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Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez [email protected] o ffi ce: 14 -227 CSC 508/9 Software Engineering (Design & Deployment) Lecture 01. Course Presentation

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First n a me L a st n a me Dr. J a vier Gonz a lez-S a nchez j a viergs@c a www.j a Contact Information

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Where Am I from?

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www.j a a ching/ At CSU: Softw a re Engineering (CSC 307, 308, 309, 508, 509) Hum a n-Computer Inter a ction Topics (CSC 570) Teaching

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Context Rosalind Picard MIT MediaLab Winslow Burleson University of Arizona PhD Advisor 
 HCI Affective Computing 1997 
 SW Engineering Self- Adaptive Systems David Garlan Carnegie Mellon PhD Committee Member

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Your Turn • Wh a t is your n a me (or how you go by it)? • Are you pro f icient in Softw a re Engineering? • Wh a t is Your experience developing softw a re (internships, person a l projects, h a ck a thons, others)?

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Course Content

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Software Engineering Undergr a du a te Course on Softw a re Engineering (307 or 308 + 309) • Found a tion a l concepts, tools, a nd techniques. • Prep a ring students for entry-level positions in the industry • Follow est a blished processes • Developing well-de f ined softw a re a pplic a tions • Emph a sis is on te a mwork Gr a du a te Course on Softw a re Engineering (508 + 509) • Speci a lized topics “ a dv a nced” softw a re a rchitecture, distributed systems, model-driven engineering, cutting-edge rese a rch a nd emerging technologies. • A hint of le a dership roles • Theory, rese a rch, a nd innov a tion –students a re expected to explore “complex” problems. • Self-le a rning, critic a l thinking, a nd the a bility to synthesize inform a tion from multiple sources • Projects a re open-ended 10

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Together but not Scrambled

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This is About Engineering

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Code is meant for human consumption 13

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Topics 14 Deployment Softw a Testing Coding, Progr a Developing Softw a Design Requirement Engineering [+]

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Tools 15

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This Course 16

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This is About Engineering 17

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Design 18 VS

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Blueprint 20 Parts  Classes and Interfaces + Relationships  Connections

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Relationships 21 Association Directed Association Reflexive Association Multiplicity Aggregation Composition Generalization Realization

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Relationships 22 Association Directed Association Reflexive Association Multiplicity Aggregation Composition Generalization Realization To be Continued

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Guidelines 24

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Guidelines 25

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Guidelines 26

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Guidelines 27

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Agenda (in no particular order) 28 Main Topics 1 Fundamentals and Research Background 2 Information Hiding 3 Interconnection and Decoupling 4 Software Architecture 5 Patterns 6 User Interfaces (Views) 7 Frameworks, Platforms, and APIs 8 Model-Driven Development

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Grading 29

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References • Research Papers posted on Canvas • Recommended Books: 31

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Environment 35

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Calling for Software Engineers SDK Frameworks General Solutions Quality

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Homework • Cre a te a Te a m (3 or 4 members) • Think a bout a project

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CSC 509 Software Engineering Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ph.D. [email protected] Fall 2024 Copyright. These slides can only be used as study material for the class CSC509 at Cal Poly. They cannot be distributed or used for another purpose.