリング可能 ● API Level 14 Tracing

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WindowManager, AppCompat, and more… User Interface

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● WindowMetrics ● Foldable ● SlidingPaneLayoutの改善 WindowManager

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WindowMetrics val currentWindowMetrics = WindowMetricsCalculator.getOrCreate() .computeCurrentWindowMetrics(this) val maximumWindowMetrics = WindowMetricsCalculator.getOrCreate() .computeMaximumWindowMetrics(this)

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Foldable lifecycleScope.launch { lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) { WindowInfoTracker.getOrCreate(activity) .windowLayoutInfo(activity) .collect { layoutInfo -> val foldingFeature = layoutInfo.displayFeatures.firstOrNull() as? FoldingFeature foldingFeature?.state // => FLAT, HALF_OPENED foldingFeature?.orientation // => VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL foldingFeature?.bounds // > Rect } } }

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● DropHelper DragAndDrop

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DragAndDrop val options = DropHelper.Options.Builder() .setHighlightColor(highlightColor) .setHighlightCornerRadiusPx(cornerRadiusPx) .build() DropHelper.configureView( activity, targetView, arrayOf(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN), options, ) { view, payload -> // ... }

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● Emoji2サポート ● アプリごとの言語設定 AppCompat

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val appLocale = LocaleListCompat.forLanguageTags("ja") AppCompatDelegate.setApplicationLocales(appLocale) アプリ言語設定

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● 1.2 Beta ● Nested Scrollとの相互互換 ● Downloadable Fonts ● Lazy Layout ● and more… Jetpack Compose

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Thank you! Android, Kotlin GDE he / him @STAR_ZERO ?v=jTd82lcuHTU Resources Kenji Abe