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Collections Framework Beginners guide II HASUNUMA Kenji [email protected]

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What's Collections? • Major data structures • Basic algorithm • Simple and flexible design • e.g. Concurrency, Hazelcast • packaged in java.util.*

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Algorithm and Data structures

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Basic concepts Algorithm Data structures

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Basic concepts Algorithm Data structures Collections Collection Map

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Data structures Collection Map Set List Queue Deque Elements are • Unordered • No duplicate • Sequential Access key and value pairs (Hash variable) Elements are • Ordered • May duplicate • Random Access Elements are • Ordered • May duplicate • Sequential Access Collection of values

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Set List Deque Map Hash Table HashSet -- -- HashMap Resizable Array -- ArrayList ArrayDeque -- Balanced Tree TreeSet -- -- TreeMap Linked List -- LinkedList LinkedList -- Hash Table + Linked List Linked HashSet -- -- Linked HashMap

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Hash Table Sequantial Access Slow Random Access Fastest Insert/Delete Fastest Resizable Array Sequantial Access Fast (size dependent) Random Access Fast (size dependent) Insert/Delete Slow Balanced Tree Sequantial Access Medium Random Access Medium Insert/Delete Fast (constant) Linked List Sequantial Access Fast (size dependent) Random Access Slow Insert/Delete Fast (size dependent)

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How to select the type

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How to select the type 1. Basic type
 e.g. String, Integer, BigDecimal 2. Type of data structure
 e.g. Set, List, Deque, Map 3. Implement of data structure
 e.g. HashSet, TreeSet, ArrayList, LinkedList, ArrayDeque, HashMap, TreeMap

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#1: String, unordered, no duplicated 1. Basic type : String 2. Data structure : Set 3. Implement : HashSet Set set = new HashSet<>();

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#2: int, ordered, random access 1. Basic type : Integer (as int) 2. Data structure : List 3. Implement : ArrayList List list = new ArrayList<>();

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#3: String, ordered, random access, insert or remove frequently 1. Basic type : String 2. Data structure : List 3. Implement : LinkedList List list = new LinkedList<>();

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Basic operations

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Methods of Collection • boolean add(E e) • boolean remove(Object o) • boolean isEmpty() • int size() • void clear() • T toArray(T[] a)

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Methods of List • boolean add(int index, E element) • E get(int index) • E set(int index, E element) • int remove(int index) • int indexOf(Object o) • int lastIndexOf(Object o) For Random Access

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Methods of Deque • boolean offer(E element) • boolean add(E element) w/Exception • E poll() • E remove() w/Exception • E peek() • E element() w/Exception As Queue

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Methods of Deque • void push(E element) • E pop() • E peek() As Stack

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Methods of Map • V get(Object key) • V getOrDefault(Object key, V value) • V put(K key, V value) • V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) • V replace(K key, V value) • V remove(Object key)

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Methods of Map • Set keySet() • Collection values() • boolean containsKey(Object key) • boolean containsValue(Object value) • int size() • void clear()

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Algorithm : Collections Provides general algorithms: • Sort and shuffle elements (List) • Reverse, fill and copy elements (List) • Binary search (List) • Minimum, maximum and frequency • Create synchronized or read only collection • and more...

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enhanced for statement • for (UnannType var : expr) stmt • var : an element of expr • expr : Collection or Array • Get an element from expr iteratively and set it to var, then do stmt

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// Example #1: // print any elements in the List // to upper case every lines. List list = new ArrayList<>(); ... for (String s : list) { // show elements (to upper case) System.out.println(s.toUpperCase()); }

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// Example #2: // print any elements in the Set // to upper case every lines. Set set = new HashSet<>(); ... for (String s : set) { // show elements (as upper case) System.out.println(s.toUpperCase()); }

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Bulk operations

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Basic concepts Algorithm Data structures Collections Collection Map

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Basic concepts Algorithm Data structures Collections Collection Map Stream

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Collection and Stream API Collection Stream stream() collect() Data structure Operators for whole collection Terminal Operations <> <>

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Stream as Set operators (intermediate operations) Method Role as Set operator filter condition map mapping values (a.k.a. production) distinct reducing duplication sorted sorting values concat union with another set limit truncation of values

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Stream as Set operators (terminal operations) Method Role as Set operator reduce general purpose totaling min minimum of values max maximum of values count count of values anyMatch whether any values match condition allMatch whether all values match condition noneMatch whether no value match condition

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// Example // Create a view from the result of Twitter4J Twitter twitter = TwitterFactory.getSingleton(); // snip QueryResult result =; List statuses = result.getTweets(); List tweets = // to Stream (Set operations) .filter(s -> s.getCreateAt().after(SOME_DAY)) .map(Tweet::new) // Convert Status to Tweet .distinct() // Maybe, Stream has duplicates .sort() // Sort by default order (prepare) .limit(10) // Restrict 10 values from head .collect(Collectors.toList); // List

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Concurrency • Never synchronized (spec.) • Make collections thread-safe: • Synchronized by Collections • Using concurrency collections (java.util.concurrent.*) *recommend*

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Old collections • Vector, Hashtable, Stack • Fixed to parts of collections:
 e.g. Vector -> List, Hashtable -> Map • Different behavior from standards: • Synchronized • Not allowed to add/put null

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Array • Fixed Array • Array • Resizable Array • Vector (now replaced ArrayList)

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Definition of Array • T [ ] identifier = new T [ size ] ; • T : primitives or classes • T [ ] : assumed a class • e.g. String[] names = new String[3];

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Initialization of Array 1. String[] names = new String[] {
 “Able”, “Baker”, “Charlie” }; 2. String[] names = new String[3];
 String[0] = “Able”;
 String[1] = “Baker”;
 String[2] = “Charlie”;

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Using Array • Access by index: String name = names[0]; // get “Able”
 names[0] = “Alfa”; // set “Alfa” • Obtain the length: // Output ‘3’ to the console

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Array and Collection • Array to List: List list = 
 Arrays.asList(names); • List (Collection) to Array: String[] names = 
 list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

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More Array.asList • Arrays.asList method accepts variable arguments, so … List list = Arrays.asList(
 “Able”, “Baker”, “Charlie”);

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Collections Framework Beginners guide II HASUNUMA Kenji [email protected]