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Guide to the jungle of testing frameworks Tomáš Kypta @TomasKypta

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Unit Testing Experience on Android

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Android apps are difficult to test

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Android apps were difficult to test

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Types of Android tests

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Types of Android tests Instrumentation tests Local unit tests

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Android test code • project sources • ${module}/src/main/java • instrumentation tests • ${module}/src/androidTest/java • unit tests • ${module}/src/test/java • full Gradle and Android Studio support

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• the essential piece of both instrumentation and unit tests • alone can be used only for pure Java code • doesn’t provide any mocks or Android APIs

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Instrumentation Tests

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Instrumentation Tests • running on physical device or emulator • gradle connectedAndroidTest • ${module}/build/reports/androidTests/connected/ index.html

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Instrumentation Tests Legacy instrumentation tests or Testing Support Library

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Legacy Instrumentation Tests • JUnit3 • Tests extend from TestCase • AndroidTestCase • ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 • ServiceTestCase • … deprecated since API level 24

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Testing Support Library • JUnit4 compatible • AndroidJUnitRunner android { defaultConfig { testInstrumentationRunner "" } } dependencies { androidTestCompile '' }

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Testing Support Library • JUnit test rules • AndroidTestRule • ServiceTestRule • DisableOnAndroidDebug • LogLogcatRule • … androidTestCompile ''

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• framework for functional UI tests • part of Android Testing Support Library androidTestCompile ''

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@Test public void sayHello() { onView(withId( .perform(typeText(STRING_TO_BE_TYPED), closeSoftKeyboard()); onView(withText("Say hello!")) .perform(click()); String expectedText = "Hello, " + STRING_TO_BE_TYPED + "!"; onView(withId( .check(matches(withText(expectedText))); }

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Problems • testing on device is not isolated • device state affects the result • e.g. screen on/off might affect test result onView(withId( .check(matches(isDisplayed()));

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Some annoyances No activities in stage RESUMED. Did you forget to launch the activity. (test.getActivity() or similar)?

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UI Automator

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UI Automator • APIs for building UI tests • interaction with both your apps and system apps • Android 4.3+ androidTestCompile ''

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UI Automator • several parts • API for information retrieval and performing operations • API for cross-app testing • uiautomatorviewer tool

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UI Automator @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class AnActivityTest { private static final String MY_PACKAGE = "com.example.helloworld"; private static final int LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 5000; UiDevice mDevice; @Before public void setUP() { mDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()); mDevice.pressHome(); Context context = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext(); Intent intent = context.getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(MY_PACKAGE); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); context.startActivity(intent); // Wait for the app to appear mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg(MY_PACKAGE).depth(0)), LAUNCH_TIMEOUT); } // do the testing }

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UI Automator @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class AnActivityTest { // a setup @Test public void testText() throws Exception { UiObject textLabel = mDevice.findObject( new UiSelector().packageName(MY_PACKAGE).text("Hello World!")); UiObject button = mDevice.findObject( new UiSelector().packageName(MY_PACKAGE).text("Change text"));; UiObject2 textResult = mDevice.findObject(By.res(MY_PACKAGE, "txt_label")); Assert.assertEquals("Hello Minsk!", textResult.getText()); } }

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Java API

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• use with UI Automator • direct manipulation with sensor values on Genymotion devices • allows to omit mocking sensor values androidTestCompile 'com.genymotion.api:genymotion-api:1.0.2'

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if (!GenymotionManager.isGenymotionDevice()) { return; //don't execute this test }

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if (!GenymotionManager.isGenymotionDevice()) { return; //don't execute this test } GenymotionManager genymotion = Genymotion.getGenymotionManager( getInstrumentation().getContext());

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if (!GenymotionManager.isGenymotionDevice()) { return; //don't execute this test } GenymotionManager genymotion = Genymotion.getGenymotionManager( getInstrumentation().getContext()); genymotion .getRadio().call("555123456");

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if (!GenymotionManager.isGenymotionDevice()) { return; //don't execute this test } GenymotionManager genymotion = Genymotion.getGenymotionManager( getInstrumentation().getContext()); genymotion .getRadio().call("555123456"); genymotion .getNetwork().setProfile(Network.Profile.EDGE);

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• for iOS, Android, Windows apps • based on WebDriver protocol • alternative to UI Automator • aims to automate apps from any language and any test framework • …with access to back-end APIs and DBs • Android 4.1+

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Instrumentation tests are kinda SLOOOOOW

