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Build your first smart contract Giovanni Toraldo GDG DevFest Pisa 2023 1st April 2023

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About me DevOps Engineer @ Hyland ● Alfresco BDU ● Ansible playbook ● Helm charts Open Source enthusiast Medieval reenactor during the weekends 🎯 Twitter: @gionn

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What is a cryptocurrency ● A digital currency that uses cryptography for security and integrity ● Decentralized, not controlled by any central authority ● Transactions are recorded on a distributed public ledger (blockchain) ○ provide users with a high degree of privacy and anonymity, as transactions are pseudonymous and do not require personal identification ● Offer lower transaction fees (but it depends) ● Anyone can start receiving currency just by running a software ○ For sending most of the times you need a third party to exchange your FIAT money

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Total crypto market cap, a result of 12,301 cryptocurrencies tracked across 666 exchanges.

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Introduction to Bitcoin ● first and most well-known cryptocurrency ○ Born in October 2008 as a research paper ○ Release v0.1 in early January 2009 as OSS ● Limited supply: 21 millions ○ Inflation halvening ● Decentralized consensus: Proof-Of-Work ○ Easy to validate for everyone ○ Hard to generate ■ Each new block generates fresh Bitcoins ● Each transaction requires a fee depending on the network congestion ○ Block size limited, finite number of TX in each block, block emission requires time

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Bitcoin desktop screenshot

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Programming Bitcoin: Script ● Stack-based programming language ● Not Turing-complete (no loops) ● Foundation for transactions validation ○ Overspending ○ Requires 1 or more valid signatures ○ Time-lock ● These limitations was a design choice in order to: ○ Have predictable execution times ○ Avoid deadlocks / infinite loops ○ High security ○ Low hardware requirements

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Introduction to Ethereum ● 2nd crypto as market capitalization ● Network up since 2015 ● Unlimited supply (new eth distributed for each block) ○ Deflationary since 15 September 2022: transactions fees exceeding a threshold get burnt ● Decentralized consensus: Proof-Of-Stake (since 15 September 2022) ○ One random validator randomly selected from the pool propose the next block transactions ■ Requires 32 ETH staked ■ Get punished if bad behaviour detected by other nodes ● Each transaction requires a fee depending on the network congestion ○ Block size limited, finite number of TX in each block, block emission with fixed cadency

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Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ● Ethereum is not just a blockchain ● Imagine a computer that everyone in the network can: ○ Have access to its state contents (storage) ○ Ask for a computation that can optionally alter the state ● Requests for computation are transactions ○ Consume gas to be evaluated that is paid by the requester ■ throwing an exception requires evaluation ○ There is a cap on gas usage known before broadcasting ● Code for computations has to be deployed before it can be evaluated

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Use Cases for Ethereum Smart Contracts ● Decentralized finance (DeFi) ○ lending platforms, decentralized exchanges, stablecoins ○ no need for trusted intermediaries like banks, users can provide liquidity while keeping custody of funds (code is law) ● Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) - ownership of a unique content ○ Digital art, game assets, physical world objects ○ Tradable on dedicated marketplaces ● Whatever is supposed to be public, verifiable by third parties, immutable

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Dapp example:

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Dapp example:

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Dapp example:

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Interact with dapps via browser ● Install a browser extension for wallets ● Generate a new wallet using 24 seed words ○ Multiple derived address ● Buy gas necessary to pay transactions ○ Test networks has free faucets ● Connect to a web3 website ● Interact with the UI ● Emit a transaction via browser

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Example transaction: gas usage and input data

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Beware of scams ⚠ World is full of bad people and blockchain made very easy to run away with other people money. ● Do not use on google search sponsored links ○ Rely on saved bookmarks ● Do not enter seed words in any other place than your wallet first setup ● Do not save seed words on an internet connected device ● Do not interact with DM and replies with URL on socials and chats ● Beware of the other standard scam vectors ○ Domain typosquatting ○ Phishing emails ● Verify that the transactions you made are against the expected contracts

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Smart Contracts on Ethereum ● Solidity code (compiled) can be deployed on Ethereum ⇒ contract created ● Each contract has (like a wallet): ○ An unique address ○ A balance in ETH ● Each contract has: ○ State (variables, constants) ○ Callable functions ■ Alter the state (requires a tx) ■ View only (query the state without a tx) ● Functions can: ○ Make computations ○ Alter the contract state ○ Call other contracts external functions

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Once a Smart contract is created ● Only the bytecode is always available ● Sources can be optionally uploaded on Blockchain Explorers ● To interact with deployed contracts the ABI must be known ○ List all the available functions and corresponding parameters ○ Generated by the compiler as an artifact ● Contracts are immutable (!) ○ Migrate state from the old to the new contract ○ Separate data and business logic ○ Proxy pattern ● No concurrency issues - transaction are serialized within a block ● A transaction can succeed or fail

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Solidity programming language ● Object-oriented ○ Inheritance ○ Standard types (boolean, int, string, array) ○ User-defined types (struct and enum) ○ Functions visibility and ● Statically typed ● Errors handling (revert transaction when error raised) ● Events ● Calls other contracts (any!)

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Solidity storage simplest example

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ERC-20 (standard token) example (from openzeppelin)

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ERC-20: transfer (private function)

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Introduction to Hardhat development environment ● Javascript-based ○ npm install --dev hardhat ○ npx hardhat ● Tasks oriented framework ○ Clean, Compile, Test, Run ● Plugin architecture ● Vscode integration ● Simple folders structure ○ contracts: solidity sources ○ test: mocha/chai tests ○ scripts: plain javascript automation

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Create a new Hardhat project ● mkdir src/myproject ● npm init -y ● npm install --save-dev hardhat

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Hardhat demo contract

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Writing tests with Mocha ● Automated testing is more critical than ever ○ Ensure that code behave in the expected manner ○ Ensure that all the inputs are sanitized ○ Ensure errors are handled as expected ● A bug in your code can have disastrous consequences: ○ March 2023: Euler lost 200M for a bug in a function to donate dust to the protocol

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Test state after deployment

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Test transaction revert or succeed

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Test the transfer happens once the lock expires

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Deploy script (network agnostic)

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Run HardHat test network ● Spin up a fully functional blockchain in memory that is compatible with Ethereum / EVM

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Common security issues ● Attack vectors common also in other platforms: ○ Business logic errors ○ Rounding errors ○ Uninitialized variables ○ Unsanitized input variables ● Reentrancy attacks ○ Calling an external contract that recursively calls your contract which postpone state update ○ To avoid it, change state before calling external contracts (Check-Effects-Interactions) ○ Executing a transfer is actually calling an external contract ○ Reentrancy is not an issue if the effects are the same of calling the function N times

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Reentrancy bug example

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OpenZeppelin Opensource secure contracts library - ● Implementations of standards like ERC20 and ERC721 ● Role-based permission schemes (onlyOwner) ● Other secure components: ○ SafeMath (avoid overflows) ○ Payments splitter ○ Proxy (upgradable contracts) ○ Pausable ○ ReentrancyGuard

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Ownable library example

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Linters and static analysis tools Tools that are easily integrated into an hardhat project: ● Solhint: ○ Code style guide (mixedCase function names, underscore prefix for internal variables, …) ○ Best practices (max line length, cyclomatic complexity, …) ○ Basic security issues detection (missing visibility in a function, simple reentrancy) ● Slither: static analysis to detect vulnerable code ○ They maintain a list of hacks that could have been prevented if using the tool

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More links ● ● ●

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Thanks! (have you found the fish?)