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Fears and Phobias Off2Class Lesson Plan ESL Lesson Plan © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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© 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc. Thank you for downloading your FREE Off2Class lesson plan! This teacher-led lesson plan is designed using the communicative approach - perfect for teaching students online or in any screen-enabled classroom. To access the Teacher Notes and Answer Key, or to assign homework, click here to set up your FREE Off2class account. Don’t forget to join the discussion on Facebook to get access to other great tools for online ESL instruction.

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What are you scared of? What kind of an emotion is fear? Is there something of which you are afraid? What is a phobia? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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How does it make you feel? a racing heartbeat fear sth be afraid of sth be scared of sth dread sth be frightened of sth a tingling sensation a churning stomach have goose bumps feel light-headed © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Nervous or fearful? How can you distinguish fear from feeling worried or nervous? When do most people usually feel fear? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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How do these terms relate to phobias? avoidance fight-or-flight overwhelm illogical anxiety disorder make helpless, as with greater force or deep emotion; overcome; crush; overpower the act of avoiding, or shunning something a mental disorder characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear designating an instinctive response to danger, that prepares to confront or to flee not logical or reasonable; using, based on, or caused by faulty reasoning © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Do you suffer from a disorder? Try to use these terms in a sentence about fears or phobias. Do you believe that you are always logical? avoidance fight-or-flight overwhelm illogical anxiety disorder © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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When I am scared… overreact exaggerated uncontrollable have a panic attack What do people usually do when they encounter the object of their phobia? disproportional © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What causes fear? Is phobia an illness? In your opinion, what are the underlying causes of phobias? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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How can you conquer fear? Do you know any methods used in the treatment of phobias? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Phobias Do phobias vary among gender, age or culture? What are the most common phobias? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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What is the phobia? arachnophobia bibliophobia claustrophobia hemophobia nyctophobia fear of books fear of confined spaces fear of blood fear of spiders fear of the dark thanatophobia fear of death © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Discuss this quote ‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.’ Do you agree with this? Nelson Mandela Do you think there are people who fear nothing? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Discuss this quote What did people fear in the past? How did they stop fearing those things? ‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.’ Marie Curie Is the fact that we do not understand something really behind our fears? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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Unusual phobias apiphobia trichophobia hippophobia chionophobia hydrophobia fear of string or rope fear of hair fear of snow fear of bees fear of water linonophobia fear of horses © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.

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More to talk about! How does society treat people with phobias? Can fear actually be crippling? Can you give examples from history of how xenophobia, the irrational fear of foreigners and the unfamiliar, affected people and communities? How does fear affect children and their development? © 2014-2021 Global Online Language Services Inc.