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Unit Tests

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Unit Tests • run on JVM • mockable android.jar • gradle test • ${module}/build/reports/tests/${variant}/index.html

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• Helps rarely • returns 0, false, null, … Method ... not mocked. android {
 testOptions {
 unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true }

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• mocking framework • easy to use • compatible with Android unit testing testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.2.11'

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• can be used also in instrumentation tests • needs dexmaker androidTestCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.2.11' androidTestCompile '' androidTestCompile ''

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@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Mock Context mAppContext; }

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@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Mock Context mAppContext; @Before public void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Mock Context mAppContext; @Before public void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); } @Test public void testWithContext() { … } }

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@RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Mock Context mAppContext; @Test public void testWithContext() { … } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Test public void testWithContext() { Context appContext = mock(Context.class); } }

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@RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ContextManagerTest { @Test public void testWithContext() { Context appContext = mock(Context.class); Mockito.when(appContext.getPackageName()) .thenReturn(“”); … } }

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• Mockito.spy() • wrapping a real object • Mockito.verify() • verify that special condition are met • e.g. method called, method called twice, …

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Limitations • final classes • opt-in incubating support in Mockito 2 • anonymous classes • primitive types • static methods

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• Can mock static methods • Can be used together with Mockito

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@RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) @PrepareForTest(Static.class); PowerMockito.mockStatic(Static.class); Mockito.when(Static.staticMethod()) .thenReturn(value); PowerMockito.verifyStatic(Static.class);

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• functional testing framework • runs on JVM • at first, might be difficult to use • the ultimate mock of Android APIs • provides mocks of system managers • allows custom shadows

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• possible to use for UI testing • better to use for business logic @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class MyTest { … }

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• Robolectric • RuntimeEnvironment • Shadows • ShadowApplication • ShadowLooper

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Potential problems • difficult to search for solutions • long history of bigger API changes • many obsolete posts

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• cross-platform BDD framework • human-like test definitions testCompile ‘junit:junit:4.12' testCompile ‘info.cukes:cucumber-java:1.2.5' testCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-junit:1.2.5'

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• describe the desired behaviour Feature: CoffeeMaker
 Scenario: a few coffees
 Given I previously had 3 coffees
 When I add one coffee
 Then I had 4 coffees

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• create the mapping public class CoffeeMakerDefs {
 CoffeeMaker mCoffeeMaker = new CoffeeMaker();

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• create the mapping public class CoffeeMakerDefs {
 CoffeeMaker mCoffeeMaker = new CoffeeMaker();
 @Given("^I previously had (\\d+) coffees$")
 public void hadCoffeesPreviously(int coffees) {

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• create the mapping public class CoffeeMakerDefs {
 CoffeeMaker mCoffeeMaker = new CoffeeMaker();
 @Given("^I previously had (\\d+) coffees$")
 public void hadCoffeesPreviously(int coffees) {
 @When("^I add one coffee$")
 public void addCoffee() {

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• create the mapping public class CoffeeMakerDefs {
 CoffeeMaker mCoffeeMaker = new CoffeeMaker();
 @Given("^I previously had (\\d+) coffees$")
 public void hadCoffeesPreviously(int coffees) {
 @When("^I add one coffee$")
 public void addCoffee() {
 @Then("^I had (\\d+) coffees$")
 public void hadCoffees(int coffees) {
 Assert.assertEquals(coffees, mCoffeeMaker.getCoffeeCount());

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• place definition and mapping at the same paths! • ${module}/src/test/java/com/example/ • ${module}/src/test/resources/com/example/ MyDefinition.feature @RunWith(Cucumber.class)
 public class RunCucumberTest {

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Code Coverage

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Code Coverage • instrumentation tests • JaCoCo • EMMA • obsolete • unit tests • JaCoCo

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Instrumentation Tests & Code Coverage • has to be explicitly enabled • gradle createDebugCoverageReport • ${module}/build/reports/coverage/debug/index.html • ${module}/build/outputs/code-coverage/connected/$ {deviceName} • doesn’t work on some devices!!! buildTypes {
 debug {
 testCoverageEnabled true
 } }

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JaCoCo • enabled by default for unit tests • gradle test • generates binary report in build/jacoco • ${module}/build/jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec • it’s necessary to create a JacocoReport task to obtain a readable report

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Good tests • run in any order • run in isolation • run consistently • run fast • are orthogonal

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Rules of thumb • prefer pure Java • abstract away from Android APIs • separate business logic and UI • don’t write business logic into activities and fragments • MVP, MVVM is a way to go • try avoid static and final • use dependency injection

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