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django unleashed - Saket Bhushan @gamebit07

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Topics Covered ● Setting up your environment ● Project Scaffolding ● Overview of django ● Dive into Settings File ● Take some Notes ● Testing your application ● Some best practices ● Example Repo [https://github. com/fRuiApps/djbp]

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Topics not Covered ● Documenting your Code ● Deploying your Code ● Performance Benchmarking & Optimization ● Django Forms

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Your Environment ● Isolation ● Determinism ● Similarity ● pip ● virtualenv ● virtualenvwrapper Tutorial

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Your Environment ● sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential ● easy_install -U pip ● pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper ● requirements file ○ local ○ test ○ production

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The Fountain Analogy

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Some of Django

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Some of Django

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Installation & Getting Started ● pip install -r requirements/test.txt ● pip install -r requirements/local.txt ● startproject djnotes ● python startapp noteapp -- settings=djnotes.settings.local

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Project Structure ├── djnotes │ └── settings ├── noteapp │ ├── migrations │ ├── templates │ └── tests ├── static │ ├── css │ ├── img │ └── js │ ├── lib │ └── modules └── templates

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Settings File ● Settings under version control ● Use Relative Path ○ no hardcoded paths eg. /home/betaversion/... ● Keep secret keys Secret ● Different Settings for different environment ● Custom Middlewares & ContextProcessors in a try catch block ● is an AntiPattern

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Some more of Django ● Views - Presentation Logic ● Models - Business Logic ● Templates - Presentation Layer

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RTF Code

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Intro to TDD ● Unit vs Integration Test ● Test Runner ● What all to test? Detailed Article(s) on TDD Slides from my PyCon talk on TDD

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Run Some Tests

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Read Some Tests

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Some minimal best practices ● Models ○ The database fields should be names as first_name and NOT FirstName. ○ The database table names(class names) should be named as ClassNames and not class_names ○ There should be a unicode method for each of the classes.

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Some minimal best practices ● Templates ○ One base.html at the project level, and one base. html at each of the app levels. ○ App level base.html should extend the project level base.html ○ The variable in templates should have spaces between the name and bracket. Eg. {{ variable }} and NOT {{variable}}

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Some minimal best practices ● urls ○ design pretty urls ■ use slugs instead of primary keys ○ Each of the urls should have a name, corresponding to the view name. ○ There should be one at the project level, and one at each app level. The project level urls. py should include each of the under a prefix. Further Reading

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Thanks & Questions gmail - gamebit07 at gmail dot com twitter - @gamebit07